How Do You Feel About Men with Long Hair?


New Member
I was watching E! News not too long ago and they were saying that the newest trend in the men's hair now is long hair. They were talking in particular about the white male celebrities, such as Orlando Bloom and Colin Farrell. We all know that there are many brothers with nice looking long hair out there, too.

Most of us know how men feel about long hair on women. They love it. :lol: I was wondering how you all feel about men with long hair. I have never dated a man with long hair before. I have seen some men of all races that can rock long hair, while looking clean cut and sexy. My brother and two of my cousins are just a few of them (all three of them had APL in cornrows/braids).

Women tend to be less shallow when it comes to sizing up men. We will look past a lot of flaws and material things when we are deciding on a man; whereas they tend to make their initial decision on our appearance. But I'm really not sure how I would feel being with a man with hair longer than mine.

So how do you all feel about it? Is long hair on men a turn off or a turn on?
Or do you feel that it is best left to celebrities and models? And have any of you encouraged your men to grow their hair long?

I know... a lot of questions, right. :grin:
I've always been attracted to bald headed men but I dated a guy this past summer that had really pretty, smooth chocolate skin with the most beautiful long black shiny naturally wavy hair---he was kinda thuggish :look: but it was fun while it lasted.
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I'm partial to white guys and I don't like their hair any longer than something just brushing their shoulders. I actually prefer it shorter than that.
I don't really mind long hair on men, in general-- but I prefer my husband's hair kept short. He has these cowlicks that make his hair head off in weird directions:lol: His hair would definitely overwelm him.:lol: and me.

But, I do like long natural hair (dreds, braids, fros) though as long as its neat. A man with a relaxer or pressed straight is another story for me:eek: :lol:

edited b/c I can't type scrait.:lol:
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Depends on the man. There is this one really cute, really nice, really *short* (lawd me no likey short men) white guy I work with who has the prettiest hair. Its long and black,(a lil below bra strap :lol: )and he has no split ends. I know he conditions it and stuff but I've never actually asked what he uses. He keeps his ends nice. Straight too. (He and his hair) :lol: I've seen other men (and women) who have long hair that looks like a rats mess. Jason Momoa on stargate sg1 is sexxy fione with his long dreds. :) Basically, if its well groomed and well taken care of I think they can get away with it.
I LOVE it on Black Men! It's so sexy too me... I don't even know why. I'm with SistaSlick though... it has to be natural, none of that relaxer/curl or s-curl mess!

I love some braids... I cried when Mario cut his lol, and nice neat dreads!
I have no problem with men who want to grown their hair longer. However, when it comes down to a relationship, I don't want a man who has longer hair than mine (Now what would I look like running my fingers through his hair as I stand up on a chair) :lachen: . I refuse to be in competition with him.

I can see it now, "No, my hair is longer than yours." "But my hair is healthier than yours." Night time would come and we probably would both end up sleeping with one eye open for fear of a secret clipping...:arguing:
to be honest i dont like men with long hair or braids period went i met my boyfriend 2 & half yrs ago he had braids and i explained to him how i felt and he cut them off but he like his haircuts and so do i;)
This man is the sexiest with his long hair!
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CinnaMocha said:
I have no problem with men who want to grown their hair longer. However, when it comes down to a relationship, I don't want a man who has longer hair than mine (Now what would I look like running my fingers through his hair as I stand up on a chair) :lachen: . I refuse to be in competition with him.

I can see it now, "No, my hair is longer than yours." "But my hair is healthier than yours." Night time would come and we probably would both end up sleeping with one eye open for fear of a secret clipping...:arguing:

CinnaMocha, you understand where I'm coming from! :lachen: Yeah, I could just picture those scenarios. Too funny!!! :lol: :lachen: :lol: :lachen:
My BF has long hair and I love it. After increasing his protein, it started to get too long - too fast and I did not like it so much. After he cut it down, I am in love with it again. It is about 2-3 inches past his shoulders and her puts it back.

I don't think it fits everyone. Some guys just have a look that makes it perfect for them. I have seen pictures of him with short hair and I prefer the ponytail.
CinnaMocha said:
I have no problem with men who want to grown their hair longer. However, when it comes down to a relationship, I don't want a man who has longer hair than mine (Now what would I look like running my fingers through his hair as I stand up on a chair) :lachen: . I refuse to be in competition with him.

I can see it now, "No, my hair is longer than yours." "But my hair is healthier than yours." Night time would come and we probably would both end up sleeping with one eye open for fear of a secret clipping...:arguing:

My man's hair is longer than mine, but we don't compete or anything. I enjoy playing with his hair anyway.
For the most part, I don't like longer hair on men. It just screams girly to me. But there are some exceptions. Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt(Legends of the Fall era). They all look gorgeous with longer hair.

I guess the fact that they're all beautiful movies stars helps too!:lol: Most regular Joes just can't seem to pull it off for some reason!
HairPhoenix said:
I checked out the link and... Ooooh, he is definitely a HOT one. :lick: Especially in those suits!! Um, um, UMM!!! :love: I like to look but would I date him? :scratchch: (As if I even have a chance...)

He is beautiful! Inside and out:)
I have a "thing" for men with long hair. :look: It depends somewhat on the man's features, but if he's the type who can wear it, I turn into a puddle at the very sight. That's part of the reason I squealed over Johnny Depp even more than usual in Pirates of the Caribbean.

~R. :Rose:
I like long nice dreds on some men. But other than that oddly I don't like men to have long hair. I like clean cuts.
CinnaMocha said:
I have no problem with men who want to grown their hair longer. However, when it comes down to a relationship, I don't want a man who has longer hair than mine (Now what would I look like running my fingers through his hair as I stand up on a chair) :lachen: . I refuse to be in competition with him.

I can see it now, "No, my hair is longer than yours." "But my hair is healthier than yours." Night time would come and we probably would both end up sleeping with one eye open for fear of a secret clipping...:arguing:

:lachen: That is hilarious..."secret clipping"

In general, I don't have a problem with men that have long hair.
But when it comes to a love interest, I do NOT like men with long hair. It's a total turnoff to me to the point that I can think he is attractive, but his hair will make me go the other direction. I like a nice fade, maybe waves, but jheri & S-curls, perms, braids, 'fros, dreads...:nono: It's just not for me. I don't like bald heads either...especially since my dad is bald. It looks good on him, but I would be kind of weirded out with my dad and my man having the same look, hair wise. Strange, I know, but everybody's got their own little hangups, and hair happens to be one of mine. I'm forgiving of some things about men, but height & hair are NOT on the list.:lol:
ChildlikeEmpress said:
I have a "thing" for men with long hair. :look: It depends somewhat on the man's features, but if he's the type who can wear it, I turn into a puddle at the very sight. That's part of the reason I squealed over Johnny Depp even more than usual in Pirates of the Caribbean.

~R. :Rose:

Is that you in your avatar? If it is... you look fabulous!!! :notworthy:
I like long hair on men, as long as its not greasy and scraggly. I really like long, nice dreads on my brothas. Very sexy. ;)
I love long hair on fine men! :love:

Recently, I ran into my ex-boyfriend who had long and beautiful wavy/curly hair when we were together. He had cut most of it off! :eek: and it was completely straight. I asked him what happened to all of that gorgeous hair and he said that he cut it off when I broke up w/ him, :mad: but, would grow it back for me. He's incredibly handsome regardless of the length of his hair. :grin: