How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
Sorry if you mentioned this earlier (the thread is huge) - how much do you take daily?

I cut back to 2 grams-3/4 days a week....due to a wee breakout...

I'm still getting great results, though.....

When I get back home (the US) I will increase my intake, for sure....:yep:

(love your updates, HairHustler !!):grin:
My face has broken out on one side and I'm choosing to ignore it. My cousin had me cracking up as I downed 10 chl tablets at breakfast yesterday. Back at home now and it's back to the powder, 2 tsp. minimum; oh yeah.
I can't wait to see the pics of your hair. I know I'll be drooling away...

Well, I started my day under the dryer with a rollerset @ 7:00am. I did have beautiful loose curls, did not take a pic. Wedding was outside, although it did not rain, the air was very moist. Needless to say, my hair was a disaster! I could not wait to get home, wash it, and return to my good old bun! My hair was a ball of poof on top of my head due to the moisture and humidity in the air. Won't do that again. Sorry for no pics, will have to find another way to show my length.
Call me crazy, but I'm halfway green already. I ordered my chlorella a few weeks ago & I just took my first dosage today. I took 400 grams around 830 PM Eastern and I just had a BM at 1030 & it was halfway green. I'm excited about the upcoming months :)
Well, I started my day under the dryer with a rollerset @ 7:00am. I did have beautiful loose curls, did not take a pic. Wedding was outside, although it did not rain, the air was very moist. Needless to say, my hair was a disaster! I could not wait to get home, wash it, and return to my good old bun! My hair was a ball of poof on top of my head due to the moisture and humidity in the air. Won't do that again. Sorry for no pics, will have to find another way to show my length.

Just caught this:ohwell: Blah! Rain!!!!!! (The natural's least when you're wearing your hair straight or in defined curls). Hope you had fun at the wedding!

As for the hair....

Oh well! Maybe next time.:grin: Looking forward to it.
Just checking in, I have been on SN Chlorella and Earthrise Spirulina for about 3 months now. It seems that each week I get a different surprise be it more energy, a feeling of well being, nail growth, eyelash growth, smooth skin and no cellulite, now I am noticing that my entire physique is changing and I don't know how to describe it but I had lipo on my waist and it left some loose skin around there and now the skin is tightening up big time, it is almost normal now!

It seems that CHL/SPRL is doing what no sit-up or crunch could do. I am not big on exercise but I was trying and gave up weeks ago and now I am noticing that everything on my body is tightening and seemingly reshaped in some way. I am FINALLY losing weight steadily, I have had a long battle with being able to lose consistently but now it is happening on the regular!

I am so very happy but happy most of all for my mom who has lupus. I reported a few weeks ago that she started on CHL. As of yesterday, she told me that her pain is lessening, she has more energy and her nails were growing off the hook!!! She told me she has never had her nails grow like this. She also complained of 2 errant facial hairs that have sprouted on her chin and she never had that before!!! Praise God! My mother is very very ill most of the time and for her to be able to give me that kind of report was most encouraging. She still has her up's and down's but the CHL is HELPING! I will let you all know how things are going for her as time unfolds. So, that's it ladies, CHL/SPRL is still in the forefront and still performing for us. Take care and be Blessed you all.

HairHustla, great to hear that you are having such wonderful results. How much Chlorella are you using? I can't take spirillina as I am terrible allergic to it, as well as to Kelp, unfortunately. Hopefully I can get the same results minus the spirillina.
Also great news about your mother, may she continue to progress.

HairHustla, great to hear that you are having such wonderful results. How much Chlorella are you using? I can't take spirillina as I am terrible allergic to it, as well as to Kelp, unfortunately. Hopefully I can get the same results minus the spirillina.
Also great news about your mother, may she continue to progress.


Thanks so much for the love! I hate to say how much I am taking because I fluctuate so much but on a good week when I don't forget my evening dosage, I am at about 8 grams. Otherwise I am usually between 3 and 5 grams because of my morning shake that I drink faithfully. Sorry you are allergic to Spirulina, I love it almost more than the chlorella, it seems to give me the energy while chlorella seems to take care of my body and health issues but they both work well together for me. What happens to you when you take Spirulina? I am just curious?
What happens to you when you take Spirulina? I am just curious?

HairHustla, Sorry for the late response.
When I take spirulina I am physically sick :wallbash: for hours non stop, during which I go from extremely hot to extremely cold. It takes me about a week to get over it. Therefore before I buy any supplements, I have to check there is no spirulina or kelp in them.
What happens to you when you take Spirulina? I am just curious?

