How did you meet your SO's parents?


New Member
Funniest story that its over!!! So the SO and I were having an argument one night and he left the house. I remembered that I had a couple bottles of wine and some Malibu rum in the fridge. So I grabbed ALL 3 and went at it on the living room floor with my laptop and Lauryn Hill's "Ex-Factor" on blast and on reapeat :alcoholic. Needless to say by the time he got home I had passed out and he couldnt wake me up. My poor baby freaked out, called 911 and his mother (shes a sheriff and lives 20 minutes from us) Long story short my SO performed CPR until the paramedics arrived and his mother and I had a long heart to heart locked in the room laughing our butts off. My SO says since then he feels a stronger connection and loves me that much more because he saved my life :giveheart:. So any funny stories about how you met your SO or his parents??
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Not funny, just horribly awkward... My SO and I are LDR, so the first time he drove down to see me in person his grandparents decided to tag along. :laugh: It was so awkward. I would have to say the most awkward moment was when they decided it would be a good idea to go on a three-couple date with him and I, his grandparents, and my parents. Um.... what are we supposed to talk about? :laugh:

Another funny moment from that day is we were driving somewhere on the Highway, and they were nagging him the entire time about his driving. So he got the bright idea to slow down, then cut across 5 lanes of traffic to an exit just to piss them off. At the time I was like :blush::rolleyes: "Don't get us killed now." But looking back on it I can't help but laugh my butt off. :lachen: And of course they did shut up after that.
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Well Since i live in Oklahoma i had to fly to New Orleans to meet my husband parents.. I was so scared....... I give my mother the home , cell and grandma number. There address and i had her call every hour until i was comfortable lol lol

Funniest story that its over!!! So the SO and I were having an argument one night and he left the house. I remembered that I had a couple bottles of wine and some Malibu rum in the fridge. So I grabbed ALL 3 and went at it on the living room floor with my laptop and Lauryn Hill's "Ex-Factor" on blast and on reapeat :alcoholic. Needless to say by the time he got home I had passed out and he couldnt wake me up. My poor baby freaked out, called 911 and his mother (shes a sheriff and lives 20 minutes from us) Long story short my SO performed CPR until the paramedics arrived and his mother and I had a long heart to heart locked in the room laughing our butts off. My SO says since then he feels a stronger connection and loves me that much more because he saved my life :giveheart:. So any funny stories about how you met your SO or his parents??
I'd met his mom years before. I'm his nephew's Godmother. So making the transition to being her son's SO has been very easy. Our first interaction with me as the girlfriend was on Thanksgiving. That was the first time I met his dad, though.