Honest Question: Is Church Really Necessary?

It gets really fun when we enter Advent season and prepare for Christmas. We go all out on decorations, song and candles. However during Lent, we strip down everything to the bare minimum, and cover the icons and statues, and only reveal them on Easter Sunday.

Ok, I think I'm sort of rambling. I hope I answered your question :lol:

I think all the Feast days, Holy Days of Obligation, seasons, etc are so cool! Christmas is more than just 1 day (it's like 12!). I have special days on my calendar like the feast of the Little Flower and Michaelmas that I plan to celebrate. :look: I just feel like church and worship are more active parts of my life now. :yep:

Poohbear Going to daily mass is a blessing and as Galadriel said, we get a lot of scripture and you can see the parallel's between the old and new Testaments. I also believe that going helps to keep me on the straight and narrow path (to avoid sin) because I can't receive communion in a state of mortal sin.
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We may have to miss church for something. If I am throwing up sick and running fever, I am not going to church. If you have to work, are you going to quit you job because you may miss a service? Missing a service every now and then will not take your salvation away. But we are talking about being committed and belonging to a church. Being held accountable by a body of believers. If your mother died on a Sunday, would you say forget the rest of my grieving family Im going to church? Perfect attendance at church does not warrant salvation.

You are talking about not belonging to a church at all. Just being at home and learning about on God on your own. I dont believe in that, but if saint has to be miss church every now and then to go to work or they are sick, I don't believe they will be damned.

@LucieLoo12 - Not attacking you, but how is missing church every now and then "just fine" if you are supporting the notion that Christians need church for salvation and spiritual growth? :perplexed Where do you draw the line for what constitutes missing church "every now and then" versus adequate church attendance? Most devoted churchgoers would say that person would need to give up school/work, or whatever reason and "sacrifice for the church" just to be in attendance so the pastor won't talk bad about ya...
:ohwell:. You are jumping topics. Are we talking about belonging to a church or the standard of churches today? Who said you can sin all week and be saved? No one even brought that up.

When I say this I am not trying to offend you, but you have alot of hurt built up on the inside of you and you will never be able to see clearly or make clear decisions with that in the inside of you. You have bitterness about your past experiences and you are trying to make everyone feel the same way as you do. Many posters have said that they have found good church homes but yet you want to continue to tear it down. I am sorry that you have been mistreated at the churches you have been to. That has not provided you with a fair experience . :nono: The bible says you will know His disciples by the love they share one to another, and you have not experienced that love. You are def. right every church that is called a church is not the church of Jesus Christ, but dont let that discourage you. They are people living the standard you are looking for. Jesus said if you seek you will find. Please don't be discourage,and miss out on the true church. You remind me of the prophet Elias because he began to be discouraged because he did not see anyone living for the true God. But God told Him:

Romans 11:4-5 But what saith the answer of God unto him? I have reserved to myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed the knee to the image of Baal.
5 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace

It is still a people out there who live according to the word of God. But don't give up because then you make God a liar. If he said he as a remnant he has one. :yep: Please be free from the hurt sis, because you deserve a life of peace.:bighug:

Define "church" though biblically without going to an internet article about it? Will the bible say anything about in order to get to heaven, you must be a member of a church, give your tithes, and attend worship services? You can sin like hell all week but as long as you're in church, you're saved? I don't think so.

It is not saying Christ is the head of the church as in the churches that are set up today where men go to worship each other.

For instance, my father is a pastor of a church, but I do not feel like Christ is the head of the church there. I feel like my father is the head of that church. It's like a dictatorship/cult there.

Church has not helped me get any of the blessings that I have that others may consider blessings. These material things don't last forever. Once I die, I cannot take anything with me. My money, my clothes, my car...all that is staying here on earth. I want to be blessed in a spiritual way. And no church has done that for me ever. So therefore, that's why I say Christ is not the head of the church as in the churches set up today.
Amen to the bolded, this is why I go to church regularly left to our own devices we have the propensity to fall into sin...

I think all the Feast days, Holy Days of Obligation, seasons, etc are so cool! Christmas is more than just 1 day (it's like 12!). I have special days on my calendar like the feast of the Little Flower and Michaelmas that I plan to celebrate. :look: I just feel like church and worship are more active parts of my life now. :yep:

@Poohbear Going to daily mass is a blessing and as @Galadriel said, we get a lot of scripture and you can see the parallel's between the old and new Testaments. I also believe that going helps to keep me on the straight and narrow path (to avoid sin) because I can't receive communion in a state of mortal sin.
Iwanthealthyhair67 said:
Amen to the bolded, this is why I go to church regularly left to our own devices we have the propensity to fall into sin...