HairHustla, Sorry for the late response.
When I take spirulina I am physically sick :wallbash: for hours non stop, during which I go from extremely hot to extremely cold. It takes me about a week to get over it. Therefore before I buy any supplements, I have to check there is no spirulina or kelp in them.

That's sad. But interesting, hmmm....
What happens to you when you take Spirulina? I am just curious?

HairHustla, Sorry for the late response.
When I take spirulina I am physically sick :wallbash: for hours non stop, during which I go from extremely hot to extremely cold. It takes me about a week to get over it. Therefore before I buy any supplements, I have to check there is no spirulina or kelp in them.
Poor Baby! Yeah you are definitely right to leave that alone...but it is so interesting that you can take chlorella still. Maybe they are not as alike as we think. Or maybe there is a constituent in spirulina that sets you off. That is interesting for sure!
Once you go "green" are you suppose to remain green as long as you continue using Chlorella?

The goal is to stay green. Remember that article I posted? If your #2 isn't green you aren't eating enough. I should add that we all should increase to get there as our body allows, though. does one know if the chlorella is causing constipation if one isn't regular to begin with?

ETA: i've finally figured out a way to take this stuff without gagging. i just mix my half teaspoon of chlorella with enough water to make a liquid mixture and toss it to the back of my throat. i immediately follow this up with about 8 ounces of water :) works for me much better than drinking an 8 ounce glass of this stuff :grin: does one know if the chlorella is causing constipation if one isn't regular to begin with?

ETA: i've finally figured out a way to take this stuff without gagging. i just mix my half teaspoon of chlorella with enough water to make a liquid mixture and toss it to the back of my throat. i immediately follow this up with about 8 ounces of water :) works for me much better than drinking an 8 ounce glass of this stuff :grin:

I believe this is what LD does:grin: I don't mind drinking a huge cup of it!!! lol:grin:
Taste . . .

With the Bolthouse Farms I am telling you, I don't know WHAT chl tastes like? Have you tried it with that vs. water?????
I went back up to 7 grams of Vitamin Shoppe Chlorella and I'm feeling good. My skin is soft and smooth and I think I finally hit a growth spurt with my hair. My nape is doing very well and I'm still gaining weight. :yay: I started eating a protein bar and drinking protein shakes for breakfast but I've been too lazy to work out. As of this morning, I'm back up to 160 lbs (I'm 6' tall and my goal is 170).

Still green with Chlorella! :grin:
You should read up on maca root for your cyclesan it balances the hormones, there are a couple of posts floating around about it. Also praying for your weight situation, and congrats on the weight loss.
Okay ladies, this is my weekly check in, although I've been MIA for like two...

so let me tell yall what happened... After all of the support about my weightloss emotional crash I had from you all, I had to end up going out of town short notice for work. During those two days I had to eat out and got terribly sick from it. My body can't handle stress along with fast food and dining out, even if it's fine dining. on top of that, I started using birth control again because I was scared I was going to have a bad period if I didn't. The result of all of this was a 3lb weight gain. I had gotten down to 197 from 206/207, and the weekend before last when I went away, I went back up to 200.... Compounded with my job situation and finances, and having to move again short notice, I was threw. I cried for two whole days. It was like I was managing everything well, but those 3 pounds pushed me right over the edge.

I have been so depressed about it and just irately upset that I didn't even want to come up here and post it, and I didn't... I know, dont fuss at me. I was just so disappointed and infuriated.

So I did come up here and read what's been going on and I saw a post that LD made talking about a man who had gained weight from his dosage and had decreased it. I've been maintaining 9grams for weeks now and never had an issue with weight gain, I've been losing 2lbs per week consistently. So maybe it was a new detox issue, and probably the birth control. So I picked myself up by the bootstraps, well, the Lord actually handed them to me, (LOL), and began to workout again this week (continuing my regular regimen), and I decreased my dosage back down to 3 grams, after going at 9grams for 2 months, and I got rid of my birth control.... I went to the gym today, since last Wednesday weighing in at 200, and today I weighed 194...

Like WTFreak? was going on!!! Seriously?! The relief that came over me and the joy was so great.... I dont understand, but I do thank God in his infinite mercy because I was really really down. I am still concerned with my belly as it is very resistant to exercise, and I've been wanting lipo for a year now. Every other part of my body responds well to exercise and dieting, but my belly..

So althogh I'm not actually green at 3grams, I may push it up to 6, but monitor my body closely. Please also pray for me, for those of you who believe in prayer, specifically to Jesus (lol, just had to say that), that my periods will normalized with the Chlorella. I have severe cramping, nausea, vomitting, and they dont come on schedule, and usually every 19 days... With all that, it is my prayer and hope that this would be the Lord's providence for my obvious hormonal issues, and that whatever else could exist internally, that this would take care of those issues that doctors have not been able to give me a justified answer for other than it's just my body...

