Beautiful. I have mainly white friends simply due to where I'm located, and I constantly have to spread the knowledge on many things. I don't sugar-coat it, I don't try to make things look better than they seem, I honestly express why things are the way they are when it comes to skin, hair, economy, everything. You would be surprising about how shocked non-blacks are when something is explained to them. I don't think it's always their fault that they don't know - who would have previously told them? So I'm fine with being the first. Peaceful conversations lead to education.
My bestfriend is porcelain with long, blonde hair. The funny thing is at her wedding she got weave added, and I was so confused and asked her why, and she said it was because her hair was extremely thin. I simply said 'oh, I don't have that problem. Let's trade' (I'm SL) and we both just laughed. I hate divisiveness and defensiveness. I won't degrade myself or my ethnicity, but if anyone asks me "why is it hard for you to grow your hair out?" or "how do you manage your hair?" then I will kindly explain why the things they do with their hair don't necessarily translate to what I can do with mine. If they ever insult me, I understand it as ignorance and again, I kindly explain. If they refuse to listen, they aren't someone I'll have a follow-up conversation with, so I really don't care.
We can be on that soapbox together hahaha