New Member
Just wanted to update those who knew my mom's situation with lupus and steroids that she had to take which causes her to gain weight (along w/ various other meds that cause weight gain...which I looked up online). She's lost 24 pounds total so far (she has had a few gain and lose over and over and then she'd drop more). I'm happy for her because it puts her in the low 200's. If she keeps this up, by the end of summer she should be in the 170's or 80's. All she's doing is taking chlorella!!! In addition, she can't exercise because she is in systemic lupus late stages and also has fibro, and and myositis (remember auto immune illnesses travel in clusters? from my previous article) so her doctor says NO exercise! I'm really happy for her. It took almost four months but who cares as long as you get there right?
(I just flew home to visit, and I've been here over a week) Her hair is a WEED, and I mean it. She complains about how long it's getting and keeps it in a large plait, but she's at MBL now and she was upper BSL. That's with her cutting it all the time LOL! Forgot to add that it was super thin before and now it's thickening up. It's not perfect but it's sooo much better.
Thanks Lucky for the update on your mom. I'm so happy for your mom and you!!! Chl is the best thing you could have introduced to the rest of us.
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR STARTING THIS THREAD!!! I finally got my SO to start taking them after all of these months. My mom and sis started taking them about a month ago.