How do people react to your hair now that it's longer?

ckisland, you have Halle Berry cheeks. Simply stunning! Your fade truly shows off your gorgeous facial features.

When you grow your hair back, you'll look equally stunning with a bun or high bun and big fierce earrings, :yep: The hair away from your face is truly striking!

ETA: I was just looking at AVI in your post up above.
ckisland, you have Halle Berry cheeks. Simply stunning! Your fade truly shows off your gorgeous facial features.

When you grow your hair back, you'll look equally stunning with a bun or high bun and big fierce earrings, :yep: The hair away from your face is truly striking!

ETA: I was just looking at AVI in your post up above.

I agree! It's the first thing I noticed in her before and after pics - how fresh, alive and present her features appeared to be in the after pic.
I get a TON of comments when I flat iron my hair (which is only 2-3 times a year). My hair is texlaxed with lots of shrinkage and I bun it up every day. I work in the operating room, so we keep our hair up and covered all day anyway. I am the only BW there so, I am surrounded by clear folks who all obviously believe in the old stereo type of black women can't grow hair. I have the second longest length there and I am just brushing BSL (which is actually closer to MBL as I wear my bra very low).

I stare at their hair all the time and most of them have such flat, limp, lifeless hair. Well, the last time I straightened my hair, we were sitting around chatting at lunch and one of the girls was discussing how slow her hair grows and she wished she could donate to Locks of Love but she would be bald if she did (she is barely shoulder length). I normally stay out of their hair convo's but I spoke up and said I had thought of doing that one day. This girl gives me the side eye and says "You couldn't do it either, your hair isn't long enough". I just casually responded "Oh really? I thought it only had to be 10 inches" while reaching up and unpinning my hair. It fell in lovely shiny waves, hanging over the back of the chair. They lost it. All they could do was stare and say "wow! we never knew it was that long!" I thoroughly enjoyed it :lol: Locks of Love girl never said another word, but she stares at my ponytails all the time.

crazytrish75, you betta work it girl. What a great story!!!! :yep:
ckisland, you have Halle Berry cheeks. Simply stunning! Your fade truly shows off your gorgeous facial features.

When you grow your hair back, you'll look equally stunning with a bun or high bun and big fierce earrings, :yep: The hair away from your face is truly striking!

ETA: I was just looking at AVI in your post up above.

Oh wow!!! Thank you so much!!! :blush: I don't even know what to say, but your compliment made me feel so good :grin: :thankyou:
I agree! It's the first thing I noticed in her before and after pics - how fresh, alive and present her features appeared to be in the after pic.

You are so sweet!!! Thank you for the compliment :grin: I think so too actually :look: :lol:
Ain't nobody checking for my hair like that lol. Some family members will make nice dad calls me Pocahontas lol. When my hair is curly (which is all the time) it doesn't look nearly as long as it does stretched/ I don't get comments on my length unless it's someone newly natural with a TWA or transitioning. Those ladies usually say that they can't wait until their hair is longer like mine and they ask me how long I've been natural.

I do get comments on the way my hair looks, though. Some guy on the elevator yesterday asked me if I had put something in my hair because it was very shiny. He was like, is it the lights in here or did you put something in it?? He told me my hair looked good :D He was very sweet and polite.

Some ppl seem bent on helping themselves to folks hurr lol. I get ppl trying to touch my hair or eyeballing like they're thinking about going for it. It makes me cringe! I don't know why b/c they are well-meaning and I usually know the person on some just makes me uncomfortable. But if my hair is extra soft and fluffy fly that day, I don't mind family touching my hair. Not that they are worrying about seeking permission either, though :lol:

Once I'm exxxotical length I'll get back to you on this matter :gorgeous:
Now that I'm BSL/MBL, t depends on where I'm at in my relax-stretch cycle. With a fresh relaxer, most folks:

  1. Are either shocked, especially relatives, and immediately ask me if it's all mine,
  2. Or if they don't know me, assume I'm Dominican/mixed and try to speak to me in Spanish (I'm Haitian-American),
  3. Or assume it's a weave and say nothing/ask me where I got it.
When I'm deep in a stretch, no one says anything because it is up in braids or a bun almost all the time, and they assume I cut it or forget it's long or something, especially since it'll stay that way for 2-5 months at a time. It's probably one of the reasons I so look forward to touch up day, for the attention I get once I can show my full length. The other of course is getting to manage only one texture for a little while before I start my stretch routine again.
You know, I really don't think "weave checking" or something similar is necessarily such a bad thing. Of course, I would NEVER touch a strangers hair.

