How do you feel about members creating their own sites and charging?


New Member
It's prolly stepping on some toes, but I don't like it. We all were given a wealth of information on hair, health, wealth, and more. They include some GREAT tips to get you to your goal, but do you think it's right to basically paraphrase that info and make a profit off of it?

Maybe I'm just bitter. lol Broke college student tsk tsk. I need to make some money too lol. But it just doesn't seem that's the way to do it.
I don't really care one way or the other; they ain't getting my business, so *kanyeshrug*

Although I do feel as though the people paying for those sites can get all that info (and more) for free, that's on them.
On one hand I think it's shady but on the other hand it's like they gotta do them so i don't know. Maybe I"m just hating too cause I ain't think of it. Oh well... All I know is I'm not subscribing to any other place than LHCF. Especially if they are more expensive
I don't have that much of a problem with it. I haven't paid for any site but this site. If they charge and people pay thats on the people paying. I mean really how much do you need to know. Everything needed is on this board.

Whos charging? I must have missed something.:look:
I noticed this trend, but hey, we live in a capitalist country. They ain't gettin' none of my money, so I don't really care one way or the other.

NOBODY'S site can offer as much info as LHCF, so "whatever".
It's a slippery slope.
I understand that if you are very coveted and people keep PMing you for advice, and I mean ALOT of people and it's taking a toll on you, then it's fair to charge. I think it's fair, but fair is not always the better thing to do. I don't know if it's ethical to charge for info that you got for free, I really don't. But I understand it. Sometimes it may be necessary. I don't want to pass judgment though, because I don't know what I would do in the situation honestly.
What?! It's just a question :ohwell:. Aint like anyone is going to go out and close their sites because of it. I just wondered what was the general opinion on this.
I don't really care one way or the other; they ain't getting my business, so *kanyeshrug*

Although I do feel as though the people paying for those sites can get all that info (and more) for free, that's on them.
That is sooo true and well worded. It's up to a person to explore their options. Knowledge is always right under your nose.

I'll b back later to check on this thread. I'm getting Mexican food :lick:
It's prolly stepping on some toes, but I don't like it. We all were given a wealth of information on hair, health, wealth, and more. They include some GREAT tips to get you to your goal, but do you think it's right to basically paraphrase that info and make a profit off of it?

Maybe I'm just bitter. lol Broke college student tsk tsk. I need to make some money too lol. But it just doesn't seem that's the way to do it.

Yes. If they spent the energy paraphrasing and want to be paid for their efforts, good for them.
For what:lachen:? Do I need to get out the popcorn?
Well...eyebrows do raise...but they have every right to.

This site will remain one of the largest, most in depth ones for a decent fee, and it isn't going anywhere. If people want to choose a larger payment for another site for whatever they feel they may get there that they aren't here, they have every right to!

I browse other sites also and like to see what other people are doing as well as a different board dynamic (and find many members from here, too!) but this is the only one I'm going to be paying for. :) The main haircare board is lurkable and the info is free! But stuff that pops off in OT and the people who will PM you the scoop even if they don't know you from Adam is soo worth it.
On one hand, I'm not going to knock anyone's hustle, but on the other it's too easy to get the information for free to justify the hustle to me. This is only my second year subscribing to LHCF but even with just lurking I learned a lot.
I think its wack! lol...Im bringing old school phrases back....

They learned so much of what they know from HERE and so their goal has been met and they have recieved so many compliments/questions and they decide to then take allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll the stuff they learned for $5.00/6.50 and charge people an EXTRA piece of change to find out what they learned during their journey at lhcf....

I mean I understand their hustle....I guess I just dont respect it....

Its kinda like they are taking advantage of people.....naw...they are. Most of their traffic ( I would venture to guess) initally comes from this to have people pay extra to follow wack.

But then again I guess its like people who buy products...figure out how to make it and then sell their "new improved" version.

And if no one did it we wouldnt have variety...I suppose...I still think its wack though! lol

ETA: AND I think its dope that the OP started this thread! Because I was just thinking about this.....
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Doesn't bother me much. I found this site through a google search, and I was able to see everything without spending a dime. It's just when you want to respond, you pay..and I see no problem with pitching in for the site's upkeep. Like Natural Glow said, I'm not paying for any other sites.
In this recession? Get it how you can, honey.

I personally don't care one way or the other.
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No, it doesn't bother me at all. And here's why:

Person A: Psssst. I can get you from NL to MBL in 2 weeks - for a small fee, that is.....

Person B: How much?

Person A: Half your paycheck

Person B: Do you take Paypal?

Person A: Normally I don't, but for you?...........I'll make an exception.

In the above conversation, who walked away mad? Neither of them! It really IS a victimless "crime". :look:
I say make your money, if people are willing to pay for info. then there's nothing wrong with other people charging for said info. Some people are willing to pay instead of searching for the info. they're looking for.
American businesses do essentially the same thing and have for ever.

People work in X company and figure out how to put their own spin on the business and go out on their own.

It's the American way.

But I won't be subscribing anywhere else.
Nope, it's not wrong. I'm paying over 20k to go to cosmetology school, when I already took it in high that's wrong!!!! LOL :)

But really, people go to the hair recipe threads and make little oil concoctions that we could really make ourselves... they sell them...we buy them and market them!!!
I really want to say let us(AA) respect the black dollar by finding our own hustle and profiting, the others have done it for years. I certainly feel something about giving other tribes my money when I go to the beauty supply.
On the other hand, I'm not paying more money to see the same hair porn I can see here for my $6.50.
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Isn't LHCF a product of other, defunct hair boards? I just remember reading that the creators of this board were members of other boards, did not agree with how things were being run and felt as if they had an opportunity to create something that works a little better. Thank goodness for us, because where would be had someone not taken the initiative to take what they've learned to create this wonderful site? Well, I guess you could be on other hair boards- but still, LHCF, to me sets the standard and I am grateful for its existence.
I don't see anything wrong with asking for donations. I have given to a few blogs that I frequent every day and can find a wealth of information.

I won't pay $10 a month to (((insert name of website here))) because I'm already at the desired length and have pretty much all the information I need. If somebody wants one on one service, especially since some people ignore newbies here (don't look at me) or tell them to use the search option instead of answering their questions, then I can see where someone can get frustrated and want to pay that fee.

At the end of the day its up to each individual to pay or not to pay.

I will never gonna pay for info that i can get for free.
Taina, hate to put you on blast but you DID pay! LOL you paid $6.50!
It's prolly stepping on some toes, but I don't like it. We all were given a wealth of information on hair, health, wealth, and more. They include some GREAT tips to get you to your goal, but do you think it's right to basically paraphrase that info and make a profit off of it?

Maybe I'm just bitter. lol Broke college student tsk tsk. I need to make some money too lol. But it just doesn't seem that's the way to do it.

I'm a very broke college student too =(