"Men don't care about long hair!"


Well-Known Member
I just got back from the salon after my latest weave install. My husband wasn't too thrilled that I got another sew-in...not because he doesn't like weaves. But because he knows I'm wearing weaves to grow my hair and he thinks my hair is long enough right now.

He tells me that many guys think shoulder length is long, and growing my hair to my waist is unnecessary if I think it's going to make me more attractive. If anything, he says, long hair will make men think a woman is high maintenance because she has to do a lot to maintain it. Plus he already knows I'll be bunning it up during the week once I reach my goal, so he thinks I wouldn't be able to really enjoy all that hair anyway LOL

He thinks women should grow their hair as long as they want, but not because they think it will make them more attractive to men. According to him, most men are content with shoulder length--the longest would be the middle of her back.

**He never whined or complained in a negative way. He was trying to tell me he loves me the way I am right now.

Has anyone else gotten contradictory commentary from men about their long hair? Does anyone else have a significant other that doesn't understand your hair goals? Do men still love super long hair?
No lol different men want different things but most guys I know l I keep long hair that's either growing from you scalp or looking like it does especially if the hair grazes your booty lol
I think for the most part men admire hair that looks nice and well maintained.IMO men are simplistic in the sense where they are not thinking of our hair like that, as long as it looks good they'll be ok. Yes there are men that love long hair, however I don't think men are seeking out women with super long hair as requirement in order to date them....at least from what I know.

My fiance thinks I do too much to my hair, he doesn't think it's that serious since he is used to seeing long hair because in his culture the women tend to have long hair anyway. He told me if I ever cut my hair, he'd live lol.
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It depends on the man. My SO likes long hair that's yours. Even when i had thin wispy ends he wanted me to keep them, oh well i chopped it off and he admitted it looked way better. I think he is starting to see healthy looks so much better than butt length hair with frayed ends. He even told a co worker she had hell if splits. She said i know, i really need to cut them and looked embarrassed smh.
OP, my dh sounds exactly like yours,:lol:

He DOES NOT care for long hair AT ALL, at least on me. I am never one to say all men like or don't like something, but perhaps your Dh doesn't care for the extra hair.

This reminds me of when I was getting my hair blown out and it was a little past BSL. I tried to impress Dh with all the hair I had grown and his response was :look:. He prefers me in short hair or in a bun. He also thinks long hair is high maintence on a woman. Different strokes for different folks.

To be honest, I am glad he doesn't care because I can grow my hair to NL, SL, APL and he wouldn't even care, lol. I never have to worry about him leaving if I decide to cut it a little bit.
My FH would have a heart attack if he heard I was cutting my hair. He prefers long hair. Probably because he never saw me with short hair.
OP, my dh sounds exactly like yours,:lol:

He DOES NOT care for long hair AT ALL, at least on me. I am never one to say all men like or don't like something, but perhaps your Dh doesn't care for the extra hair.

This reminds me of when I was getting my hair blown out and it was a little past BSL. I tried to impress Dh with all the hair I had grown and his response was :look:. He prefers me in short hair or in a bun. He also thinks long hair is high maintence on a woman. Different strokes for different folks.

To be honest, I am glad he doesn't care because I can grow my hair to NL, SL, APL and he wouldn't even care, lol. I never have to worry about him leaving if I decide to cut it a little bit.

My SO is like this too.
He has been so attached to this chin length bob (protective wig style) I've been sporting. The other week he commented on a friend of mine copying "my style"...I'm like babe, I didn't invent the bob...smh. lol
DH would be happy if I cut off my BSL hair and went with him and the boys to the barbershop to maintain a TWA. He thinks long hair takes too much time and product.
I can't speak for all men, but from what I've encountered with regards to my hair,I think they prefer healthy, real hair. Especially hair that is thick and shiny. I have had hair all different lengths, natural, relaxed etc... And as long as it was healthy & not chewed up; they were pleased
my guy much prefers long hair. by miles.

but i think he prefers it straight than anything else :/ i had a pixie and while he wasn't happy with it he much preferred it over my twa, even though they were the same length :/
My husband couldn't care less about hair. I had a fade when we met and he also did my most recent BCs. He likes my hair neat and otherwise couldn't care less. My sister's husband is the opposite. He can't stand for her to cut her hair.
I don't think it's so much men don't like long hair as much as it's they don't like seeing how much work goes into long hair. I do think your DH saying SL is long to men is correct though.

My SO does think I spend too much time on my hair but he's just glad I have some (I'm an alopecia survivor). He's only current stipulations for my hair are that I don't shave it bald or get locs.
My Hubby hates seeing long strands if hair in the bathroom or shower but he likes it long... He likes real hair too and hates extensions or braid extensions
I've never known a man who didn't like long hair. Not saying that they expect every woman to have long hair but a man who will say, That woman with naturally long healthy hair should cut it off, I'd like her better with short hair... I haven't heard that. But maybe that's because I've always had long hair so men always say how much they love & say not to cut it.

I have heard men who like shorter styles on certain women because it complimented her features or bone structure. Long hair doesn't fit everybody, like Halle berry IMO. But would a man not date Halle Berry because she had long hair...
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DH sounds like yours. He doesn't like or rather care for long hair. He likes short hair.

