Honest Question: Is Church Really Necessary?


Well-Known Member
After the debacle that happened at my church Sunday (I posted in OT) I'm really questioning me and church. I just don't want to go anymore.

To be honest, I feel so much better when I'm by myself praying, having a one-on-one conversation with God. I also have many Bible apps that pinpoints verses that deal with whatever I'm going through at the time.

When I was away at college, I tried to go to two different churches, and I never felt comfortable.

I need a major overhaul on my relationship with God, and I'm trying to get right, but I just don't think going to any church is helping.
I feel that way also but I happen to be more spiritual than religious. You can do the same thing you do at church you can do at home so if you feel you don't want to go, don't! At the end of the day you still receiving the word one way or another
It can be hard finding the right church community, especially if you've had negative experiences and horrible examples from some.

However Christ established His Church for a reason, and if you're a Christian, it's your duty to not only be a member of the Church mystically, but VISIBLY.

The Church is both a visible and mystical institution, and is made up of the saints in Heaven and on earth.

Jesus says, "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it." (Matthew 16:18)

What is the purpose of the Church which Our Lord founded?

The Church is God's chosen instrument of salvation on earth

Through preaching the Gospel and baptizing people into the Church, we fulfill Christ's command: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit," (Matthew 28:19)

We faithfully keep, teach, preach, and defend the authentic teachings of Christ and the Apostles, thus correcting the moral and spiritual error of the world.

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6)

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt has become tasteless, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled under foot by men." (Matthew 5:13)

"So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter." (2 Thess. 2:15)

God communicates spiritual graces and strength to us through His Church, especially through the Sacraments

And as they were eating, he took bread, and after blessing it broke it and gave it to them, and said, “Take; this is my body.” And he took a cup, and when he had given thanks he gave it to them, and they all drank of it. And he said to them, “This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many. Truly, I say to you, I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new in the kingdom of God.” (Mark 14:22-25)

We are to celebrate the Lord's Supper (aka Communion, aka Eucharist) in Church, with fellow believers, according to Christ's command.

"All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching, and to fellowship, and to sharing in meals (including the Lord's Supper), and to prayer." (Acts 2:42)

"For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. For as in one body we have many members,e and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another. Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them: if prophecy, in proportion to our faith; if service, in our serving; the one who teaches, in his teaching; the one who exhorts, in his exhortation; the one who contributes, in generosity; the one who leads, with zeal; the one who does acts of mercy, with cheerfulness." (Romans 12:3-8)

It is good that you do not want to take part in a particular community's immorality, drama, or foolishness. However by swearing off church altogether, you are cutting yourself off from the Body of Christ, closing yourself off from the friendship, grace, consolation, and help that comes with being part of the Church.

You don't have to duke it out with the Enemy alone. Christ knew what He was doing when He gave us a Church :)
As a child I was seriously mistreated by an ordained mister, so I hated anything associated with the ritual of church and to me at the end of the day they are regular men. I can read the bible myself and try to conduct my self accordingly.
I feel that way also but I happen to be more spiritual than religious. You can do the same thing you do at church you can do at home so if you feel you don't want to go, don't! At the end of the day you still receiving the word one way or another

As a child I was seriously mistreated by an ordained mister, so I hated anything associated with the ritual of church and to me at the end of the day they are regular men. I can read the bible myself and try to conduct my self accordingly.

With all due respect, this is exactly what you don't want to happen. It goes from "doing my own thing" to "I'm not religious...I'm spiritual" to possibly falling away from the faith.
drmuffin said:
After the debacle that happened at my church Sunday (I posted in OT) I'm really questioning me and church. I just don't want to go anymore.

To be honest, I feel so much better when I'm by myself praying, having a one-on-one conversation with God. I also have many Bible apps that pinpoints verses that deal with whatever I'm going through at the time.

When I was away at college, I tried to go to two different churches, and I never felt comfortable.

I need a major overhaul on my relationship with God, and I'm trying to get right, but I just don't think going to any church is helping.

