How do I know if there is a chance for us?


New Member
I have known this guy for years, from school, and I know he is a good man.:yep: We started working together recently as interns and spent a lot of time together, and I started to really like him. I know he is single. The thing is he hasn't said anything to me except occasional text messages asking about me or just showing up at work when he knows I am on duty:drunk: but it has been 6 months now. I have little experience with men and don't know how to let him know how I feel :ohwell:. I realise the most likely explanation is that he is just not that into me but I am willing to risk it.:yep:
Only time will tell. If he hasn't made a move in six months he might not be interested, but a safe move could be to ask him out for a cup of coffee and see where things go from there.
You approaching him and your feelings not being reciprocated may result in a very awkward and uncomfortable working environment. I think that because you work together, you should let things take its natural course.

Although I think that if after 6 mths there is not even an inkling that he's interested, you should keep your options open.
He is not that into you honey, he might just want to be strictly friends

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Invite him to do something away from the someone else mentioned. Take it from there.
He may not be into you or he may need a sign because he doesn't want to disrupt the work relationship if you don't reciprocate.

Give him hints that you are interested and let him take it from there. If he doesn't then he's not that into you.
So because a man doesn't initiate something with someone he is interning with, he is automatically disinterested?! I've had crushes on co-workers that they basically would've had to be mind-readers to figure out because my work reputation is that important to me.

Give him a few hints.
I think you should throw it out there that you want to hang out outside of work. It doesn't have to be anything romantic either. Keep it neutral,but when you show up, make sure you look really really nice lol
These things usually don't work out well, but if you're prepared for that possibility I say go for it. My cousin just married a coworker that she approached first after months of platonic chit chat. They are expecting their first child. :)
I say start being a little more flirty w/him (don't go overboard, but just be a little more playful), and see how he reacts.

If after a little flirting here and there and friendliness on your part he STILL doesn't make a single move in about a month, then I'd say to just forget about him and keep your other options open.

Usually if a man is interested, he doesn't need TOO much more than steady flirting, a smile, and friendliness on your part.

If he doesn't make a move after all that, then maybe he's just not that interested or he has another woman he's more interested in. *shrug*
But she said she has known him for years. The internship has just been the past six months. So he has known her for years and has never expressed any interest at all. Y'all still think she should start flirting?
But she said she has known him for years. The internship has just been the past six months. So he has known her for years and has never expressed any interest at all. Y'all still think she should start flirting?


Oh wow...I must have missed that part. :ohwell:

Yeah......OP if this man has known you for years and he's been single and you've been single at the same time, then he's probably not all that interested. :look:

Either that, or he is REALLY socially awkward. You sure you two have never hung out much before this internship?
But she said she has known him for years. The internship has just been the past six months. So he has known her for years and has never expressed any interest at all. Y'all still think she should start flirting?
YUP, what she said. KIM While you are worried about this dude you have known for many years, you might miss the one who is interested.
Hi, just wanted to share that he is totally into me. Just slow n deliberate in making decisions. I am glad I trusted God and my instincts. *Love*
Maybe he is just as nervous as you are and could be thinking the same thing you are thinking.....(Well...I've know her for years and she hasn't indicated she wants to be more than friends...etc). I agree with whoever said to do something away from the job. Talk about "stuff" and casually bring up and ask him what he's looking for in a mate and see what he wants. If he asks you...then you say I would like to have someone exactly like you (or something like that)...IMO
Hi, just wanted to share that he is totally into me. Just slow n deliberate in making decisions. I am glad I trusted God and my instincts. *Love*

YAY!!! :yay:

I'm so glad to hear this longinghair !! :grin: PLEASE keep us posted on how this goes.

It's actually such a relief and a breath of fresh air to realize that sometimes....the guy really IS "into" us, and really IS just "shy" and slow in making his move. :grinwink: did he end up making his move? What prompted him to let you know he was interested? :look:
Ok, we just finished the year long internship and I casually mentioned I was gonna miss him a little. And he just told me his feelings. Seems he had his reasons for not wanting any relationship at the time but lost the battle with his heart...*so happy coz I am totally crazy about him*.
longinghair said:
Ok, we just finished the year long internship and I casually mentioned I was gonna miss him a little. And he just told me his feelings. Seems he had his reasons for not wanting any relationship at the time but lost the battle with his heart...*so happy coz I am totally crazy about him*.

Awwwww. Good luck!!!