Houston Ladies how is your dating life?


Is dating a priority for you?

Do you have time to date?

What are you looking for?

Where are you going to find it?

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

I'm living life like it's golden far as dating it is raining men :bdance:

I think I met a nice man that I might want to fix up with someone today, friend of the dude I had a date with.
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Huh? Only one response since last night? Well, my answers are in red.
Is dating a priority for you? I'm not sure. It's kinda hard to judge if the dating scene is like the Sahara desert of viable options :lachen:

Do you have time to date? Yes

What are you looking for? Oh lawd... that might be the reason for the desert j/k. CHRISTIAN (walking the talk), kind, has a JOB, and looking to grow. He can't be ugly :nono:

Where are you going to find it? Girl, if I knew, I wouldn't be typing this mess. I'm a home body so I know I need to get out more.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle? Um no :look:, A sister can't put her business out there like that. It's not like I'm wearing a wedding band.:look:

I'm living life like it's golden far as dating it is raining men :bdance:Good for you. I'm glad someone is having a great time in the H. You do have a very outgoing, and inviting personality so I can see how the men flock to you.

P.S. No I'm not a stalker. I believe I met you at one of the meet-ups... before I went to sit by myself :lachen:

I think I met a nice man that I might want to fix up with someone today, friend of the dude I had a date with.
Is dating a priority for you? Its definitely a priority..I like experiencing new things and having someone to do that with..I love giving and receiving affection (and other things):look:

Do you have time to date? Yes, I am off on the weekends and I can definitely squeeze in a week day or 2 for drinks and general hanging out

What are you looking for? Im looking for my companion now, who will eventually be my husband later..I am looking for someone that can see my faults but also recognize my strengths. I am searching for a man with no more than one child, gainfully employed, respectable, and semi-handsome..lol
(I do prefer AA men)

Where are you going to find it? I have no idea..Thats like the million dollar question. To be fair, I honestly think he passed me by already

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?
Everyone who knows me, knows Im single..
Is dating a priority for you? Dating hasn't really been a priority although I'd like to meet someone.

Do you have time to date? I think so.

What are you looking for? I'd like a nice Christian man, my age group, has a career, good personality, funny.......the usual stuff.

Where are you going to find it? Not sure.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle? My friends know I'm single. In fact, they always ask me if I've met someone which annoys me. Is it a crime to be single. geesh.

I'd like to know where you ladies are meeting men in Houston. I feel like it's such a different atmosphere here. (I moved here from FL 3 years ago).
Dallas Texas checking in. I'm having a wonderful time. I'm currently dating a black guy and a Latino. I'm sure if I was in Houston I would have a good time as well. If you put yourself out there then the men will find you. I don't really have a priority on anything right now, I just want to be free and meet new people that I may consider at a later date.
This is interesting - I had heard that Houston was supposed to be GREAT for young blacks looking for love. (Then again, didn't they say that about Atlanta . . . DC . . . :look:)

This is a great thread - I am going to swipe part of it for a spinoff!
Houston has a lot of dating options if you're just looking to have fun or if you're not too selective. If you want any ol' guy with a job, they abound. The issues comes when one starts getting selective. By the time you apply: marriage-minded, spiritually conscious, educated, gainfully employed, child-free, no record, good credit e.t.c. That pool shrinks significantly.

If a lady is looking to just chill, yeah come to Houston and have fun. If you're looking for a quality husband... your odds are just as good right where you live.
Is dating a priority for you?

Do you have time to date?

What are you looking for?

Where are you going to find it?

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle?

I'm living life like it's golden far as dating it is raining men :bdance:

I think I met a nice man that I might want to fix up with someone today, friend of the dude I had a date with.

My dating life is going well. I was in a LTR for a looong time and met 3 guys less than a week after we broke up!

Dating is a priority for me, because I enjoy male companionship way more than hanging out with girlfriends. But, I've been in law school for the past 3 years and that has taken a lot of my time.

I don't "look" for men. I take very good care of myself, smile, and talk to men a LOT, and they pursue me. I spark convos with random men. I would like a man who is a Christian and well-educated. He has to be physically fit as well.

I met my last couple of dates/boyfriends at random places, where there was a good men-to-women ratio. Cookouts and sports bars are the best places in Houston to meet men. They will go where there is food and alcohol, even Christian men. Also, he does not have to be an avid church-goer, just someone with the same beliefs as me.

I let all of my guy friends know that I am available, because I've found that guys "check" with other guys to get your story. Houston is a great place to date. Men are manly and have good manners and they will spend money on nice dates. Even platonic friends just want female companionship sometimes because there's not a ton of good, available women in Houston.

I have one child, but I actually have never dated a man with kids (although I'm open to it). I'm really just dating right now, not looking for marriage, but marriage-material men are everywhere. All of my friends looking to be married, are. Their hubbbies met all of the criteria most women are looking for.
Houston has a lot of dating options if you're just looking to have fun or if you're not too selective. If you want any ol' guy with a job, they abound. The issues comes when one starts getting selective. By the time you apply: marriage-minded, spiritually conscious, educated, gainfully employed, child-free, no record, good credit e.t.c. That pool shrinks significantly.

If a lady is looking to just chill, yeah come to Houston and have fun. If you're looking for a quality husband... your odds are just as good right where you live.

