How Do I Reclaim My Power As A Woman?

Thanks everyone for the advice! I'll admit that when I read this thread during the daytime I feel so empowered and I don't even think about him. But at night... man it's hard. All I can do is take it one day at a time. I made a vow to never put myself in a situation like this again. I haven't felt anything like this in YEARS and it is hard coping with a feeling you thought you were immune to. I'm keeping my schedule jam packed and just praying for the day I wake up and no longer think of him. What hurts the most for me is that he just goes on living his life as usual while I cry myself to sleep. Just like that, he doesn't even care. I wish my heart could be as cold.
You're assuming that he's happy. The men I know like this are good fronters but are far from happy. It takes a lot of energy/time/money to juggle so many women. The real peace comes after taking steps to go through the work of something real with one person. Too many boys don't realize until it's too late (or they look for last chance with women 15 years younger). Trust, he's not happy but who cares. We getting your toolbox together for YOUR happiness. So flip what you're doing at night to get him off your mind (start working out late or do evening yoga). Don't worry about your rear view mirror when your future is right in front of you.

You're assuming that he's happy. The men I know like this are good fronters but are far from happy. It takes a lot of energy/time/money to juggle so many women. The real peace comes after taking steps to go through the work of something real with one person. Too many boys don't realize until it's too late (or they look for last chance with women 15 years younger). Trust, he's not happy but who cares. We getting your toolbox together for YOUR happiness. So flip what you're doing at night to get him off your mind (start working out late or do evening yoga). Don't worry about your rear view mirror when your future is right in front of you.
Here are my 2 cents:

1. OP, you were settling for him. Because you were not attracted to him physically at all at first but his personality won you over. I am always weary of relationships like that because my gut tells me to. men would never do that. Only women. He did you a favor by dumping you.

2. He doesn't have the capacity to love you right now. How do I know? He doesn't love himself. He doesn't take care of his body. He's insecure which is why he keeps a roster of women around to boost his self-confidence. He needs their constant praise or attention in order to feel good about himself. Happy, confident people don't diminish others to raise their confidence levels. He's a fake and you would've realized it soon enough. He did you a favor by dumping you.

3. Like the other posters said, you must forgive him so you can move on. Don't stay anchored to this fool for a second longer! Remember everything happens for a good reason. You destiny was never meant to end with Fatty. Your Shemar Moore is on his way to you as you read this. When you met him you'll be like: Fatty who? He did you a favor by dumping you.

4. Get your sexy back.
- Get out of the house!!!
-Go to the park and people watch or just observe nature and its beauty.
-Call up your friends or make new ones and do something every weekend.
-Check online for local events going on in your area and force yourself to go to them!
- Get your hair, nails and makeup done.
- Like the other ladies said wear red lipstick. I say start wearing red clothing. A nice red summer dress and a red sexy date dress will do wonder for your self esteem.
-Go to therapy. I highly recommend it. If you can't then at least:
-Read: "Calling in the one" by Katherine Thomas. It'll change your life and make you figure out why you were attracted to Pillsbury in the first place.
Or read: "Madly in love with me" by Christine Arylo. Another good. I suggest you read both.
-Stop obsessing over him because he did you a favor by dumping you.

5. He did you a favor by dumping. This bears repeating. Lol

Good luck!
Thank you everyone for your input and advice! I've been reading this thread daily to give me hope and strength.

Unfortunately today, like an idiot, I slipped up and slept with him again. Nothing about the encounter felt right or empowering. I realized why I needed to walk away from the situation entirely.

I came across a woman who I suspected had been sleeping with him while he was sleeping with me even though he told me he wasn't sleeping with anyone else. I point blank asked her about their situation. It was embarrassing but I needed an answer to move on. She pretty much verified what I had been feeling all along.

I felt so hurt and betrayed, but this was exactly what I needed to get closure and move on. I don't understand how someone who says I'm one of their best friends can blatantly lie to me the way he lied to me. I don't know if my heart can ever recover from this but maybe in time it will. It will be a long time before I can ever trust a man again...
1 man, 1 pilbury man (as said above) did you wrong and you want to discredit ALL MEN because of that? Really?

Honey, your man picker is off and just needs a little calibrating. That's it.