All I can say is do what's right for you and not what everyone says your life should be ran. If your not ready for church, it's going to show in the way you carry yourself. That's like some people who go to church because it's something their families have instilled in them but when they actually step aside from the bandwagon they realize in their hearts and soul that's not what they want to do or not ready to do at that moment. Your not a puppet and shouldn't move when someone else tells you to move, you make your own choices.
That was very insightful Galadriel, and I totally forgot about Communion. I don't want to shut myself off from that. So how do I go about this? I normally go to church and never really talk to anyone. I sit with my mom, never say a word, and leave in a hurry. But it's hard to ignore certain facts, especially about the "leadership."

I could try going to another church in town, but trust me, they're all the same. Small town. Whatever's going on in mine, it's going on in the others. My goal is definitely not to exclude church, but at this moment I feel stuck.
All I can say is do what's right for you and not what everyone says your life should be ran. If your not ready for church, it's going to show in the way you carry yourself. That's like some people who go to church because it's something their families have instilled in them but when they actually step aside from the bandwagon they realize in their hearts and soul that's not what they want to do or not ready to do at that moment. Your not a puppet and shouldn't move when someone else tells you to move, you make your own choices.

It's not that I'm not ready for church or religion. I'm trying to be a better Christian. That's the thing I want to improve. It's the actual brick and mortar church and the people in it that I'm having problems with.
That was very insightful @Galadriel, and I totally forgot about Communion. I don't want to shut myself off from that. So how do I go about this? I normally go to church and never really talk to anyone. I sit with my mom, never say a word, and leave in a hurry. But it's hard to ignore certain facts, especially about the "leadership."

I could try going to another church in town, but trust me, they're all the same. Small town. Whatever's going on in mine, it's going on in the others. My goal is definitely not to exclude church, but at this moment I feel stuck.

Find a church in your town with steady, godly leadership, and which has sound teaching. If this doesn't exist, find the church that closest resembles this.

Attend, and if you are able, get involved in Bible study, or one of the ministries. Pray for them, pray with them; set an example for the others, and become holy.
After the debacle that happened at my church Sunday (I posted in OT) I'm really questioning me and church. I just don't want to go anymore.

To be honest, I feel so much better when I'm by myself praying, having a one-on-one conversation with God. I also have many Bible apps that pinpoints verses that deal with whatever I'm going through at the time.

When I was away at college, I tried to go to two different churches, and I never felt comfortable.

I need a major overhaul on my relationship with God, and I'm trying to get right, but I just don't think going to any church is helping.

I read your thread in OT and I also responded. :yep:


Just because you had a negative experience in one Church (or 2 or even 3), that doesn't mean all nor most Churches are like that.

I've seen soooooooo many threads like this with this question posed and each time I see the same 'spirit' poised in the center of it... waiting to cast more doubt into the hearts of those who seek the answers of Truth.

Jesus made it plain, that satan seeks to steal your souls and to sift you as wheat. he seeks to dismantle your growth and your faith in God by alienating you from learning and growing in God's Word.

Jesus is your power source and the Church is where Jesus has planted His connection .... you need the protection of a Pastor and brothers and sisters in Christ to uphold you and to protect you from the hits and shots of the enemy.

Also as Galadriel shared, you need 'communion', please take heed to her words of wisdom and experience. I truly do not have more to add, except that in your experience at your MOM's Church was simply a warning from God to get out of there and be where He has destined you to be.

Please don't be robbed of your life with God here on earth. Ask God to lead you to where He wants you to be and allow Him to lead you there. Most of all, Trust God, Trust God with all of your heart and soul and your mind. Don't be robbed of this gift from God. Church is the one place you don't want to be out of in this day and time of which we live.

And let me say this. DO NOT allow yourself to be mislead by those who accept gay marriage (and yet proclaim to be Christians :nono:); as there are many false Churches which have been raised up by satan to mislead and misguide people outside of Scripture. There's a heavy spirit in these churches which speak of love, yet eliminate repentance of ALL sins.

Love and peace to you... :Rose:
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With all due respect, this is exactly what you don't want to happen.

It goes from "doing my own thing" to "I'm not religious...I'm spiritual" to possibly falling away from the faith .