I'm tempted to cut it back to BSL from MBL, but because I want to not because he wants me too. He just agreed when I said I wanted too.
I just got back from the salon after my latest weave install. My husband wasn't too thrilled that I got another sew-in...not because he doesn't like weaves. But because he knows I'm wearing weaves to grow my hair and he thinks my hair is long enough right now.

He tells me that many guys think shoulder length is long, and growing my hair to my waist is unnecessary if I think it's going to make me more attractive. If anything, he says, long hair will make men think a woman is high maintenance because she has to do a lot to maintain it. Plus he already knows I'll be bunning it up during the week once I reach my goal, so he thinks I wouldn't be able to really enjoy all that hair anyway LOL

He thinks women should grow their hair as long as they want, but not because they think it will make them more attractive to men. According to him, most men are content with shoulder length--the longest would be the middle of her back.

**He never whined or complained in a negative way. He was trying to tell me he loves me the way I am right now.

Has anyone else gotten contradictory commentary from men about their long hair? Does anyone else have a significant other that doesn't understand your hair goals? Do men still love super long hair?

It takes time to properly care for a woman's hair no matter what length it may be (even Florida Evans took the time to keep her afro tight). Besides, what woman wants to be perceived as being low maintenance?
It takes time to properly care for a woman's hair no matter what length it may be (even Florida Evans took the time to keep her afro tight). Besides, what woman wants to be perceived as being low maintenance?

Exactly! I did spend a lot more time on my short Halle Berry cut and my bob styles though. On my hip length hair when I was younger and now my waist length hair, I can do it once every 2 weeks then throw that junk in a ponytail/bun and call it a day. My husband didn't seem too invested in any length....or so I thought...until the other day I said my daughter wanted to cut her hair back short. He was like nah...I want her hair to be long and down her back just like yours.
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IDK about all that. Everytime I've gone to cut my hair, I've known a man or several in my life who were very upset. With my big chop a couple thought I went bald, not just cut off the relaxed hair. Either way most to all men I know like hair.
DH would flip if I cut my hair too short, above my shoulders. He literally stood over the stylist who first cut my hair when I went natural.....his own long time stylist. lol
Men like long hair, as long as it is clean and looks well-kept.

I always got way more male attention with BSL- MBL hair than when my hair was at collarbone or shorter.
IMO I get much more attention from DH and random men on the street with long, straight hair than if I put it up in a bun. I'd say most men care. Maybe not this long, but SL and beyond yes. Especially if its real hair. At least that's what I've seen.

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My DH definitely prefers my hair long vs. short. Even when I had long tattered damaged hair he loved it… All men are different.
DH loves my hair. The men in my family all love long hair. Even my little cousin was mad at me when I BC'd. They're all happy it's long again.
My DH is the type that could careless. When I first met him I had bsl-mbl tracks, and when the time came for me to remove them I then revealed my shoulder-length hair (at the time). He didn't seemed impressed either way and one day I finally asked him what was his length preference....he stated "It doesn't matter as long as the hair looks good" (by "good" I'm guessing he meant "well-kept").

The only thing I can say he doesn't like is up-do's. Other than that...he wouldn't care if I'm rocking a low-ceasar fade...it is what it is with him. Smdh...

Sent from Atop of my throne, in a kingdom where long-haired bad b**ches rule ;)
My husband really likes my most recent bc... He thought my long hair was too high maintanence. Cause I always "needed" different products or tools (blush). He was also scared to touch it because I was so obsessed with growing/protecting it.

But I had a complete stranger tell someone else he missed my hair & complained that I never should have cut it.

A few others complemented my new cut rather... Um... Heavily.
I think it's subjective.

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Not all men are the same. Some like long, some short, some natural, some weave. That is like a man saying women don't like men who have waves. For every one that couldn't care less there is someone who gets weak in the knees.

Beauty is subjective and no one is universally beautiful. There is no secret formula.
My SO hasn't mentioned my hair once in our 2.5 years.:lol

I told him about wigging it at the start and he said he doesn't care. As long as I look cute. I just think he loves me so my hair isn't a bother.

I'm sure he would love real, natural, perfect blow in the wind hair, but not enough for him to bug me about it.
Based on the conversations I've had with the guys I know, for the most part, guys just don't think too much about hair; they react to it viscerally and simply use it as a visual clue about the woman underneath it. It is not a deal-breaker for most as long as it is healthy and well-groomed and adds to the woman's overall attractiveness.

With that being said, if you make them think about it, you will get something along the following:
  1. As far as length is concerned, most men do prefer longer hair that is low maintenance. If the girl doesn't have to do much (or anything) other than a little shampoo and conditioner and run a comb through it once in a while, then they love it. This is especially true if they are able to run their hands through it whenever they want, and have access to it during sexy times.
  2. Men aren't too particular about texture, as long as the hair is soft and touchable. Men like to caress a woman's hair; it's one of the few ways they will show physical affection that is not overly sexual in nature, and they like being with a woman that allows him that kind of intimacy. This I think is the most important thing to them over length.