How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Just wanted to update those who knew my mom's situation with lupus and steroids that she had to take which causes her to gain weight (along w/ various other meds that cause weight gain...which I looked up online). She's lost 24 pounds total so far (she has had a few gain and lose over and over and then she'd drop more). I'm happy for her because it puts her in the low 200's. If she keeps this up, by the end of summer she should be in the 170's or 80's. All she's doing is taking chlorella!!! In addition, she can't exercise because she is in systemic lupus late stages and also has fibro, and and myositis (remember auto immune illnesses travel in clusters? from my previous article) so her doctor says NO exercise! I'm really happy for her. It took almost four months but who cares as long as you get there right?

(I just flew home to visit, and I've been here over a week) Her hair is a WEED, and I mean it. She complains about how long it's getting and keeps it in a large plait, but she's at MBL now and she was upper BSL. That's with her cutting it all the time LOL! Forgot to add that it was super thin before and now it's thickening up. It's not perfect but it's sooo much better.

Thanks Lucky for the update on your mom. I'm so happy for your mom and you!!! Chl is the best thing you could have introduced to the rest of us.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STARTING THIS THREAD!!! I finally got my SO to start taking them after all of these months. My mom and sis started taking them about a month ago.
This is super great news! :grin: I am so happy for your mom. Actually for you both, I know you are glad you were able to share the love in the form of Chl. I can't wait to get my mom totally convinced to give green a try. She is in excellent health right now, she has always been a regular vitamin taker, the only problems she has had are with her knees. She is 74 and doing everything for herself. She is out of state too.

I saw my son on yesterday, and he thinks I do way too many things. His doctor gave him some herbal/natural suggestions, and he told his doc, you sound like my mom! But, when my son saw me yesterday, he said mom I have to admit you look great! Whatever you are doing is working well for you. CHL/SPL and other greens are SUPER! :yep:

Next week I am supposed to get my hair heat straightened, (for my friends wedding) it is so hot here already, I really don't want to do it, I can't stand for my head to be hot! If I do, as promised I will post pics to better show the growth and current length of my hair.

GREEN is great ladies.......keep at it, be encouraged to all the newbies, the change is for the good, even if it seems to be a slow change. :yep:

Thanks for the love Mariofmagdal, and I thank everyone else as well. My mom's health means so much to me! I am happy that chlorella is benefitting everyone.

I hope you can get your mom on board. Hopefuly it'll help her with her knee pain. I know you've been following the thread and some of the ladies have reported injured areas being pain free after taking chlorella.:yep: I know my hand (from hand surgery) has healed so well and the scar is almost non existent. Being green is fun.:grin:

I can't wait to see the pics of your hair. I know I'll be drooling away...
i stayed out of this thread for several months, but today is the day that the mighty has fallen. im off to buy chlorella tomorrow *exits thread*
I almost had a heart attack when my period was two days late. I forgot that some of the ladies said that their periods came late so when mine was two days late this time around I was having a fit. I took three pregnancy test and hit my husband upside his head at least twice. My period is always on time and the times that it was not on time were the times that it did not come for at 9 months. I love my children but I am done having children for the time being. It was not until my period came (two days late) that I realize that it was probably the chlorella. Just a reminder to those who are starting chlorella.

Hey Greenies!!

Its been a long time. First I am happy to hear of the great progress you guys have made. Lucky I'm very happy for you and your mother!

In march and april my life got really busy. I had put so much stuff off because I was studying for the bar that once that was over I had a whole bunch of business to take care of and I started an internship. Because of all that I was intermittent at best with taking all my vitamins and especially my beloved green shake. I tried to stay on my plan but it was very hard I didnt get to exercise as much either. In May things slowed down a bit, I was able to start my green shakes again but still not with the same intensity as I used to have. I was able to take silica throughout the 3 months and I think thats the only thing that kept me looking and feeling like I was still a greenie.

About 2 weeks ago I started being diligent with my green shakes again and I plan on adding exercise starting today. Those things in tandem really helped me see progress with my hair. My overall health is good, I plan on adding veggies and eating right again to continue to help my hair.