Exactly.... please take heed to what Galadriel is sharing.

satan knows how to jolt people from attending Church; he knows what offends people, after all, he is the 'master of offence' and deception.

You need Church for your spiritual survival and your well being.
Thank you Shimmie. I remember you in the OT thread, I thought about tagging you in this one. You may remember that I said in the OT thread, that I want to wait until I move to find another church. But I know that tomorrow is not promised.

In my heart, I believe that a move is on the very near horizon; as I can't imagine living here much longer. My sanity depends on it. My heart is heavy with a lot of internal an external problems, and every day is getting harder. A lot of it stems from me being here. I definitely feel like Orange TX is not where God wants me to be.
Exactly.... please take heed to what Galadriel is sharing.

satan knows how to jolt people from attending Church; he knows what offends people, after all, he is the 'master of offence' and deception.

You need Church for your spiritual survival and your well being.

My mom said the exact same thing every time I discuss it with her. I believe it wholeheartedly.
Thank you Shimmie. I remember you in the OT thread, I thought about tagging you in this one. You may remember that I said in the OT thread, that I want to wait until I move to find another church. But I know that tomorrow is not promised.

In my heart, I believe that a move is on the very near horizon; as I can't imagine living here much longer. My sanity depends on it. My heart is heavy with a lot of internal an external problems, and every day is getting harder. A lot of it stems from me being here. I definitely feel like Orange TX is not where God wants me to be.


You're going to be okay... :yep: God never forsakes His loved ones and you are indeed loved of God...deeply.

Your footsteps are 'ordered' of the Lord. Wherever you are meant to be, you shall be, for God says, 'He leadeth you in the paths of righteousness for His namesake." (Psalm 23).

It's good that you asked this question 'out in the open', for now people all over the world will be praying for you and satan is defeated in his attempts to deceive you from God's plan in your life.

God bless you, 'Sweetheart'. :kiss: You're going to be okay and free to follow Jesus.
You just made me smile the widest smile! God Bless you Shimmie. And God Bless you Galadriel. I'm about to do some deep soul searching and figure out the steps I need to take in order to get right with the Lord.
You just made me smile the widest smile! God Bless you Shimmie. And God Bless you Galadriel. I'm about to do some deep soul searching and figure out the steps I need to take in order to get right with the Lord.

Ahhhh, I see :yep: And you have a very pretty smile that God loves. :love2:

Keep smiling. There's so much more to life than you've had a chance to experience. The best thing is that you will not be alone. God is with you each step of the way.

Receive your gifts and blessings. You have a Ministry in you which will help others who will have the same questions about Church and God. God is preparing you to minister to their hearts and lead them closer to Him.

You are an 'Orchid' in God's garden of love and beauty. Orchids are special and receive extra care.

Here's a birthday cake with lavendar orchids (along the top).... :love3:


See, God has a special arrangement just for you... in His garden. :yep:
Ahhhh, I see :yep: And you have a very pretty smile that God loves. :love2:

Keep smiling. There's so much more to life than you've had a chance to experience. The best thing is that you will not be alone. God is with you each step of the way.

Receive your gifts and blessings. You have a Ministry in you which will help others who will have the same questions about Church and God. God is preparing you to minister to their hearts and lead them closer to Him.

You are an 'Orchid' in God's garden of love and beauty. Orchids are special and receive extra care.

Here's a birthday cake with lavendar orchids (along the top).... :love3:


See, God has a special arrangement just for you... in His garden. :yep:

Well my birthday is in 10 days :grin:

I just included in my prayer for God to place me wherever He wants me to be. I also asked Him to help me be more Christ-like and to be a better person and to do His will. I don't think I'm a bad person, but I don't think I'm being the best person I can be.
Well my birthday is in 10 days :grin:

I just included in my prayer for God to place me wherever He wants me to be. I also asked Him to help me be more Christ-like and to be a better person and to do His will. I don't think I'm a bad person, but I don't think I'm being the best person I can be.