Any old dude? Nawl on I'm only checking for UE unicorns. Yesterday my date was with a business/political figure. I've been seeing a surgeon since Dec but his fellowship is over and he is headed back to DC. I'm sure we will keep in touch. I just went out on day that I made this thread with an entrepreneur/real estate developer. Saturday was with an owner of a trucking company. The week b4 that was a driver for ups that will soon finish his pilot credentials and will start flying for them next year. I don't do the date any old dude because I have found that their mental and my mental don't agree and I can't marry and make babies with a person whose view on life in general don't match. We can disagree and the specifics but in general our mentality has to match up.

I'm suprised you say that almost everyone I run into her is a real estate developer, engineer, professional, or works for himself. Even the "hood" dudes I meet have degrees.

Eta: dude that is a friend of the guy i went on the date with is the manager I'm guessing of the Houston region of a world wide networking company. He is getting that paper :look:
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Is dating a priority for you?: Not really. I'm working on getting me right before I can bring somebody else into this. I don't mind friends though *wink, wink*

Do you have time to date?: Sure, I have time.

What are you looking for?: Don't know exactly, which is why I'm working on me. But I guess dating would help me to figure out what I like and definitely don't like.

Where are you going to find it?: Not going anywhere much.

Have you put the word out on the street that you are single and ready to mingle? No...(this is not going well for me is it...lol)

I'm living life like it's golden far as dating it is raining men

I think I met a nice man that I might want to fix up with someone today, friend of the dude I had a date with.

Basically I'm just not ready. Men and dating are a little intimidating right now so I need time to get it together. I'm all for hanging out and a having stress free fun with guys but I can't do serious dating right now.
Like PretteePlease said, I really don't meet any scrubs. Maybe it's the places I hang out, but I haven't dated a man who didn't have a degree (or wasn't in college with me when I was in college) since I was 18.

I told one of my friends that I will most likely marry a lawyer (I just graduated from law school), and she scoffed. I just brushed her off because obviously her expectations are different than mine. He doesn't have to be a lawyer, but he needs to be a professional. If not, what are we going to talk about :look:? Where would we even meet? I'm at Buffalo Wild Wings in Rice Village or on W.Gray. It's a sports bar, but not many hood figgas hand out around those parts :lol:.
PretteePlease . . . we need to talk :lol:

Although my job keeps me busy and traveling for business a LOT, I am serious about dating and meeting some marriage-minded, spiritual men who are established.

Y'all PM me lol I'm down for happy hour and wanna know where these men are hiding :sekret:
Just chiming in... For me it would be VERY difficult to date in Houston.
I have my sweetie but from the guys who have tried to approach they
seem so "hood" the type I'm attracted to "mature not old lol" they just
slowly follow around stores but never say anything... Atl was so much
easier I dated like wow there.
Yall have me wanting to move back home! Im from Houston, but live in DC now and while I have a decent pool of options, I cant help but think that Id be a little more progressive if I was back in Houston. (sigh) Carry on ladies...
WhipEffectz1 I have infiltrated the Dallas dating scene. Lawd lawd lawd if I sink my talons into this one there will be a white dress thread for me.

I had a date monday, tue, 2 on wed, one thursday and met one in the parking lot on the way into my date :look: and I was looking a mess. Houston ladies there is menz out there non hood, non country and gentlemen. We might need to have a dating meetup to see what may be going on and why all of us are not dating up a storm. I said I wanted 7 dates in seven days this week and I think it may happen.
I'm not saying "any ol' dude with a job" is necessarily hood or unsavory as a candidate, I daresay most of the duds are very well educated and have great jobs/incomes. There are good dating opportunities but I have found that when it comes down to getting serious, a girl has just as many opportunities wherever she is as she would in Houston. The last time I dated a guy without a degree was back in college. Every single guy I have been with after college was a professional and my opinions are based on my experiences. In my opinion these men, well educated or not, enjoy dating around but when it comes to the more serious aspects of relationships like marriage it's a different story.

Maybe it's my dating style or personality but I find meeting and dating numerous guys quite exhausting.
WhipEffectz1 I have infiltrated the Dallas dating scene. Lawd lawd lawd if I sink my talons into this one there will be a white dress thread for me.

I had a date monday, tue, 2 on wed, one thursday and met one in the parking lot on the way into my date :look: and I was looking a mess. Houston ladies there is menz out there non hood, non country and gentlemen. We might need to have a dating meetup to see what may be going on and why all of us are not dating up a storm. I said I wanted 7 dates in seven days this week and I think it may happen.

This is a great idea! Hook that up girl...
WhipEffectz1 I have infiltrated the Dallas dating scene. Lawd lawd lawd if I sink my talons into this one there will be a white dress thread for me.

I had a date monday, tue, 2 on wed, one thursday and met one in the parking lot on the way into my date :look: and I was looking a mess. Houston ladies there is menz out there non hood, non country and gentlemen. We might need to have a dating meetup to see what may be going on and why all of us are not dating up a storm. I said I wanted 7 dates in seven days this week and I think it may happen.

So you are here??!!! Get it boo! Come back and let Whip know. :yep:
bump- great thread! I just moved to houston and I think the men are more outgoing here- they will flirt in a second.
Was in Houston last weekend! Had a freakin blast! Met A LOT of men! Smile, dress pretty and let the rest flow!