From January to about March I saw amazing hair growth, when my regimen got mixed up because of my schedule my hair growth stopped, literally stopped cold if it grew any it was not noticeable at all. My longest layer was at APL my shortest was right above shoulder length. I recently got a much needed trim so Im basically right back where I started, I was able to keep about 2 inches of my wonderful CHL growth. Despite this setback Im not disappointed and I love my new hair cut. My hair was growing like a weed at one point and wearing it down was impossible because my layers were all over the place and my hair was uneven. I plan on getting micro trims to stop that from happening this time.

Its too quick to comment on hair growth but the best thing thats happened since picking CHL back up is that I lost the five pounds I gained when I wasn't eating right or exercising.

Its good to be back green :grin:
I ran out of chlorella and I'm not green for the time being....BUT I found a site that sells the same brand I was using, double the amount of pills for a cheaper price. Hopefully they'll be here this week, I ordered Thursday. *sigh*
My chl powder arrived today. Geez, I ordered it on the 21st (note to self: find another source for quicker shipping). Already took 10 pills this a.m. so I will begin the powder in the 'morrow. This is cool because I can save the pills for when I am traveling later this month. :yep:

I have an 8 oz. jar (226.8 grams) need to figure out how long this will last so I don't have any gaps in use. Or, better yet, perhaps I'll just order more now. :rolleyes: Oh, wait, pkg. states 1 level tsp = 3 grams. 37 servings. That's useful 4-1-1. Pkg. suggests taking this 1 - 3 x day. Hmmmmm. If done 3x that would be 9 grams per day. Well, I remember what has been stated . . .take it slow, up it slowly see what the body tolerates. Oh, there also seemed to be the notion that the powder is more potent than pills. So, on that strength, I think tomorrow I will take 6 grams and see what happens.

I'll try and remember to post in 30 days the whatever.
Hey Greenies!!

Its been a long time. First I am happy to hear of the great progress you guys have made. Lucky I'm very happy for you and your mother!

In march and april my life got really busy. I had put so much stuff off because I was studying for the bar that once that was over I had a whole bunch of business to take care of and I started an internship. Because of all that I was intermittent at best with taking all my vitamins and especially my beloved green shake. I tried to stay on my plan but it was very hard I didnt get to exercise as much either. In May things slowed down a bit, I was able to start my green shakes again but still not with the same intensity as I used to have. I was able to take silica throughout the 3 months and I think thats the only thing that kept me looking and feeling like I was still a greenie.

About 2 weeks ago I started being diligent with my green shakes again and I plan on adding exercise starting today. Those things in tandem really helped me see progress with my hair. My overall health is good, I plan on adding veggies and eating right again to continue to help my hair.

From January to about March I saw amazing hair growth, when my regimen got mixed up because of my schedule my hair growth stopped, literally stopped cold if it grew any it was not noticeable at all. My longest layer was at APL my shortest was right above shoulder length. I recently got a much needed trim so Im basically right back where I started, I was able to keep about 2 inches of my wonderful CHL growth. Despite this setback Im not disappointed and I love my new hair cut. My hair was growing like a weed at one point and wearing it down was impossible because my layers were all over the place and my hair was uneven. I plan on getting micro trims to stop that from happening this time.

Its too quick to comment on hair growth but the best thing thats happened since picking CHL back up is that I lost the five pounds I gained when I wasn't eating right or exercising.

Its good to be back green :grin:

Welcome back Kimbosheart, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad you're back to being consistent as I know you had excellent results from chlorella previously. I'm sure it will be the same again once you get back on consistently.:yep:
Re: Gassss, ahhh haa

Heeey, maybe I missed something. So, chl causes some of us gas?????? :lachen: The other day I was fartin' all over and was kinda giggly cause I was thinking to myself, "Why am I fartin'?" The real funny thing is I didn't smell 'em. :spinning: So, it's the chl???? Wonder does that mean it's working or something? :rolleyes:

Tooo funny. Gotta keep it moving.....:grin:
I ordered some chlorella from and hopefully it should get here soon. I just ordered the small 4oz powder. I also ordered some nettle tea as well. I'm so excited!! I can't wait to go green like the rest of you ladies :grin:
My source naturals tablets came today! They stink to high heaven, but I love those little green monsters already. *Sigh*
"How much chl should you take . . . "

I stumbled upon this at a website - bolding and underlining are mine:

[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]3 grams per day is a good maintenance dosage of Chlorella for a person to take. With this amount, you will not notice significant changes, however, your body will get many of the nutrients it must have to function properly such amino acids (protein), vital minerals, vitamins, carbohydrates and enzymes.

