**How Are You Wearing Your Hair Today?!!** Pics!

Rocking my bob wig woohoo (hair is in 4 big cornrows underneath)

Girl look, I own one wig, right look like rodset with highlights. I'll wear it when I am TRULY desperate....because when I wear I have gotten the urge to pull it off and scratch my head....:lachen: Then I think about what I'm about to do and where I am....:wallbash:

Nice - Short and sexy!!! Look like it has some swingin' action too! :grin:
My hair today is my siggy pic. I wear it the same way everyday :lachen::look: M-F (pic was taken ealier this week at work).

The image/pic is not loading for me. :nono: I have that annoying square with the "X" in it. grrr!

I feel ya....I'm not posting today....I look like "What's Happening" rerun :lachen:....I started to post an older pic of a FAKE fro I had earlier this year. LOL So what are you do's on the weekend? :eyebrows2 Something for the grown and sexy?!! Only teasing.
I'm in braids until my 1 year mark.
I keep cutting them because they are too long but today, right now, this is me:
The image/pic is not loading for me. :nono: I have that annoying square with the "X" in it. grrr!

I feel ya....I'm not posting today....I look like "What's Happening" rerun :lachen:....I started to post an older pic of a FAKE fro I had earlier this year. LOL So what are you do's on the weekend? :eyebrows2 Something for the grown and sexy?!! Only teasing.

I hope you can see it now. Same style even for the weekend and grown/sexy stuff:blush::spinning:. I may pin it up to change it a little.

Well, it started with my beloved twistout.....


But I decided to pin it up (I really need to keep it up off my shoulders until I hit APL, I'm so tired of being an inch away!) sigh....:nono:

I'm transitioning and I got my braids done today. Was quite an experience. I was like a policeman throughout. Stylist came at me with a brush and I told her don't touch my hair with that then she came at me with a rubber band and I told her don't even bring that near my head then when she was done I kept turning round to make sure she didn't slather any of the mineral oil and petrolatum laden gunk she kept insisting was good for me on my head. I'm pretty sure when I left they called me crazy but I don't care really as long as you don't put stuff I don't want on my head!!! Anyhoo, here are the pictures. Gonna kept that in for 2 months.


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I decided to do a twist out again today, I saw a chick yesterday with a very pretty professional looking part mohawk. She had the back pinned up and the top was in a very neat little mohawk. So this morning I took the twists out and began to work the front into the desired style, but my hair didn't want to get big so I ended up only pulling the front back a bit. Sorry if the pics come out kinda big... but here goes...
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Hey ladies I said earlier I had my hair as I did yesterday so I wasn't going to post....but look at what I found on a day out at the mall with my BFF.....too cute! Also I don't feel sexy/cute with my hair in updo's but I guess its a matter of dressing it up :yep:



Wearing my pixie short flip wig today and everyday for the rest of this month.

You're good....I wish!!! My wig would be on my desk....:lachen: Wigs have come a long way haven't they?!!! and I just love the colors! Yours sound too cute!

I hope you can see it now. Same style even for the weekend and grown/sexy stuff:blush::spinning:. I may pin it up to change it a little.


Yes ma'am, I sure can!!!! Beautiful....you have a pretty thick head of hair! Looking good!!! :grin: I hear ya....grown and sexy!!! ain't nothing wrong with it!

I'm in braids until my 1 year mark.
I keep cutting them because they are too long but today, right now, this is me:

Yes they are long and pretty! good shine too! are they heavy? I had cornrows this summer all the way down to my butt...got pics too! LOL they were HEAVY!!!! Are yours braided to the ends?
Well, it started with my beloved twistout.....


But I decided to pin it up (I really need to keep it up off my shoulders until I hit APL, I'm so tired of being an inch away!) sigh....:nono:


Either way you were working it!!!! Very pretty!!!! I do like the pin-up with the cowneck sweater...:wink2: 2 thumbs up!!!

I'm transitioning and I got my braids done today. Was quite an experience. I was like a policeman throughout. Stylist came at me with a brush and I told her don't touch my hair with that then she came at me with a rubber band and I told her don't even bring that near my head then when she was done I kept turning round to make sure she didn't slather any of the mineral oil and petrolatum laden gunk she kept insisting was good for me on my head. I'm pretty sure when I left they called me crazy but I don't care really as long as you don't put stuff I don't want on my head!!! Anyhoo, here are the pictures. Gonna kept that in for 2 months.