Some men make it their mission when they see a confident looking woman to take her down. You need to stop hanging around him or places you know he frequents.
Unfortunately today, like an idiot, I slipped up and slept with him again. Nothing about the encounter felt right orempowering. I realized why I needed to walk away from the situation entirely.

Dont beat yourself up @ArcticFemme. Now that you are more aware, find ways to keep lots of distance between you. Tell him you r done w him then go dark.
- dont answer if he calls
- dont open the door if he comes by
- dont respond to text or soc media msgs
- if by chance you get caught off guard and answer a call, hang up
Something i found online - HTH

1) Master your thoughts.
Ultimately, you determine what thoughts you give attention to and those thoughts will set into motion the dynamics that will affect you. If you tend to focus on the negative you increase the probability that you will become your own worst enemy. It is important to realise how your thoughts create your expectations of the future. By increasing your positive focus you will increase the chances of bringing in positive energy to your life. This does not mean that you're being unrealistic or naive. It simply means that you are choosing to focus your thoughts and energy on success instead of failure and on the good parts of your life instead of the bad. You want to cultivate the thoughts that you want to have through positive affirmation.

2) Adjust your attitude.
Our attitudes determine our thoughts which translate into intentions which leads to actions. We can be very realistic about the challenges we face, but still form the inner resolve to focus on our belief that we can overcome obstacles and bounce back from adversity. To do so takes belief and patience with ourselves, sustained motivation and energy, accepting our personal responsibility, and willingness to perservere. If your attitude is peaceful and positive then you are in the best position to have the focus and energy available to find solutions. Grace under pressure displays your courage and fortitude even when you are fearful and anxious.

3) Practice acceptance.
Acceptance is something to do for yourself when you are ready to let go of the anger. When we can't accept the situation, we have less energy to spend on the present because we are holding on to bitterness about the past. Acceptance does not mean condoning what has been done or passively enduring mistreatment. It means that you are ready to move forward unencumbered by bitterness or anger.

4) Look for the lesson.
Experiences can lead us to new growth, understanding, and maturity. It is important for us to examine and redefine these experiences to be able to discover and access our hidden strengths and resources that we didn't know we have and learn about ourselves.

5) Continue to nurture yourself.
Make a commitment to continue to nurture yourself so that your energy and vitality will remain high. You are not being selfish to honour your needs, but are providing new growth and fresh perspective.

6) Examine your character.
As humans we all have strengths and weaknesses. It is important to be able to do an honest self appraisal so that we can be real about ourselves. We are all responsible for our character, qualities, and actions and for the effects that they have. As conscious beings, we are also able to acquire those qualities that we desire and it is up to us to use them beneficiently.

Self Care Tips:
  1. Whatever you focus your mind on becomes real, eventually taking over your awareness. Therefore we make efforts to "change our mind": from pain over to relaxation; from guilt and blame to self-acceptance and gentleness; from fear of the future to being in the present. Accept yourself – treasure your idiosyncrasies and foibles. Remind yourself of your strengths, gifts and your proven loyalty to yourself over the years, on a daily basis.
  2. Simplify: during more stressful and low energy times, keep life simple, attending to say 5 or so activities per day.
  3. Keep occupied as much as possible – make a schedule with exercise in it, stay in contact with friends, make new acquaintances / friends, list things you can do. Know that to begin anything is often better than to think. So keep busy while waiting for something to happen.
  4. Now is the only time there is. Don't spend too much time dwelling on the negatives of the past or the perceived problems in the future. Likely these perceptions re past and future are false or distorted. Come back to the present constantly.
  5. Keep one focus, not 4 or 5. Do one activity at a time, and engage in it, enjoy it – rather than becoming anxious re everything you have to do. (Keep lists so you can let go of outstanding things).
  6. Make sure of good sleep habits, diet, and exercise.
  7. Forgive yourself daily and relax. If unfinished activities pile up, it is not that you are slow, lazy or stupid. You are likely expecting too much at that particular moment. Stick to 2 or 3 priorities – shelve the rest.
  8. Make use of thought-stopping. Order negative thoughts to go away or put them aside.
  9. Stop once per day and ask yourself "What do I need right now. What can I do for myself today to help me."
  10. Don't be a victim. Do things for yourself to feel effective and in control. Don't give in to self-pity.
  11. Remember what has worked for you in the past. Likely beneath all the doubts, fears, recriminations, and self-criticism that are swirling around your head, you hear a few faint and muffled words of your own good advice telling you what is good for you. This counsel may be barely audible, but listen carefully to it. You already have everything you need to be happy, including the wisdom you have developed over your life so far.
It's all to help you become strong enough to detach and begin building a life without him. If you truly let go of 'pillsbury' and move on - then (and probably only then) he might actually appreciate what he's lost. If you make empty threats, set boundaries you have no intention of defending, and only "pretend" to move on - he will continue to assume you aren't going anywhere.