[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]However, a person taking 5-7 grams per day is quite common and at this level you will notice significant changes in digestion, energy and overall health.[/FONT][FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif]
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1] One teaspoon of powder is equal to 5,000 mg. If you are taking tablets or capsules you would have to divide the mg of that pill into 5,000 mg to find out your dose. For example if you had 500 mg tablets you would divide 5,000 by 500 and determine you would need ten tablets for 5,000 mg of chlorella.
[FONT=Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif][SIZE=+1]Er a, I'm definitely upping from 3gr.
Well Chlorella may have regulated my menstrual cycle...I won't know for sure until next month but this month Aunt Flow came on time for the first time in like forever. I have been consistently missing my periods for 1-2 months at a time since last year. I started chlorella almost a month ago right after my last period and Aunt Flow showed up this month right on time ....WHO HOOOOOOO!!!! (can't believe that I am happy to greet this particular family member!) but for now, I am contributing this timely visit to Chlorella........STAY GREEN!!
I've been taking chlorella since the beginning of far so good :grin:
Me and my SO decided we were going to start ttc this summer.My question is...does anyone know if it's safe to continue to take chlorella while ttc or pregnant??
Yes, EXUBAH this is one of the benefits I love the most, she comes and goes with such ease...I am staying GREEN for LIFE!

YES! I have been having very heavy flow for most of my life, and this last . was so easy. I was surprised when she arrived (very delicately) and left just as easily. No cramps or anything.

For that benefit alone, I'm staying on chlorella.:yep:
I've been taking chlorella since the beginning of far so good :grin:
Me and my SO decided we were going to start ttc this summer.My question is...does anyone know if it's safe to continue to take chlorella while ttc or pregnant??

From what I have read, if you're taking chlorella before ttc you should be fine to take it during pregnancy and breastfeeding. However, you should speak to your obgyn to be safe.

Good luck!
I've been taking Chlorella for about 3 weeks and I have slowly increased my dosage to 6 grams. My symptoms so far have been mild. I had breakouts on my face and my right boob (weird). I'm wondering if the breakouts on the right boob were caused from a mammogram I had a month before starting Chlorella. I had to return for a second mammogram screening of the right boob, only. Hmmmmmmm............
I am finally green and odorless. YIPPEE!!!!!
I've been taking Chlorella for about 3 weeks and I have slowly increased my dosage to 6 grams. My symptoms so far have been mild. I had breakouts on my face and my right boob (weird). I'm wondering if the breakouts on the right boob were caused from a mammogram I had a month before starting Chlorella. I had to return for a second mammogram screening of the right boob, only. Hmmmmmmm............
I am finally green and odorless. YIPPEE!!!!!
Yay green!:grin:

IDK about the break out it could be either. Just make sure to drink tons of water.
I've been taking chlorella since the beginning of far so good :grin:
Me and my SO decided we were going to start ttc this summer.My question is...does anyone know if it's safe to continue to take chlorella while ttc or pregnant??

FIRST you SHOULD ask your doc. But I think that he will okay it. If you've been taking it with success I don't see why you shouldn't be able to as it is a whole food. Doc can I take some spinach? I can see a NO only if you're allergic. But still ask just to be safe. Here are some article tidbits about chlorella and pregnancy. You may want to click on them and print them out to bring to your doctor.

Chlorella at one time had a bad reputation because of its association with herbs that were not pregnancy-friendly. A greens mixture which is considered unhealthy for pregnant women contains not only chlorella, but herbs that do not sustain pregnancy, such as Siberian ginseng and gingko biloba. Many other herbs including lemongrass, dong quai and echinacea should not be taken by pregnant women, even in small quantities. Because chlorella is often combined with these herbs, there is a misconception that chlorella is also off-limits for pregnant women. However, chlorella is also a favorite ingredient in many pre-natal vitamin and herbal formulas, and is not only safe for pregnant women, but also contains properties which support pregnancy and specifically meet the [COLOR=blue! important][COLOR=blue! important]nutritional[/COLOR][/COLOR] needs of pregnant and nursing women.