I know this is all a lot, but thank you all for listening, and again, I humbly ask that you pray for me for my weight loss and my belly issue, as well as my periods... Nothing is certainly too big for God... Thanks for your prayers in advance. I would so appreciate it!

By the way, my weight loss goal is to get down to 175-180... that would be 30 lbs...

Oh, and in the spirit of giving back, my chlorella lotion has been working wonders on my skin. I have eczema and lots of scarring on teh body, especially in teh creases, and so the lotion has been workign wonders, and lightening very well. Also, I've been taking flax oil everyday. It's amazing how soft my skin is and supple, and it just glows. Another thing, I just bought some licorice extract and have been using it everyday on teh really bad scars, they are fading beautifully. If you google it, you can see the benefits of licorice extract. It's the glabridin in it that causes a skin lightening effect b/c it combats melanin overproduction or melasma in the skin. My face and body are starting to look great and bright, and very clear! Let me know if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer.

One more thing, for those concerned about hair growth (and no, I dont have pics, sorry) but I cut my hair Jan 6 to a little above my shoulder, from at least 1.5 inches below shoulder length, and it has all grown back and some more. So I'm really glad about that. I should have arm pit length hair, but I've had some oopsies and things to learn about my hair since October that have caused me to have about 3 set backs, but momma is on the roll now. I should be good this coming fall to reach my first goal, full apl...
Thanks in advance, Trinia
HairHustla I am really happy to hear about all of the benefits of chl in your life!
I am going to follow and say that I have officially had 1/2 an inch to 1inch of new growth within one month after being green since Feb.
Now you may say that I am natural and that I cannot see the difference, but it is true! I can tell because of my locs' "new growth" (somehow it feels like a relaxer throwback when I say that... :look:). I usually get 1/4 to 1/2 an inch of growth per month, my temples and kitchen being the slowest areas to grow. Last Sunday, I did my first retwist and I my hair growth is finally kicking in! The front and kitchen are still slow which is why I only got 1/2 an inch of new growth in these areas, but the rest of my head got a full inch!! And the new growth was thick!
Happy to be green and thankful for this thread! Thank you LD!!
When is the best time to take Chlorella?…was this in an article?

I take in the morning as my “breakfast” replacement meal because I don’t have time to eat - and breakfast is the most important meal o the day
Lebiya, although chorella is a food source, it doesn't replace a healthy breakfast. Try making a protein & fruit or yogurt smoothie oe even Fiber One bars are great.
^ Yeah I know...I work 12hrs a day (minus the travel time to and from work) - so I truly don't time. I figured its either chlorella or nothing in the morning, so gulp it down with water first thing. Next week I will be getting breakfast replacement shakes...Does anyone know of any really good ones i can pick up?

...also if your taking 12grs or more of chlorella (powder) and not drinking a lot of water, will my body still excrete waste normally, effectively?..will I still benefit from all the goodness..vits, minerals etc properly?

I almost never feel thirsty, I drink water by force at times.
I'm on Atkins and taking Chlorella. I've looked up the nutritional values and they say this has no carbohydrates in it...but I find it so hard to believe. Anyone have any insight on this?
I've been taking chlorella for 5 weeks now. i started at 1 g, then 4 days later increased to 3 g, next day 4 g, a week later 5g, next 2 days 7 g. so, it had been 9 days and i had no side effects, and i increased rapidly because i did not see any change. i was green after like 3 days, but didn't notice anything. then, i remembered i had been having tooth pain every day for a month and taking orajel and excedrine daily, but i thought to myself, my tooth has not been hurting. so, i think my tooth pain completely stopped around day 3-4. then i dropped back to 4 g because i did not see a benefit in taking so much. the second week i notice skin glowing but breaking out, then i vomited twice and stopped taking it like 2 days. it became kind of hard to take it. i was taking it with plain juice now i have to take it with bolthouse farms drinks, but can take a little with plain juice. my tooth pain came back when i stopped taking it, and i came down with tonsilitis(but only a few days). i started back 1-2-3g for the third week. 4th week back to 4 g, and now taking 5-6 g. my skin is starting to look better now that i'm green again. i also noticed when i stopped taking it i was so sluggish, so it has given me a slight energy boost. my fingernails always grow fast (genetics) but now they are growing too fast. those are all the benefits i notice so far.
Still going strong with 6 grams chl and 6 grams sp. I know this stuff is working because my digestive system is sooo much better but the increased energy... hmm I haven't seen that yet. I am just happy my tummy is better.
I am so glad I found this thread.....
Cheers ladies