How do you feel about allegedly benign exes?


I dated this guy in college about a million years ago, when I was out of state. Once I left, he stayed in contact calling me with conversations I felt were way mushier than what our relationship warranted. (Looking back on that stuff now and journal entries I wrote during that time, I actually believe now that I didn't give him enough credit. He was probably at least halfway sincere :look: :lol:)

It's been what... seven years? He has stayed in contact. He's wanted to visit me from time to time which we have for very small stretches of time - never anything over probably 30 minutes. Which WHY? We don't live in the same state. He keeps friending me on facebook over and over after I keep deleting him.

It's not that I have anything against him or anything I just don't see the point. I feel as though he is generally brusque to rude toward me, and we have never really tried to rekindle any relationship. We've talked about it, idly, but never any action toward it. Frankly, I just don't see the point, particularly if he's not saying "hey, let's be together or something" because, really, what is the point?

So he messaged me on fb today asking why I keep erasing him :lol:

I said why do I keep adding him again is a better question.

I just don't understand stuff like this.
lol, ignore that boy. I wouldn't want to stay in contact with someone who kept deleting me from FB + real life. He sounds weird.
I told him I have a hard time understanding why he wants to stay in contact and he said he believes we are still friends and he loves me. Now he's asking me to come visit, his treat.

He's always said he loved me, Idk why I don't believe it. Probably because he's not particularly f*cking nice to me.
I told him I have a hard time understanding why he wants to stay in contact and he said he believes we are still friends and he loves me. Now he's asking me to come visit, his treat.

He's always said he loved me, Idk why I don't believe it. Probably because he's not particularly f*cking nice to me.

Where does he live? Do you know other people in the area? Lol I just like going places.

Do you have a love-hate relationship with him or something? I'm just trying to figure out why he thinks you guys are friends.
He lives in a city I don't particularly want to go to (and don't know anyone there). Now if he'd have said Vegas I'm there in a heartbeat :lol:

I guess he thinks we're "friends" because we still talk and I haven't told him to piss off. That part doesn't confuse me so much as the part about why he keeps popping up wanting to see me and visit despite the distance, or why he refuses to let contact drop entirely to begin with. I can't see any agenda here... idk maybe there isn't one and thats ok.
I would unfriend him for good. If he's not particularly nice to you, I don't see the point either. Seems like a waste of time.
It's not that I have anything against him or anything I just don't see the point. I feel as though he is generally brusque to rude toward me, and we have never really tried to rekindle any relationship. We've talked about it, idly, but never any action toward it. Frankly, I just don't see the point, particularly if he's not saying "hey, let's be together or something" because, really, what is the point?

So he messaged me on fb today asking why I keep erasing him :lol:

I said why do I keep adding him again is a better question.

I just don't understand stuff like this.

Do you want him to say lets get together?
He's not nice to you?

So why do you entertain his foolishness then?

Block him, delete him, and erase him from your memory gurlll.
kind of sounds like he's keeping the door open.

wants to come visit, lay eyes on you and then go back to his regularly scheduled life.

I do that with distant relatives who are in nursing homes. go, see that they're still there, maybe eat a sandwich and then go home. see you in 9 months. love ya.
He lives in a city I don't particularly want to go to (and don't know anyone there). Now if he'd have said Vegas I'm there in a heartbeat :lol:

I guess he thinks we're "friends" because we still talk and I haven't told him to piss off. That part doesn't confuse me so much as the part about why he keeps popping up wanting to see me and visit despite the distance, or why he refuses to let contact drop entirely to begin with. I can't see any agenda here... idk maybe there isn't one and thats ok.
He probably wants to hang out and try his luck in bedding yoou .
ALL and I m saying ALL ,married and single,men i ve dated or talked to ,flirted ,in the past came back into my life at some point,,asking about my romantic situation ,whether i was happy ,started reminiscing about the good times and the bolder ones even tried the "i miss you " "i never met anyone like you " crap .
Honestly if you want to go out with him ,go but be prepared ,he probably wants sex .