He is probably accustomed to being your main focus. By changing how you usually behave or respond you will change the outcome as he has nothing to draw upon to sustain control over the situation. When you don't behave in the way he expects, you don't feed his vision of what should be happening. Eventually, he'll have no choice but to see that things aren't the way he thought. Once it's clear that his established and trusted patterns won't work he'll have to decide on a better way of dealing with reality
I'm soooo sorry. Don't give him any openings in which to slither his way back into your life. He is taking advantage of your kindness. He is a predator and you are his prey. He is toying with you. Cut all ties to him -- cold turkey. You think there is more to him than there is. You think he is who you thought he was over those five years but he is a con artist. You stand up and fight for yourself! *** his stupid, chubby, trifling arse. You gotta learn to love and protect yourself more than any man.
((((Hugs))))) OP I was where you were very recently. I completely feel your pain! I had completely stopped caring for myself, was with someone who wasn't particularly loving and as it ended I felt completely shattered. Over the past few months I have started making self care a non-negotiable and it has been transformative. I started exercising, eating well, seeing a counsellor, being vulnerable with women I love, journalling... I now have the body I wanted, I feel beautiful daily, I have a much greater sense of self worth and men are drawn to me (although I'm not yet ready to date seriously). A male friend recently described the transformation as "now you're up and sexy as puck!" lol

The advice that you have received in this thread is amazing. Start fiercely caring for yourself, even when you don't feel like it and slowly but surely you will get back to the Empowered Magical Black Woman that is inside of you. It is also very cliche but time and distance from this man will heal your heart. There was a time a little over a month again when I wondered if I would ever feel joy again... Seriously within a matter of 10 days of looking after myself I started feeling better and now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I deserve better and will receive better.

You will be ok sis, in fact you will be wonderful in time!

Also join us in the Self Care Thread:
Reinforce your words positively. You are not stupid, you chose to let your heart lead you instead of your head. We've all been there. Now that you know better do better. When you stop making room for low level men (which he is) you'll start to see the other options that have been in your view the whole time. You just have to learn how to refocus. One sided devotion is not worth the angst and heartache.

Next time you are tempted just imagine how it would feel to have someone love, respect and prioritize you the way you do him. Then keep it moving. The more you allow loser to occupy your time and energy the longer you are delaying actually meeting someone that will surpass your desires. But YOU have to shut the gate. Remember focus forward not backwards.

Hey y'all I am reading an excellent book. Before I name the title, please, please, please do not be put off by it. It's an excellent read (if you can tolerate the language. The message is PRICELESS. It's called "Men Dont Love Women Like You" by G.L. Lambert. He's guy from the BGAE site. I am married and reading it just because.... This book is excellent for any women who is going through it in regards to dating and not finding the right guy. He speaks to you to empower yourself and recognize GAME. Please look it up.
I have the audio version...but it's in kindle and paperback too. Those who are familiar with this guy and his blog site know exactly what to expect. But again I implore others to take a look.


Hey y'all I am reading an excellent book. Before I name the title, please, please, please do not be put off by it. It's an excellent read (if you can tolerate the language. The message is PRICELESS. It's called "Men Dont Love Women Like You" by G.L. Lambert. He's guy from the BGAE site. I am married and reading it just because.... This book is excellent for any women who is going through it in regards to dating and not finding the right guy. He speaks to you to empower yourself and recognize GAME. Please look it up.
I have the audio version...but it's in kindle and paperback too. Those who are familiar with this guy and his blog site know exactly what to expect. But again I implore others to take a look.


What's the BGAE site?
How are you doing @ArcticFemme?

Hey @MzLady78! Thanks for asking!