:lol::lol::lol: Really ? And I haven't even checked your profile. The names show up in your profile of those who are checking you out... :sekret: :lol:

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ... I'll be back in 10 days to make this greeting official. :yep:

Oh, and none of us are at our best... God is STILL working on me Big Time :yep: :spank: I am a major piece of work for Him... I thank Him for His mercy each and every day. I can't live without God's Grace.

drmuffin, I hope you've been able to have a good experience over here. Life is always filled with 'stuff' and people with 'stuff' going on. However, there are so many more happy moments and joys that God has for us all.

I'll see you on your birthday... September 3rd or 4th ? We'll have an online party.... :dance7:
Yay! It's the 4th. I'll be 25 and very thankful to make it this far! And I really need to hang out with you guys over here!

Oh yeah, there's definitely been some "stuff" going on over here. Joblessness, friendlessness, depression, body image issues. But I have plenty of great things too. I love my family to death, roof over my head, bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothes to wear. I'm just trying to make it over this hump! Count it all joy I guess.
There’s some brilliant advice in this thread. I just want to add another verse, concerning fellowship.

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.

Hebrews 10:25
New King James Version
I do not think "church" is necessary for salvation nor spiritual growth. By "church" I mean "going to a building once or twice a week to watch a choir sing, listen to a preacher give a sermon, give money, and sit with and maybe talk with other church goers". If you want to be entertained or looking for social interaction, then "church" would be for you.

Hebrews 10:25 is often used to put down people who do not go or stopped going to a church building every Sunday. That verse does not even mean that. It's talking about the assembling of ourselves together. That can be anywhere with other believers at any time. And most of these "churches" aren't really assembled. You just sit there, watch the show, pay your dues, and leave. Yeah, you may participate in one of the ministries that they have set up, but is it really making you closer to God or allowing you to gain more favor with God? No.

In the end, the "church" goers will be trying to persuade Jesus Christ of how they did all these good works in His name, but Jesus will say depart from me you workers of iniquity, I know you not! Jesus is coming back for those without spot nor blemish...
I do not think "church" is necessary for salvation nor spiritual growth. By "church" I mean "going to a building once or twice a week to watch a choir sing, listen to a preacher give a sermon, give money, and sit with and maybe talk with other church goers". If you want to be entertained or looking for social interaction, then "church" would be for you.

Hebrews 10:25 is often used to put down people who do not go or stopped going to a church building every Sunday. That verse does not even mean that. It's talking about the assembling of ourselves together. That can be anywhere with other believers at any time. And most of these "churches" aren't really assembled. You just sit there, watch the show, pay your dues, and leave. Yeah, you may participate in one of the ministries that they have set up, but is it really making you closer to God or allowing you to gain more favor with God? No.

In the end, the "church" goers will be trying to persuade Jesus Christ of how they did all these good works in His name, but Jesus will say depart from me you workers of iniquity, I know you not! Jesus is coming back for those without spot nor blemish...

I'm sorry that sitting, entertainment and socializing has been your only experience of church. I've visited Protestant churches and have enjoyed them, and saw the love and devotion they had for Our Lord, and the Word of God.

As a Catholic, the center of our worship is the Sacrifice of the Mass with the priest, and we believe that Christ is truly present in the Eucharist.

As I mentioned earlier, the Church is a visible institution, and corporal worship (i.e., public worship as a group or body of people) was practiced and handed down to us by the Apostles. In fact, they were worshiping in the synagogues until they were finally kicked out by the Pharisees. Once the Roman Empire finally converted to Christianity, we came out of the catacombs and built churches.
Yes church is necessary and I don't see how any bible believing Christians can say that its not. The majority of the New testament speaks of the church and the establishment of it and how each one has a part in it. Paul wrote all his epistles to CHURCHES. No where in the bible does it never say church is not necessary. I don't believe in all sit at home and be spiritual stuff. You have to be taught the word of God...Jeremiah 23 said how God will give His sheep Pastors after his own heart. We have to stick to the WORD and not go by what our feelings or "common sense" tells us. I understand that ppl get hurt by the church and that really is sad, but don't let that discourage concerning churches. There are REAL churches out there. God will lead you to it, because His word says He will.