'Study Shows Mothers Who Take Chlorella Boost Babies' Antibodies During Breast

TORRANCE, Calif., June 18 /PRNewswire/ -- A Japanese study found women who took Chlorella pyrenoidosa supplements during pregnancy had significantly higher IgA antibody concentrations in their breast milk(1). The higher levels of IgA resulted in a reduced risk of infection in nursing infants. The study, published in the Journal of Medicinal Food (March 1, 2007,
Volume 10, Number 1), analyzed the breast milk in 35 Japanese women. Eighteen of the 35 study participants took Chlorella pyrenoidosa supplements during their pregnancy. Results suggest that Chlorella supplementation may be beneficial for nursing infants because it increases IgA antibody levels in the mother's breast milk.

From rawfood talk forum. Keep in mind it's a thread not an article:
The party line amongst natural practitioners is generally that if you were taking chlorella before pregnancy then it's fine to continue on with it. If not, it's not recommended to start in pregnancy. IT does chelate pretty strongly. I took it for years and continued in pregnancy, but don't know that I would have started during. HTH.

Another article:
Japanese study with healthy pregnant women found that taking 6,000 mg of chlorella per day during pregnancy significantly reduced the amount of dioxins in breast milk compared to controls (a 40% reduction). Additionally, the study also showed an added immune benefit in that the sIGA of women taking chlorella was higher in their breast milk meaning their children got better quality immune support.*

Chlorella contains twice as much folic acid as beef liver, which is usually thought of as the richest source. During pregnancy inadequate amounts of folic acid can lead to miscarriage. Many women with histories of miscarriage have had normal deliveries after folic acid deficiencies were corrected...

Finally please please if you're allergic don't use it. If you're having a strong reaction don't use it during pregnancy, and most importantly ASK the doctor! HTH
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How's everyone? Chlorella's doing well for me. I haven't gone on a chlorella rant because it's the same ole' same ole' in a GREAT way of course. Skin is still happy, hair is growing, and I'm whittling down in weight. I'm hoping to have it help with my health but I know that's on it's way too!
well, this is about the second week. hopefully my stepping up in water intake will cease the breakouts (up to about 45-50 oz per day now, mama lucki...) and i'm also hoping to see some weight loss soon. been working out like mad, but tapering off because i have a triathlon sunday.

everything is still green, and i'm regular as a ****. i'll wait for a full month to check the blood pressure and cholesterol. of course, i'll keep you posted.

oh yeah, i suppose i'll let you know if i've got hair growth too. man, so many other things i'm looking forward to this helping, hair growth is gradually falling to the bottom of the list!
well, this is about the second week. hopefully my stepping up in water intake will cease the breakouts (up to about 45-50 oz per day now, mama lucki...) and i'm also hoping to see some weight loss soon. been working out like mad, but tapering off because i have a triathlon sunday.

everything is still green, and i'm regular as a ****. i'll wait for a full month to check the blood pressure and cholesterol. of course, i'll keep you posted.

oh yeah, i suppose i'll let you know if i've got hair growth too. man, so many other things i'm looking forward to this helping, hair growth is gradually falling to the bottom of the list![/quote

That's why I love chlorella. There's just so many good things that happen to your body that the hair growth and thickness is just an extra bonus after a while.

BTW how much are you taking?
Is it just me or chl prices have skyrocketed!??! Actually no, they HAVE! I payed $26 in March for the SN 16oz. powder and is now $46!!! :thud: Why, oh, why would they do that for!?!?
Has anybody else noticed the same "phenomenon" with other brands? I'm either going to have to switch to another brand or stop taking chl until I can afford it. :nono: That's more than half the price of a monthly Metrocard if you want to put it in NYer perspective. :look:
Hey Luckiestdestiny, if possible, can you please post on page 1 where you order your nettle tea?

Chlorella update: I started at 1gram on May 20th, I was green immediately.. by the next week I went to 1.5 and now I'm recently at 2grams.. I haven't been green since the first week. I take the tablets called "ChloreEssence" .."premium High-CGF Chlorella".

I'm still waiting on the skin benefits.. I drink about 6 glasses of water and still no diff. in my skin. I'm actually thinking to get a facial in hopes that it will aid in jump starting my way to clearer skin.

I'm interested in ordering the nettle tea, want to start rinsing my daughter's hair w/it.. and eventually mine when i take my sew-in down.

Hope all you ladies are getting great results and that you'll keep on posting. It's all such useful info, thank you.