Can you come with me on my next visit to Great Clips? :lachen: I wish I could speak up....hopefully I won't have to because I'm not going back to her anyway. Your pics doesn't look like you looked chinese....:lachen: You know how tight braids be when you first get them done. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! who did them? if you don't mind me asking. They are very NEAT!!!! I wish I could make 2 months with anything concerning my hair. LOL

I decided to do a twist out again today, I saw a chick yesterday with a very pretty professional looking part mohawk. She had the back pinned up and the top was in a very neat little mohawk. So this morning I took the twists out and began to work the front into the desired style, but my hair didn't want to get big so I ended up only pulling the front back a bit. Sorry if the pics come out kinda big... but here goes...
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Nice and thick! I hate when my hair don't want to act right but when I'm running to the grocery or wally world (walmart) and throw it in any kind of style.....ITS BEAUTIFUL!!!! :perplexed
shhh Barbie, don't tell nobody! It's a wonder I get so much work done. lol

Barbie sho' right!!!! I couldn't do nothing but laugh on this one....:lachen:

I used to go to work and email my BFF all day....she said I've been neglecting her since I've been on LHCF....po thang!


That's me in the middle....
This was actually Wednesday. It was a braidout.


This was yesterday, but this is how I wore my hair today too. I put it into a ponytail cause it didn't look right with it down anymore.

Girl!!! where are you getting all the time/energy? EVERY NIGHT?!!! can you can and ship me some of that energy! I think that's why I LOVE short hair!!!! I used to wash my hair every other day....air dry over night....throw a couple curls in the top....and I'M OUT!!!!

Yep. My hair is still short, but it's getting to the point where braiding/twisting a section all the way to the end is getting toooooo long for me. Right now my goal length is a generous shoulder length and that ought to be enough work!
Can you come with me on my next visit to Great Clips? :lachen: I wish I could speak up....hopefully I won't have to because I'm not going back to her anyway. Your pics doesn't look like you looked chinese....:lachen: You know how tight braids be when you first get them done. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL!!! who did them? if you don't mind me asking. They are very NEAT!!!! I wish I could make 2 months with anything concerning my hair. LOL
It took me over 15 years to get this brave and vocal with stylists. I was led to believe for years black people's hair didn't grow past shoulder length then I come on here and discover not only is it a myth but 90% of the world's stylists have no idea what they are doing. It made me really mad. It took me the past 3 months to nurse my hair back to health and I ain't having any stylist undoing all my hard work. I was on her about the tightness too. I told her if my eye goes upward by even a quarter of any inch, you're redoing them :lachen:. I got them done in UAE. Cost about $100.
This morning....getting ready for church...

I clarified & DC (ORS Replenish Pak) last night. Flat ironed this morning.




This was actually Wednesday. It was a braidout.


This was yesterday, but this is how I wore my hair today too. I put it into a ponytail cause it didn't look right with it down anymore.


Pretty!!! It look so soft!

It took me over 15 years to get this brave and vocal with stylists. I was led to believe for years black people's hair didn't grow past shoulder length then I come on here and discover not only is it a myth but 90% of the world's stylists have no idea what they are doing. It made me really mad. It took me the past 3 months to nurse my hair back to health and I ain't having any stylist undoing all my hard work. I was on her about the tightness too. I told her if my eye goes upward by even a quarter of any inch, you're redoing them :lachen:. I got them done in UAE. Cost about $100.

I'm like you....since coming here I am truly inspired! You are too funny...I pictured you getting on her head about the tightness...:lachen: $100 sounds good!!!!
Here's the bun I've been wearing this past week


It's not quite how it is supposed to be, but I got alot of compliments on it. My boss thought it was a hair piece. LOL
Yes they are long and pretty! good shine too! are they heavy? I had cornrows this summer all the way down to my butt...got pics too! LOL they were HEAVY!!!! Are yours braided to the ends?

No they're not that heavy actually.
I only braided to the end of my real hair, which is, after my stupid minichop, half way.
They're really to long for me, I do like to keep braids sl so I chop them almost every day.
So much pretty hair in here!!!

I washed and mine is in a wet bun. Nothing special.

Funny you say that....I want to see a wet bun. I maybe thinking of something different. Is this like bagging? When you get a chance can you show a pic....it can be an old one.