How do I know if there is a chance for us?


New Member
I have known this guy for years, from school, and I know he is a good man.:yep: We started working together recently as interns and spent a lot of time together, and I started to really like him. I know he is single. The thing is he hasn't said anything to me except occasional text messages asking about me or just showing up at work when he knows I am on duty:drunk: but it has been 6 months now. I have little experience with men and don't know how to let him know how I feel :ohwell:. I realise the most likely explanation is that he is just not that into me but I am willing to risk it.:yep:
I think there wasn't a great response because you didn't provide a lot of information. You knew him from high school? College? Is he single? Recently out of a relationship? How did you meet? Ect...the ladies on LHCF like to help out but we need more info.
Can you take the "joking" way. You know, jokingly ask him when is going to ask you out on a date and see how he responds. Or you can let him know in general, in a regular conversation that you are interested in finding a rlp., or ask him if he can suggest a good singles website or something.

But I am a firm believer that if a guy is interested, he will let you know.
If you want to know for certain, you are going to have to bite the bullet and ask him out on a date. If he acts interested then he will take it from there without you having to do anything more.

If he makes up an excuse and/or you have to do all the planning and pursuing, then he's just not into you.