Not only that, Satan knows the bible. There is too much room to be led astray in false doctrine. I have heard some ridiculous things by TV preachers and I have heard some solid things as well. Without allowing God to lead you to a church that is truly His you can be misguided with trying to figure it out on your own simply because God didn't intend for that. I think the scripture was mentioned about God giving us pastors aaccording to His heart to feed us with knowledge and understanding. Yes we seek to know God intimately for ourselves but pastors are suppose to lead the flock and give you the tools and teach the Word correctly.

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Agreed, this is why I don't believe that we should withdraw from church totally or forsake assembling with others who are like minded.

Sheep need a shepherd, for those looking for a church it may take both fasting and prayer to lead you to one that is right for you.

Not only that, Satan knows the bible. There is too much room to be led astray in false doctrine. I have heard some ridiculous things by TV preachers and I have heard some solid things as well. Without allowing God to lead you to a church that is truly His you can be misguided with trying to figure it out on your own simply because God didn't intend for that. I think the scripture was mentioned about God giving us pastors aaccording to His heart to feed us with knowledge and understanding. Yes we seek to know God intimately for ourselves but pastors are suppose to lead the flock and give you the tools and teach the Word correctly.

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:ohwell:. You are jumping topics. Are we talking about belonging to a church or the standard of churches today? Who said you can sin all week and be saved? No one even brought that up.

I agree LucieLoo12 :yep: I think Poohbear has experienced hypocritical people who treated church as nothing more than a social gathering. I can understand why she's wary.

However I do agree that not all churches are like this, and that truly committed Christians strive against sin, not wallow in it.
yes, but you shouldn't beat all churches with the same switch, from what I gather Poohbear 's hurt goes deep way back to her father who is a pastor. It's going to take some forgiveness on her part towards him so that she can find a church for her to be comfortable in.

I pray that she comes to the point, she is missing out on so much and the Lord blesses both corporately as well as individually...

I agree @LucieLoo12 :yep: I think @Poohbear has experienced hypocritical people who treated church as nothing more than a social gathering. I can understand why she's wary.

However I do agree that not all churches are like this, and that truly committed Christians strive against sin, not wallow in it.
Agreed, this is why I don't believe that we should withdraw from church totally or forsake assembling with others who are like minded.

Sheep need a shepherd, for those looking for a church it may take both fasting and prayer to lead you to one that is right for you.
Iwanthealthyhair67 - I seriously believe that God called me out of the church. Not the good churches you speak of, but just whole concept of the harlot church system, churches that have man's agenda and not God's agenda in mind. The thing with me is that when I withdrew from the church my father pastored at, I started visiting other churches. While they were not like my father's church, my spirit just did not sit right with those churches that I visited. Only 1 church so far I felt okay at but it's over 50 miles away from me. I just haven't found a church yet where I can assemble with others who are like minded. That's the problem.

I agree LucieLoo12 :yep: I think Poohbear has experienced hypocritical people who treated church as nothing more than a social gathering. I can understand why she's wary.

However I do agree that not all churches are like this, and that truly committed Christians strive against sin, not wallow in it.
Right Galadriel, and I'm not a sociable person. People have tried to change my personality all my life and it just doesn't work for me. "You need to be more outgoing" "more talkative" "open up more"... for what!? So I can be stomped on and put down even more? I don't think so.

Like my dad when he gets up to facilitate testimony time... he'll say, "Don't let the devil keep you in your seat." Why even say that? And then after service, he picks at me for not standing up to give testimony knowing my personality. I just don't have any testimony to give. I did that once before back in 2006 and felt like a fool. I gave testimony to how I was thankful for all these job interviews I had coming up with CPA firms. Some of the people in the church said that I would get one of those jobs. It was like 10 interviews. After interviewing with all these firms, I didn't get any job offers from any of them. That's the last testimony I ever gave in church.

yes, but you shouldn't beat all churches with the same switch, from what I gather Poohbear's hurt goes deep way back to her father who is a pastor. It's going to take some forgiveness on her part towards him so that she can find a church for her to be comfortable in.

I pray that she comes to the point, she is missing out on so much and the Lord blesses both corporately as well as individually...
You're right that my hurt goes back to mainly my father, however, I'm not beating ALL churches down...I am speaking in general about churches, not each specific one since I haven't been to all the churches in the world. I can't make a judgement on each specific church. I'm just talking about the churches that are apart of the "harlot church system"...the churches that are NOT about God and His true Word. Please don't take me the wrong way when I be saying stuff. I can be misunderstood alot but I'm honesty not putting down ALL churches because I know there has to be some good ones out there. I have forgiven my father, it's just that to this day, he does not realize what he has done or what affect it has had on me. :ohwell:

I'll definitely be remembering you in my prayers. I hope that you can one day find a church community to call home, that will accept your personality without trying to change it. You're not alone! :yep:
Poohbear, I'll also remember you in my prayers. My sincere hope is that you'll find a church home that will help you to continue to grow spiritually, uplift you, and support you as evil days become more prevalent. I think of the church as a hospital, because we are all sin-sick, and in need of a Savior. Many times you have to look around people and see Jesus, because Satan is always going to have something or someone there to distract, irritate, etc... Ultimately, in the end, it's about your relationship with the Lord.
Poohbear Thanks for being candid I understand better now and I definitely know about being misunderstood ....I sincerely pray that you find a church that is bible based where you can grow spiritually and that shows the love of Christ, they are definitely few (remnant) and far between in times like these ...

