Honestly, are you RELIGIOUSLY taking care of your hair?

Are you taking SERIOUS complete care of your hair?

  • YES! I would NEVER go to sleep without covering my hair!

    Votes: 195 54.8%
  • Well... my pillowcase is satin, so I don't trip if I don't...

    Votes: 69 19.4%
  • HECK NO! I've fallen off the bandwagon so many times!!!

    Votes: 79 22.2%
  • Sometimes...let me explain...

    Votes: 41 11.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I've been messing up lately. I think its because I dont know what to do with these knots on the strands of my hair. So I just did nothing. I think I figured it out so,now I am back. Oh I sleep with a satin pillowcase, but I have since I was like 12.
If i know im not going anywhere I just wear my stain cap all day. I never go to without one because I have tons of back ups.
I can't sleep if my hair is not tied up. And if for some reason it comes off during the night, the minute I feel hair on my face, I'm awake and in the bathroom fixing it! However, I could sleep through a tornado and a major thunderstorm :nuts:...
I have to either wear my silk scarf or hair bonnet. If I lay down without one on my head, dh will wake me up to remind me to put it on.
DH and I went to Vegas for a few days - I was tryin' to be cute and didn't braid or wrap my hair at night. Why did I do that? My hair was MAD at me. So I pre-cowashed with oils, co-washed, added shea butter to the 5 inches of NG and the ends, sealed everything with EVOO. Now my hair is :)

Don't think I'll do that again. I'll just plait it at 3 in the morning when he's callin' hogs.
I stay on my hair. From years of neglect i have done a complete 360 since i have been here. Protective styling, making sure my hair is covered at night, being gentle and moisturizing. Making sure i pay attention to my hairs needs.
When I first began focusing on my hair, I did NOT play. I co-washed nightly, etc, etc. Now-a-days, if I am tired, I'll wet my hair put gel in and set my hair with a scarf and call it a night. If it's straight I'm really lazy. I just put a scarf on it (no wrapping or anything) and lay it down. Now that it's longer, I can just pull it up into a bun without much manipulation.
the idea of sleeping without my hair covered fills me with anxiety :look:......since i was little my mother ALWAYS taught me to cover my hair at night with a silk scarf its a must for me :yep:
I've already posted in this thread but I just had to LOL at myself cuz this brought back memories of packing for basic training. My initial thought was "Oh crap! How am I gonna keep my hair healthy with no time to do it?!" The first things I threw in my duffle bag were my satin scarf and Organics Hair Mayo when it still had directions for using it as a leave-in :lachen:
In all honesty I could do better. I can baggy every night but my new room is so hot so I aim for every other day, this week I slacked. I could co-wash before bed and let my hair dry overnight since it's cold out, but I've just been washing once a week and it's been a week and a day since I dc. I could also take my vitamins but I forget, especially if it's not in front of me.

I do religiously cover my head with a satin bonnet every night, regardless of how sleepy I am. I also, my sure I drink enough water throughout the day.

I see hair growth, it's grown more than 1/2 inch since I've cut it last month. I wish I can show pics but I'm without camera now.
I DO my hair every night with out fail. I am NOT a morning person it only takes me 15 min max to moist/seal and either pin curl or wrap, mid week co wash twist out SO when i am fighting the kids in the am i just take off my scaf shake and go.
I guess I'm religious, but I look at it as just my routine. Like some others, I've always worn something on my head, so that isn't a change. I also have a satin pillowcase as a backup. I moisturize my twists every morning before I hop in the shower, then spray my oil mix on after. Honestly, I do it more to plump the twists up than anything :look:. I wash once a week and DC under a steamer every time; I'm not TRYIN to get through my hair without deep conditioning. That's just my reality :yep:.
I guess I'm religious. I've been tying my hair up "routinely" for many, many years. In fact, I've been doing it since I was a pre-teen. Before I started doing my own hair (around 12-13 years old), my mother made sure our hair was tied down with a scarf so that it didn't look a hot mess for school in the morning. When I got old enough to do my own hair, I kept up the routine. It saved me time in the morning getting ready for school, because I styled my hair mostly before bed with rollers or a ponytail (what have you) and tied it up. I just had to hit the edges with a little gel and refresh the curls in the morning.

Even nowadays I can't stand having to wake up and do my hair in the morning. If its anything more involved than throwing it in a ponytail/bun or fluffing it/combing down a wrap, then I am not doing it. Maybe that's why I have grown into wearing styles that will look good daily for at least a week without me touching it. I just tie it up at night, get up, throw off the scarf, maybe smooth the edges, a little oil shine spray if needed, and go!!

ETA: When I don't tie my hair up at night, my hair is a dry, tangled, rough-looking mess, no matter what style its in.
I fell off the wagon big time few 6 months or so. I was pregnant and just didn't feel like being bothered. For the past month I have been back on the grind. I am a on a mission for mid back length 2010.:grin::grin:
I choose between two things - sleeping with a satin cap on or sleeping on a satin pillowcase. I don't feel right with my head uncovered though.

Blame that one on my mom, She used to cover my head with her old stocking cap when I was younger and you'd think I wouldn't have any hair on my head from the nylon:lachen:, but I do. Surprisingly, those stocking caps did not kill my hair:grin:.
I tie my hair up as long as I am in the house out of habit. I wouldn't go to bed without my hair being tied.
No, not since I made others aware of my own product. I stay too busy now helping others take care of their hair. Somehow, I am going to have to manage my time to fit myself in.
no...I've given up on wearing my silk scarf to bed...(doesn't matter if I pin it tie it different or whatever it will always come off) but I have satin pillowcases so I'm not too too worried about it...ok I'm lying :look: but I just keep it in a braid right now til I can get back on track...I haven't been doing much with my hair thanks to a back injury that I can hardly raise my arms to braid my hair much less do all the other stuff :nono:
I cover my hair every night, its about ingrained into my DNA after being on my hair journey for so long, lol

But RELIGIOUSLY taking care of my hair, no, Im still getting used to having 2 kids, and its tough to take time out to do things for yourself, even with a spouse around