HOTs, Oil Rinses, Ends/Scalp Sealing Challenge 5/1/11- 8/31/11


PJ Rehabilitation Center
Hey Ladies,

Felt Sooooo Nice We Decided to do it Twice:lol: Part II of Our Oil Challenge.

Back By Popular Demand! You Ladies have been So Wonderful and I've Truly Enjoyed this Thread.

A Chance to Use Up those Extra Oils you have on Hand and Improve The Overall Health of Your Hair.

List Your Oils, Pomades, etc...Tell Us How You'll Be Using them and Then Post. Feel Free to List any Articles or Links about the Benefits of Using Oils.

Here's What I'm Using:

Kukui Nut
Wheat Germ
Burdock Root
Extra Virgin Olive
Mixes: Hairveda Avosoya, Hydratherma Naturals Growth Oil, Claudie Garden Oil
Nature's Blessing
Hairveda Almond Glaze
Claudie Shea Pomade
SSI Marshmallow Cream
Afroveda Ginger Root Pomade
QB Tea Tree/Grapeseed Pomade
Mizani H2O Nighttime
BeeMine Luscious

I'm sure there's more. I'm just tryning to use up alot of this Stuff.

Happy Oiling Ladies.
I'm in.
I will be using
Castor Jelly
Castor Oil
Moegrow(with jojoba)

I have discovered that oiling is an excellent way for me to daily condition my hair and I'm hooked.
Ahh, most excellent! I have been waiting for this. I have started doing HOTs more recently, and I seal daily, but I need to start incorporating oil rinses into my routine. I believe I have the following (if I'm off its on the low side):

Rice bran
Wheat germ
Brahmi amla

I think that's it.

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I went to Brunch today and Slapped on some Red Palm Butter, 2 Plastic Caps a Du-rag & My Wig for a Mock-Hot.

I used up this Jar of Red Palm Oil/Butter. *won't repurchase*

I am now DC'ing under the Steamer but I applied my DC'er and then Put Some Ceramides Oil (I got from @Ltown) On My Hands and Rubbed in on the DC'er.

Will use a Little Pure Argan with My L-I and then Seal with HV Avosoya Oil after Drying.
I will be entering this challenge MAINLY with my castor oil, but will be using up several others along the way....maybe i should get the grapeseed for my length....
Cocasta, Avosoya, Gleau, Sweet Almond, Vatika Frosting,Amla, Shikaiki, Claudie's Scalp Elixir, Moku Hair Serum

Shea Pomade, Almond Glaze, Amla Pomade, Sunshine, Shea Sorbet

Oils for HOTS, oil rinses, adding to ayurvedic pastes, and to dcs
Scalp Elixir is for oiling scalp 3x/week
Serum is for sealing ends daily
Pomades,butters, and greases are for the length of my hair
I took down my cornrows today and my hair felt so soft and moisturized :lick: so I am going to continue with this challenge. Still using my coconut/sesame seed oil mix for pre-wash treatments, scalp oiling, and sealing after a water spritz. I really want to get my hands on some hemp seed oil after reading through the ceramide threads. Oh, and I have a burning urge to dabble in herbal oil infusions. Time to do some research!
It's been a week since I last washed my hair (skipped wash day) and to my surprise my hair esp. my ends feel really soft and moist. I'm gonna try to stretch wash day to two weeks and see what happens.
I think using oils has stopped my breakage and shedding. I have only been doing it a few days but my hair is 100% healthier.

I alternate between massaging jojoba oil on my scalp and coconut oil on my scalp and hair nightly.
Gracias for the reminder!

I'm thinking about doing a HOT with olive oil on Saturday. :grin:

eta: using up:

coconut oil
grapeseed oil
castor oil and jbco
hemp seed oil
sesame oil
I'm still in. I've been busy with life and wasnt updating as much (still lurking though). But ill try to keep up this time.
This is what I have (off the top of my head)

Shikaki Oil
Macadamia nut oil
Babassu Oil
Camelia Seed Oil
Fractioned Coconut Oil
Virgin Coconut Oil
Extra Virgin Avocado Oil
Hemp Seed Oil
Rice Bran Oil
Grapeseed Oil
Jamaican Black Castor Oil

And soon I will add and see how this new "Potion" works for me.


It's stopped my breakage and shedding as well. :-) I love my oils.