You're right that my hurt goes back to mainly my father, however, I'm not beating ALL churches down...I am speaking in general about churches, not each specific one since I haven't been to all the churches in the world. I can't make a judgement on each specific church. I'm just talking about the churches that are apart of the "harlot church system"...the churches that are NOT about God and His true Word. Please don't take me the wrong way when I be saying stuff. I can be misunderstood alot but I'm honesty not putting down ALL churches because I know there has to be some good ones out there. I have forgiven my father, it's just that to this day, he does not realize what he has done or what affect it has had on me. :ohwell:
wow..that's deep... have you ever thought, that maybe God has been/is calling you to missionary work or even something unconventional? Ever thought about seeking God's direction in earnest, or consulting with a spiritual leader about exploring those possibilities?

I seriously believe that God called me out of the church. Not the good churches you speak of, but just whole concept of the harlot church system, churches that have man's agenda and not God's agenda in mind. The thing with me is that when I withdrew from the church my father pastored at, I started visiting other churches. While they were not like my father's church, my spirit just did not sit right with those churches that I visited. Only 1 church so far I felt okay at but it's over 50 miles away from me. I just haven't found a church yet where I can assemble with others who are like minded. That's the problem.

Laela - I've had this thought twice in my life...once when I was a young girl and once last year...

When I was a young girl, between the age of 9-13, I had this desire to be a missionary person who would travel around the world to share the Bible to other people. I was really into reading the Bible at that time. I also desired to be a writer. I had no thoughts of going to college, getting a job, and making money to pay for stuff. Not even a family in the future was in mind at the time.

Then this thought was lost when I got to high school, started working a job, and when I went to college. The focus turned into making money. I eventually started teaching the youth at my father's church but it wasn't what I had in mind. Plus, it was really hard to teach the type of children I was teaching. These children were inner city kids with behavioral problems and mostly had dysfunctional families. It was good experience I guess.

Then in 2010, I stopped going to my father's church and started visiting other churches. Fast forward to May 2011. One of my best friend's mother is a minister. I was over her house one day and my friend was telling me that her mother does prophesies. I never really had a strong stance on whether I believed in prophesy or not, but I let her do a prophesy for me. Her mother knew nothing of my situation or anything. She didn't know I had stopped going to church or anything else going on in my life. She told me that in my future I would be someone who would try to draw all men unto God. She said she didn't even see marriage nor a family in my future. I'm 28 years old right now with no children. She said I would be like a sole vessel for Christ and that God was preparing me right now even though there may be a lot of confusion in my mind.

So that's what I remembered from what she said...I'm not sure what to think of that...

wow..that's deep... have you ever thought, that maybe God has been/is calling you to missionary work or even something unconventional? Ever thought about seeking God's direction in earnest, or consulting with a spiritual leader about exploring those possibilities?
Poohbear said:
Laela - I've had this thought twice in my life...once when I was a young girl and once last year...

When I was a young girl, between the age of 9-13, I had this desire to be a missionary person who would travel around the world to share the Bible to other people. I was really into reading the Bible at that time. I also desired to be a writer. I had no thoughts of going to college, getting a job, and making money to pay for stuff. Not even a family in the future was in mind at the time.

Then this thought was lost when I got to high school, started working a job, and when I went to college. The focus turned into making money. I eventually started teaching the youth at my father's church but it wasn't what I had in mind. Plus, it was really hard to teach the type of children I was teaching. These children were inner city kids with behavioral problems and mostly had dysfunctional families. It was good experience I guess.

Then in 2010, I stopped going to my father's church and started visiting other churches. Fast forward to May 2011. One of my best friend's mother is a minister. I was over her house one day and my friend was telling me that her mother does prophesies. I never really had a strong stance on whether I believed in prophesy or not, but I let her do a prophesy for me. Her mother knew nothing of my situation or anything. She didn't know I had stopped going to church or anything else going on in my life. She told me that in my future I would be someone who would try to draw all men unto God. She said she didn't even see marriage nor a family in my future. I'm 28 years old right now with no children. She said I would be like a sole vessel for Christ and that God was preparing me right now even though there may be a lot of confusion in my mind.

So that's what I remembered from what she said...I'm not sure what to think of that...

Poohbear :-) You will be just fine. God will heal the hurt you may be feeling from those old experiences.

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