This might be a bit long because I'm going to ramble. Up until now I've refrained from talking much about him because I would get emotional.

Some days are better than others. I have started to question if my feelings for him were ever genuine. The hardest part has been the ego hit. I've never really dealt with rejection like this before. I'm so used to the men chasing me, and me rejecting them. Men who weren't interested in me were never given much time or thought, but this guy chased me for years and then rejected me as soon as I developed interest. The fact that I got played really burns me up. I used to have the power and I hate that THIS guy solved me. Lesson learned I guess. I have to rebuild my confidence and take some time to learn how to identify and deal with men like him (the ones that chase and then fall back once they hook you).

I do know that he is back to chasing one of his exes he was always crazy about. Back when we were just friends he'd complain about her to me all of the time because she was so emotionally unavailable-- that's why he broke up with her. But he admitted that her distance is why he always liked her... she was the one woman he couldn't fully have-- his exact words. Now she's back to giving him some attention and he's hooked again. That's what he likes... the chase and denial. It kills my ego that I gave in. It also kills my ego because I was once like her... but I've moved on physically and soon I'll be completely detached from him mentally. Let her deal with the BS. I can do better... much better.

I'm going to start dating again. I don't want to fall back into a man hiatus because I need to stay hip to the game. New friends, new suitors, and new memories in this new town. I'll be my old self again!
Hey y'all I am reading an excellent book. Before I name the title, please, please, please do not be put off by it. It's an excellent read (if you can tolerate the language. The message is PRICELESS. It's called "Men Dont Love Women Like You" by G.L. Lambert. He's guy from the BGAE site. I am married and reading it just because.... This book is excellent for any women who is going through it in regards to dating and not finding the right guy. He speaks to you to empower yourself and recognize GAME. Please look it up.
I have the audio version...but it's in kindle and paperback too. Those who are familiar with this guy and his blog site know exactly what to expect. But again I implore others to take a look.



I have this book and love it! It's really helped me heal, and I love this guy's approach.

Power of the P***y has been amazing for me, too.
Fck fat boy. (I'm talking to you like I would one of my friends so I'm not being mean)

Sometimes as you said, it's the ego and rejection that hurts, not the real loss of the person. Get busy dating casually, hang with friends, anything to stay busy. His fat ass will come back like they ALL ALWAYS DO.
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I think your issue is that you don't feel like you have many/any men vying for your attention so you are focusing on Mr. Chub

Be busy doing what gave you confidence before or aim for something new and do that. Then remember how you're feeling now before you give some pot belly boy child your power.

Great advice in this thread!
Girl, you will be over Pilsbury in no time, and wonder wtf were you thinking.
With your fly self. ;)

One day you'll look back and wonder how you were ever attracted to Obesitor and laugh! I know it's hard now, but it will get better. :)

:lol: :lol: @ all these nicknames! I agree with all of the good advice in this thread. OP, I've been in the exact same place where I was the powerful woman who caught up under the spell of someone I normally would not even have given the time of day. That stuff does a number on the psyche. In my situation I end up moving to a different state so was forced out of his stomping ground and our mutual social circle so that did wonders in helping me get over him. Just a month after my move I completely snapped out if it. He sent me a flirty text one day and I was like...


Then he came down to visit some family in the area where I now lived so I agreed to meet him for lunch. When I saw him in person I marveled at how it was that I was ever attracted to him, and when he turned on his usual charm I was completely turned off.


I was so thrilled to be delivered :lol: ! All that to say, you don't have to move but a changing up of scene and society will help greatly. Also, like the ladies have mentioned, cutting off all contact with him. After my move, I never even responded to dude's texts until he said he would be in my area visiting and at that point I was certain I was over him so I agreed to meet.

Stay strong, you can do this! :up:
:lol: :lol: @ all these nicknames! I agree with all of the good advice in this thread. OP, I've been in the exact same place where I was the powerful woman who caught up under the spell of someone I normally would not even have given the time of day. That stuff does a number on the psyche. In my situation I end up moving to a different state so was forced out of his stomping ground and our mutual social circle so that did wonders in helping me get over him. Just a month after my move I completely snapped out if it. He sent me a flirty text one day and I was like...


Then he came down to visit some family in the area where I now lived so I agreed to meet him for lunch. When I saw him in person I marveled at how it was that I was ever attracted to him, and when he turned on his usual charm I was completely turned off.