Don't let the enemy trick into thinking you don't need the church. You have a part in the body of Christ and God wants to use you in it :grin:
drmuffin, I was just counting my fingers:grin: we share the same birth date...see you then...

Yay! It's the 4th. I'll be 25 and very thankful to make it this far! And I really need to hang out with you guys over here!

Oh yeah, there's definitely been some "stuff" going on over here. Joblessness, friendlessness, depression, body image issues. But I have plenty of great things too. I love my family to death, roof over my head, bed to sleep in, food to eat, clothes to wear. I'm just trying to make it over this hump! Count it all joy I guess.
Sorry to derail your thread OP, but I have a question:

I am in graduate school in a new state 14 hours away from home. A year ago, I finally found a church here that I love (choir, pastor, church members, services to the community -- all great)! The only problem is that it's an hour away. I can't afford to go there and back every Sunday so when I found out they offered streaming services online, I have started watching it online from my home. Last Sunday (as always), the message was so good and I found myself crying and praying in my home. What I got out of the experience was the same as being in church.

Is watching church online not enough? Do I need to be in a church every Sunday to receive my blessings? What am I missing by watching it from my home?
If you have to miss church every now and then because of school/work, or whatever reason thats fine. It just should not be a lifestyle and mindset of not going to church.God will still bless you at home while you are watching the services because of your sincerity. You can't go because you can't afford it, not because you dont want to go.

You should not have the mindset of "I dont need a church"...

Sorry to derail your thread OP, but I have a question:

I am in graduate school in a new state 14 hours away from home. A year ago, I finally found a church here that I love (choir, pastor, church members, services to the community -- all great)! The only problem is that it's an hour away. I can't afford to go there and back every Sunday so when I found out they offered streaming services online, I have started watching it online from my home. Last Sunday (as always), the message was so good and I found myself crying and praying in my home. What I got out of the experience was the same as being in church.

Is watching church online not enough? Do I need to be in a church every Sunday to receive my blessings? What am I missing by watching it from my home?
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LucieLoo12 - But what if you absolutely positively get nothing at all from going to a church service? I'm serious. Maybe its my personality of being an introvert, but I get nothing out of going to church. I've never been blessed from going to church. Going to church made me feel like it was ok to sin which I did not agree with. They would make it like other things are sins that really weren't sins.

Sent via Android LHCF App
Then you need to find the right one but don't disregard church all together.
The bible speaks about Christ being ahead of the church. So if Christ is head of it, it must be very important.

The worst mistake people do is generalize all churches off the few that have visited. I really hate that. That's like if a few black women are loud and trashy and ppl say "See how all black women are". That's not fair :nono:.
They are still some churches out there that are real and genuine.

@LucieLoo12 - But what if you absolutely positively get nothing at all from going to a church service? I'm serious. Maybe its my personality of being an introvert, but I get nothing out of going to church. I've never been blessed from going to church. Going to church made me feel like it was ok to sin which I did not agree with. They would make it like other things are sins that really weren't sins.

Sent via Android LHCF App
Then you need to find the right one but don't disregard church all together.
The bible speaks about Christ being ahead of the church. So if Christ is head of it, it must be very important.

The worst mistake people do is generalize all churches off the few that have visited. I really hate that. That's like if a few black women are loud and trashy and ppl say "See how all black women are". That's not fair :nono:.
They are still some churches out there that are real and genuine.

Christ is the head of the Body of Christ, not of every single man-made church. No where in the bible does it say that "Christ is the head of the church".

I guess it's just my personality then, or something deeper than my personality. I seriously have no feeling or upliftment from going to church. In case you do not know, I used to go to church every single Sunday. I used to teach youth for Sunday school and for Wednesday night bible studies. I didn't feel like I was more saved or more in favor with God from going to church. It was like going to work for a couple hours a week without pay. How come no one gets that?

I'm really not trying to put down churches or anything but I just wish someone can understand how I feel. Maybe it is because I am not a people person and do not like to talk to people. Maybe it's because I am socially awkward. Even when I was in the church, I did not feel the presence of God nor Jesus. I felt alone like a ghost like I always do until someone wants me to do something. Other than that, no one really cares about me. :sad: