How did he WOO you?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
Flowers? Chocolates? Constant emails, phone calls, and texts? :grin:

How did your boo woo you? (I'm especially interested to hear from ladies who weren't quite feelin' their SOs at first.)
Just being there over the years. Listening to me talk about my issues with different guys.

Basically, and he'll say the same, he waited for the perfect time to step in and assume the role of boyfriend.

We didn't do email and text at that time. Still don't. It's weird.
He was patient and kind. He listened to me ramble about nothing at all, telling me that I was smart, intelligent, and brilliant. He was a friend to me for a very long time without pressuring me for anything more. He took me out even when I didn't have a sitter. "I just want to be with you," he'd say. Dinner and a kid friendly movie was how he, my niece and I spent alot of Saturday nights. He admired me for taking custody of her. The kicker was when one day he, without my asking, slipped and tied my shoes on my feet at a skating rink because I was too sore to do it myself. He is my sweetheart!
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he told me i really liked him :look:

:lachen: but then was like "it's ok, because i really like you". he's very honest & blunt. he'd say very sweet things and it would freak me out. he woud say things like "your beauty is like something else to me" and i'd be like :perplexed.

he is a writer and wrote a few poems about me early in our relationship. Staying up super late to talk to me despite working 80hour weeks during our breaks meant a lot. Challenging me and educating me intellectually was also huge. Told me I was beautiful and dressed really well (compliments). he's not the flowers type, nor am i. he refused to buy my chocolate because i had an insane sweet tooth and he said he didn't want to contribute to my diabetes. :look:
He spent hours caressing my face while I vented.

He let me fall asleep in his lap while he read me short stories or poetry. When we had to separate, he sent me care packages every week with love letters, photographs, and candy.

He oiled my scalp.
We met at work and whenever he'd see me, he'd go to smiling and blushing really hard. That's what initially attracted me to him. Once he got me, he wooed me with sweet cards, random visits to see me, and flowers. I love he so much!
He put in TIME. Quality time is something that is really important to me and he gave me time. He was always inviting me to go somewhere or do something. He was never really into giving me material things, but I'm not that type of girl anyway. He made sure to communicate with me everyday once we actually started dating. He never let a day go by without asking me how I was doing/feeling/etc.
By cracking me up. And he still is 10 years later.

It's not that I wasn't feeling my DH at first, he just wasn't my type. After getting to know his personality though, he had me from there.
when I met DH I was really into someone else . I met him and told right off the back that I was not intrested and he was wasting his time with me. We still hung out dated a little but I still kept him at arms lenght cause I was waiting for the other dude to step his game up.

well I mentioned on the board before that I have a bad condition with my period and it was only about 2 months that we met he dropped EVERYTHING to take me to the emergency room sat with me took me home slept next to me everything

Im a simple girl and that meant everything to me..the other dude hasnt heard from me since:lachen:

I had gave DH such a hard time in the beginning I guess im getting it back now that damn man drives me crazy:rolleyes:

him having dimples didnt hurt either
We met at work and whenever he'd see me, he'd go to smiling and blushing really hard. That's what initially attracted me to him. Once he got me, he wooed me with sweet cards, random visits to see me, and flowers. I love he so much!

I met my hubby at work too(he was my boss). Being that I am in the military I had to go out of town alot and one time I had to be gone for 29 days and he wrote me a letter for each day that I was gone. Like a full letter letting me know how much he cared about me, how special I was, pretty, smart, ect. And the way he sealed the deal.... He simply told me that he believed God sent me to him even though he may not deserve me I was :drunk:. That's my Love :love:
Day 1 he was EXTREMELY HONESTY. No man ever approached me like that. I guess I was tired of running into liars and fakes. He was sooooo generous towards me. He offered me everything under the sun.
-Called me whenever he was "just thinking about me"
-Took care of me for two days when I was sick, during the first month of the getting to know you stage
-Constantly encouraged me
-Took the time to actually get to know me
-Total gentleman, didn't rush me into anything, didn't care if I wanted to wait
-Sent me flowers after our first date
-Knows I like poetry so when we got into our first argument he wrote me a poem (granted it wasn't very good, but the fact that he did it says a lot, LOL)

He's done so much more for me over the years, I'm very lucky
Flowers, calls/texts just to say I'm beautiful or thinking of me or whatever. But what really got me was that he listened. I mean really listened. A lot of times he can express what I'm trying to say better than me. He doesn't try to invalidate my feelings or opinions and he's intelligent. He does things to please me, regardless of what he may feel about it.
Wow - we've so many lovely responses!

My guy and I worked together at a radio station when we got together, (we knew each other as we'd both worked at the station as weekend volunteers for 3 years before I got a permanent job there).

He did so many lovely things though I wasn't at all into him at first

*He was very shy but always made the effort to find something interesting to talk to me about though I could see he was nervous

*Upon arriving at work most days he'd go to the kitchen and make us both a hot drink and we'd have a lovely chat before the day began

*I worked long hours and often forgot to eat because I was so into what I was doing, so he'd bring lunch to work for me as he "wanted to make sure I was looking after myself - it's very important!" (If you know me you'll agree that the way to my heart is definitely through my stomach).:lick:

*Always told me he thought I looked really cool and pretty even though I'd come to work in a hoodie, jeans and rigger boots :huh:

*Always took time to really listen to me and uplifted me with his input to our conversations:grin:

I could go on, and on and on - he's a good man :yep:
He was/is a true gentleman. At first I thought it was just him trying to impress me with his charm. He opens my car door for me (even when its just me going somewhere, he walks me outside, opens the door, makes sure my seatbelt is on), pulls out the chair for me, gives me his arm when walking, etc. All those things that many forget once the courting stage is over. But to this day he still does all those same things.

He did "just because" things for me and recently he brought me a card to tell me how much I mean to him. It was totally random and greatly appreciated.

He surprised me at work with a dozen long stem roses when we first started dating. No man had ever done that for me.
We were both military and went to the same functions a lot. On weekends we would just hang out and talk. We woo'd each other with dates and good food and wine...We still like to do that.:yep:
He stalked me :look: J/K!

My SO and I have know each other for years so I never thought he even liked me like that. Throughout the years, we would see each other in the most random places and pick up like we never left off.

We ran into each other at a party and he asked for me number. Through talking, he found out where I worked and began to visit me on a regular basis...little did I know he stayed on the opposite side of town. He would come in and make friends with the staff and wait for me to get off so that he could talk to me. The day before my birthday, he came with a "Hoops and Yoyo" card that sang "let's go out for your birthday....", gave it to me and walked away smiling :lol: We've been together ever since :love:
awesome thread!

my SO woo'ed me with lovely dinners & yummy froyo, sweets texts, poetic compliments in his Arabic accent, grounded logic & reason on why we should be together, & last but not least, his anachronistic chivalry.

i met him twice in holiday gatherings with friends, but it was not until the third time we ran into each other that he approached me romantically. i was out at a bar/ restaurant with another guy (he was just a friend). My SO had his boy steal the guy from my side with conversation, buy him a few drinks and distract him from me while he got my digits :)
I remember being stressed out early in our relationship. My mom was having financial problems. The daycare center I worked for was on the verge of closing and I was worried about losing my job and not being able to help my mom anymore. Well my wonderful DH (boyfriend at the time), went into protector mode. He didn't just listen to me vent and cry, he used his connections to get me a better job. I interviewed over the phone and was hired within 10 minutes of the conversation. He is a problem solver.

My grandma use to say when a man loves a woman he will make her load lighter and do whatever it takes to protect her and find solutions for the problems that are stressing her out.