I was so thrilled to be delivered :lol: ! All that to say, you don't have to move but a changing up of scene and society will help greatly. Also, like the ladies have mentioned, cutting off all contact with him. After my move, I never even responded to dude's texts until he said he would be in my area visiting and at that point I was certain I was over him so I agreed to meet.

Stay strong, you can do this! :up:

Thanks for sharing your story! I've noticed that since I moved outside of his social circle, I think about him less and less, and I don't have to worry about running into him. It's going on a month since we've said anything to each other pretty soon and I feel like I have been delivered!
UPDATE: Aaaaand, like clockwork he's started sending me flirty texts... @Kalani, you called it!

He sent me one two weeks ago... I didn't respond-- almost didn't recognize the number at first
He sent another on Monday... no response

Today he sent me a text asking if I'd like to work an art show he's hosting (it's pretty big here in the city). Though it would be some nice extra change... I'll pass so I didn't respond. I might still attend to support my artist friends who are participating, but not without a tall, fine date.

He sent me a friend request on FB. Rejected. I'm not playing with these dudes anymore. #savagelife

I'm not attracted to that Jigglypuff shaped boy in the least bit anymore. No Pokemon Go here. I have no idea what I ever saw in him. I was vulnerable in a new, unfamiliar surrounding and he took advantage of that.

Thanks everyone for your kind words and tough love. I'm proud of the willpower I've had to not reach out to him these last couple of months. No contact is exactly what I needed to move on. I feel powerful and unstoppable once again!
UPDATE: Aaaaand, like clockwork he's started sending me flirty texts... @Kalani, you called it!

He sent me one two weeks ago... I didn't respond-- almost didn't recognize the number at first
He sent another on Monday... no response

Today he sent me a text asking if I'd like to work an art show he's hosting (it's pretty big here in the city). Though it would be some nice extra change... I'll pass so I didn't respond. I might still attend to support my artist friends who are participating, but not without a tall, fine date.

He sent me a friend request on FB. Rejected. I'm not playing with these dudes anymore. #savagelife

I'm not attracted to that Jigglypuff shaped boy in the least bit anymore. No Pokemon Go here. I have no idea what I ever saw in him. I was vulnerable in a new, unfamiliar surrounding and he took advantage of that.

Thanks everyone for your kind words and tough love. I'm proud of the willpower I've had to not reach out to him these last couple of months. No contact is exactly what I needed to move on. I feel powerful and unstoppable once again!
Good job! You stood your ground.
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UPDATE: Aaaaand, like clockwork he's started sending me flirty texts... @Kalani, you called it!

He sent me one two weeks ago... I didn't respond-- almost didn't recognize the number at first
He sent another on Monday... no response

Today he sent me a text asking if I'd like to work an art show he's hosting (it's pretty big here in the city). Though it would be some nice extra change... I'll pass so I didn't respond. I might still attend to support my artist friends who are participating, but not without a tall, fine date.

He sent me a friend request on FB. Rejected. I'm not playing with these dudes anymore. #savagelife

I'm not attracted to that Jigglypuff shaped boy in the least bit anymore. No Pokemon Go here. I have no idea what I ever saw in him. I was vulnerable in a new, unfamiliar surrounding and he took advantage of that.

Thanks everyone for your kind words and tough love. I'm proud of the willpower I've had to not reach out to him these last couple of months. No contact is exactly what I needed to move on. I feel powerful and unstoppable once again!

These dudes are so predictable, lol. I'm impressed with how you've stayed strong despite all his attempts to lure you back in. He thought he was slick too offering that art show gig. Indeed you have regained your power. :grin:
What did he say? What text did he send?

Things along the lines of 'hi beautiful' and how he's been thinking about me lately and wants to know how I'm adjusting to the city. He suggested grabbing lunch sometime. He misses hanging out with me. That type of stuff. In the art show text he addressed me as a nickname he used to have for me back when he was chasing me. Boy bye. Not interested. Texts deleted. It's a game with him. He doesn't understand why I haven't attempted to reach out to him in over 2 months. He expected me to show up to events I know he's at in an attempt to bump into him like so many of the other girls he's played this game with (there are plenty still feenin' for him).

He better call Becky.