I deep conditioned tonight and added EVCO, EVOO, EVAO to my conditioner.
I washed my hair today with Trader Joe's tea tree shampoo, conditioned with Hello Hydration, sealed and oiled my scalp with my delicious Shea/coconut/Grapeseed/EVOO/Castor/Peppermint/Orange oil mix and added some Aloe Vera gel to the mix.

My hair is looking good, I just need this crown to grow a bit. I think I am going to start hanging my head off the edge of the bed like I used to do when I was a kid to get the blood flowing there.

Current Oils/Potions:
Shea Butter
Mango Shea Butter
Avocado Oil
Castor Oil
EV Coconut Oil
Sunflower Oil (I thought I bought Safflower and just realized it was Sunflower!!)
Grapeseed Oil
Jojoba Oil
Aloe Vera Gel
Peppermint, orange, rosemary, lavender essential oil
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Thanks for the mention! Because my pjism has the tendency to get out of control, I am going to stick to 3 oils for my challenge:

Coconut oil (really strengthens my hair and adds shine)
castor oil (for my edges)
Sweet almond oil- LOVE this for oil rinses, consistent results and my hair is sooo much smoother and healthier looking in between washes.
ive been pre pooing overnight with coconut oil and will continue to do so. my hair is loving it.
Checking in for the next leg of the challenge. I did a treatment today before I washed my hair, I am sitting under the dryer as I type. If I keep this up mot of my stash will be gone.
Hey All! I have definitely increased my use of natural oils in my hair care, thanks to this challenge. I massage midweek with any combo of two or three oils I need to use up, and just today added a scalp oil mix of coconut, jojoba, and castor. I put the oils in an applicator bottle, and will use weekly. I massaged my scalp by bending forward, and letting my hair hang down to increase blood flow to the scalp for a few minutes. It felt very stimulating! I'd be more than happy to continue this challenge T, cause I really think the oils are making my hair stronger (offering protection) and adding elasticity to my otherwise eternally 'dry' strands...:lol:

Thanks for the mention, girl!

I'm all in!

Here's what I'll be using:

- Grape Seed Oil
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Castor Oil
- Jamaican Black Castor Oil
- Argan Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Apricot Kernel Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Claudie's Hair Elixir
- Pure Coconut Oil

And KeraCare Essential Oil Mix...

I also have the Alter Ego Garlic Mask which says Oil Treatment, so I'm not sure if that counts -- but I'll be using this bi-weekly.

I will also alternate Oil Rinsing and Hot Oil Treatments, once a week.

I want to get consistent with massaging my hair with Claudie's Hair Elixir nightly and also oiling my ends with Grape Seed Oil or JBCO nightly as well.

I really think that by babying my hair more and doing the above that I can begin to retain more length and get to SL by the end of 2011. :yep::yep::yep:
Hello. I can't believe this but I've actually been consistent with pre-pooing my hair with an oil. I have been using Parachute Gold Coconut oil consistently before each wash. I either apply it and let it sit overnight or massage it in my hair/scalp for 30 minutes before washing.

There is a difference-- my hair is very soft, touchable, and very pretty. I will still have to cut my hair to get it even but it's quite healthy. Sometimes I like to put it in my hair daily for shine.

When I run out of the Parachute Gold Coconut oil, I will probably use EVOO mixed with a touch of tea tree oil for my oiling.

I really want to protect my hair from breakage so in the future, I would like to purchase Mizani night time treatment.
I want to join my hair loves hot oil treatments!! I will be using:

Olive oil
Cocasta oil
African pride growth oil
Coconut oil
Avocado oil

Thanks for doin this again! :-)
Today I warmed my virgin coconut oil in the wax warmer (the kind you warm scented wax in like from scentsy or walmart) and applied it to my hair. I love the way this feels.
I oiled my hair with sweet almond oil, will wear a plastic cap for about 30 minutes, rinse, then cowash.
Glad to see we're continuing this my hair has really been better since I started using more oils.

I'll be using the following in either mixes or straight to pre poo, HOT ,oil rinse and seal.

SSI Pumpkin seed oil mix
Komaza moku oil
cocasta oil
avasoya oil
I'm still in! I will use

Coconut oil
JBCO: my hair loves this stuff
Pantene oil moistureizer
Carrot oil