**How Are You Wearing Your Hair Today?!!** Pics!

This is a good thread. Im always trying to figure out everyday styles. Taking notes. I especially like all the updos and twisted updos. I'm going to get me some twists real soon.
LOL @ Janet bumping this cause it's Monday mornin'! girl, don't you know this is the day when folk just barely roll out of bed in time to get to class?? not a day to be cute. :lol:
but um...here are some pics. i have a class with this one cute guy, so i make an effort.:look: wet donut bun from yesterday, and it's the same exact style today. just imagine me with different earrings. :lol:

PRODUCT RAVE: ORS Edge Control!!! fantastic stuff-my edges lay down allll day.


^^^^Bwahahaha @Rocky91 (I can't wait till we get the mentions back)! You're right but I needed some Monday morning inspiration!!!