Honestly, are you RELIGIOUSLY taking care of your hair?

Are you taking SERIOUS complete care of your hair?

  • YES! I would NEVER go to sleep without covering my hair!

    Votes: 195 54.8%
  • Well... my pillowcase is satin, so I don't trip if I don't...

    Votes: 69 19.4%
  • HECK NO! I've fallen off the bandwagon so many times!!!

    Votes: 79 22.2%
  • Sometimes...let me explain...

    Votes: 41 11.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
I'm not. My hair is growing, but I don't know if my ends are really THAT damaged... and if they are, I haven't had a trim in about at LEAST a year... but I haven't tied my hair up in about a month... I haven't done a t/u in about 3 months... I just get tired and lay down and go to sleep. Am I the only one?
Do any of you still notice good results when u are not taking care of your hair?
I do this all the time. Once the sandman hits me, it's over. And my pillowcases are NOT satin, so I know it's doubly bad.

But my hair is still doing well. I've retained 2 inches in 6 months. I probably would have gotten that third inch had I adhered 100%, but nobody's perfect! :drunk:
I'm not psycho about hair care but i do follow the main things i have learned here. low/no heat moisturize (although not every night) condish washes and stuff like that. I never tie my hair at night but i did by silk and satin pilowcases so i have no guilt on that one. my hair is definitely doing better.
I rarely cover my hair at night. I just put the satin pillowcases on top. The most I would do to cover my hair is slap on a bonnet anyway.
It has been a ritual since I was a little girl to tie my hair up when going to bed, so I think it's just ingrained in me. I did go through a time period when I would not and my hair just broke off on and looked rattier than it ever did.
It would take some effort for me to fall off the wagon because I rarely do anything to my hair.
I make sure it is moisturized and was and DC once a week.
It takes minimal effort to take care of may hair and it is in a bun 99% of the time.
I chose option 2, my wrap rarely make it through the night so I make sure I have my satin pillow wherever I go.

ETA. i see results of my hair care regimen because I keep it very simple. The less I do with my hair, the better it looks and the more length I retain.
I do pretty well. Better now that it's getting longer.

I braid it at night. Oil the braids, I put a piece of Satin over my pillow. And I sleep on my back because I move around less that way.

So far so good, it's been 5 months, and I think it's about 2.5 - 3.5 inches depending on where on my head.
I don't cover my hair to keep it healthy.. but more so to maintain the style for the next day. The health I see it as just a plus because I'm lazy in the morning and I don't like to do my hair when I'm barely awake. If my hair isn't "done" the night before I'm not too gung ho about tying my hair up... I try but meh. (I chose the first option)
I can't even front...I've become completely psycho with it. I needed to be APL yesterday, so every little bit helps.
Since early August, I must tie on a scarf before bed. It helps alot that I always keep a scarf in my pillowcase or under the pillow, because then, I have no excuse.
I remember last week, I came back from work just dead on my feet. I fell asleep as soon as I came in, and didn't take off my jacket or shoes, but I surely had that scarf tied tightly around my head. :lol:
I am a crazy woman with my hair right about now. So yes, yes and yes, it's funny because my co-workers keep making comments about my sock bun like I dream of Jeannie that kind of stuff. I don't care, I ain't in here to impress no one anyway. Besides, they don't know what I'm trying to do
I moisturize, braid and cover my hair EVERY night. I have to grow my hair fairly long as quickly as possible - if I don't get past apl soon, I'll be tempted to cut it into a very sharp sl bob. Hair longer than shoulder length but shorter than apl is very awkward looking on me.
I must say that despite the craziness I've put my hair through in the past, that having my hair tied up in that satin scarf when wrapped, or throwing the satin bonnet on when I am too tired to do anything else to it has been a strict practice of mine! I also have several satin pillowcases so that if my bonnet comes halfway off during the night I am doubly protected! heehee

Now that I am taking haircare seriously again, I hope that this practice along with the religious moisturizing and con washes contribute to the strength and growth of my hair... ::crossing fingers::
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I don't ever go to sleep without my satin scarf because I did that for about 2 weeks maybe more when I reached APL and my ends suffered. I learned the hard way and vowed never to do it again and I haven't.
Hair care psyhcotic checking in!!! I NEVER go to sleep without my scarf. I am actually crusing for an online fabric store right now so that I can create some silk pillowcases.
Hair care psyhcotic checking in!!! I NEVER go to sleep without my scarf. I am actually crusing for an online fabric store right now so that I can create some silk pillowcases.

Hey, me too! For some crazy reason, the JoAnn fabric stores around here don't carry 100 percent silk material. I figure I'll get a few yards off eBay. I want to make pillowcases that match our bedding. I only have off-white satin ones now.
I have fallen off the wagon, the past 4 mos, I used to religiously go to the salon to get my hair done every 2 weeks. My hair was healthy and growing like weeds. fast fwd to now..and my hair is dry, ends are splitting and this past weekend I have discovered the beginnings of a balding spot uggggh!.

Getting back on my "A" game TODAY!
the only reason ive been able to maintain my ends while not taking care of them is cuz i cowash regularly. If i didnt my ens would get more damaged than i would like
Well every now and then I miss a week of DC but I always moisturize daily, only comb on wash days, and I wear a satin scarf every night.
I have to. I notice such a difference in the amount of dryness.

So I have the satin pillowcase and the silk head tie.
I RELIGIOUSLY cover my hair at night.. its just something I been doing since I was a little girl. In fact after I walk in to my room I put a scarf on because my hair just becomes a distraction

As for hair care, I wouldn't say I religiously take care of it, but scarf is the #1 thing I do everyday
I follow a tight regimen except for the silk scarf. Silk won't stay on..so I tie up using my cotton ones. The minute I find a silk one that stays on and doesn't give me headaches I'll use that.
I follow a tight regimen except for the silk scarf. Silk won't stay on..so I tie up using my cotton ones. The minute I find a silk one that stays on and doesn't give me headaches I'll use that.

My little daughter has the same problem, so I wrap it in a silk scarf and then tie the cotton over it. It works...sometimes. lol
Right now I'm addicted to taking care of my hair so I tie it with a silk scarf EVERY night. I also wash and DC once a week and moisture daily. Even if it feels moisturized I still have to at least do the ends - they can never get too much moisture on my head. Maybe once I get to APL I'll feel like I have this hair thing under control, but right now I feel like everything matters to make it grow. I think I'm a little too obsessed so I'm trying to chill out a little.

ETA: I have learned that less is more so to speak so I stopped cowashing about 2 months ago. I think I was losing more that I was gaining by having my hair wet all the time. Once a week (maybe 2 after a hard workout) is all my hair needs.
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I do keep my hair tied up, but not just for my hair care. As for everything else...I do it on an "as needed" basis.
I can't sleep without something on my head.

Now other things, like avoiding direct heat, and DCing, I slack on, but overall i'm doing well.
I use a satin case as opposed to a scarf. I'm happy with my progress I've not altered my reggie much this year so I think its now ingrained to wash and DC once and cowash once a week. Flatironing is optional and I do the same thing in braids/weave
difference being that I use the Hawaiian Silky spray instead of Giovanni direct for daily moisture
I follow a tight regimen except for the silk scarf. Silk won't stay on..so I tie up using my cotton ones. The minute I find a silk one that stays on and doesn't give me headaches I'll use that.

The Stay On satin bonnets work really well with staying on all night. My dd is a wild sleeper and nothing would stay on her head, when I tied it up. except for the Stay on bonnet and its non binding. hth