Most of the time, if I am looking at someone's hair it is coming from a place of admiration. I would like to think I am discreet. Sometimes, I straight up compliment women. I compliment women on their fashion and hair all the time. I think most of the time I can get a feel if a woman is going to respond kindly to compliments.

I haven't been to the hairdresser since I was relaxed (maybe two years?). However, I recall that it was quite common to check out the work of other stylist.

And since I have been natural, I find myself conversing about hair all the time with strangers. And usually, the other person has initiated the convo.
NO one but by mother said/says a thing.

I have worn it out after I had my hair straightened, for parties, etc and no one says a thing,lol. Nobody cares, lol!
I had one co-worker who was white who weave checked me but she actually ran her fingers through it near the roots. We got along well but I was so stunned I couldn't even speak! She was like "Your hair looks so pretty," while her fingers are in my hair. Who just touches another woman's hair like that?

I notice that people (both men and women) stare alot when I wear my hair down. My hair is fine and I wear it in a bun most times. The whole thing is just weird. But then again, I find myself admiring natural hairstyles on women more and more so maybe those women are wondering why I'm staring. :)
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I get a TON of comments when I flat iron my hair (which is only 2-3 times a year). My hair is texlaxed with lots of shrinkage and I bun it up every day. I work in the operating room, so we keep our hair up and covered all day anyway. I am the only BW there so, I am surrounded by clear folks who all obviously believe in the old stereo type of black women can't grow hair. I have the second longest length there and I am just brushing BSL (which is actually closer to MBL as I wear my bra very low).

I stare at their hair all the time and most of them have such flat, limp, lifeless hair. Well, the last time I straightened my hair, we were sitting around chatting at lunch and one of the girls was discussing how slow her hair grows and she wished she could donate to Locks of Love but she would be bald if she did (she is barely shoulder length). I normally stay out of their hair convo's but I spoke up and said I had thought of doing that one day. This girl gives me the side eye and says "You couldn't do it either, your hair isn't long enough". I just casually responded "Oh really? I thought it only had to be 10 inches" while reaching up and unpinning my hair. It fell in lovely shiny waves, hanging over the back of the chair. They lost it. All they could do was stare and say "wow! we never knew it was that long!" I thoroughly enjoyed it :lol: Locks of Love girl never said another word, but she stares at my ponytails all the time.


Oh no you didn't! Lol. I would have loved to see that! You go girl. That girl was hating big time.
Lately, I've had ppl assume that my hair has always been long. They'll say things like, "You should cut your hair - I bet you'd look good with short hair." I usually let them know that I rocked fades, ceasars or super short hair (less than 3") for 17 years before starting to grow it out 4.5 years ago.

I've never had long hair as a child so it always surprises me when family members ask if it's all mine.

I've had a hair board lady at a meetup assume that I was wearing tracks in my hair that was in a natural, twistout style. I actually felt good after that one because I hoped that meant that my hair looks better in person than it does on my hair board pix. LOL
I usually get compliments which is always nice...but I have noticed while at work today the ladies would just stare at my hair which is in two strand twists that are quite long but no one said anything not that I wanted them to but if your going to stare at least say something lol
Wow! I just hinted on this the other day on my blog. It depends on the race of the person. I've had the worst reactions from black women who feel that my hair is long only b/c I'm mixed or that I have tracks. The tracks and weave checks kill me b/c I have some gray strands hanging out in my hair. smh White women give me compliments and ask for tips. Men have also given me positive reactions and demand that I not cut my hair.
People frequently tell me not to cut my hair, which is interesting because I wore my hair in a short bob for years and I loved it and nobody had anything to say about me wearing my hair short back then. I get compliments on it when I wear it down, but nothing major.

People also assume that my hair is natural, but it's relaxed. I just started transitioning.
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People suddenly start believing that my extension styles are my real hair too. My real hair is almost wl. I recently wore full whip length havana twists and friends and family kept asking if it was my real hair. I guess once they mentally put you in the long hair category, everything seems plausible.

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Mostly just compliments and ppl asking for advice. There's the occasional, "it's going to stop growing soon, you know?" Or, "it looks like your hair isn't growing as much as it used to, that sucks.."
I get compliments all the time from my friends. I've recently had my first sew in ever installed so I got some strange remarks from my sister in law. The sew in is straight hair and she's only ever seen me with my curly hair (which hangs at BSL in it's natural curl) so she asked me why my hair was long. :ohwell: 1) my real hair is longer than this when it's straight and 2) this is a sew in (i guess my friend did a great job doing it then) She's the only one I get off handed comments from.

Everyone else, women and a few men here and there say positive things