Homemade Hair Custard


New Member
Just thought I'd share my hair recipe with you guys. I get my supplies from a healthfood store or the internet.

1/2 cup aloe juice/gel
1/8 cup vegetable glycerine
1/8 cup jojoba oil
2 tbl shea butter
2 tbl mango butter
1/2 tea xanthan gum (No more than 3/4 tea or it will cake in your hair)
10 - 15 drops E.O. of your choice

Mix aloe juice, glycerine, jojoba oil in 2 cup glass bowl/measuring cup. Leave out to come to room temp. Melt the butters in a double broiler and keep liquid for 20 min. Remove from heat and let cool 10 min. Pour butters in aloe mixture and beat with a wisk until combined. I use an immersable blender with a wisk attatchment. Add xanthan gum while beating to avoid clumps. Add E.O. and mix. It should have the consistency of a custard. I put this in a flip top bottle. I find that the easiest way to apply it.

I use this for braid/twist outs, wash and go's, smoothing edges, just about everything. A little goes a long way so start with a small amount and go from there.
Thanks for the recipe!
Do you know of a particular website I can order tea xanthan gum from?
And is there something else that can substitute for it?
:grin:How ever you'd like it to. Whatever E.O. you add, that's how it smells. Right now I'm on a citrus kick...
What preservatives do you use? Do you refrigerate it? I've been wanting to get into making my own leave-ins and your recipe looks wonderful. Thank you for sharing! :yep:
Sorry I didn't answer your questions! I didn 't think anybody was interested. I PMed answers to the ?s
Thanks :) I may have to try this!!!... I already pretty much have everything except the Xantham gum! (im hoping the natural store near me has some)
Thanks for the recipe!
Do you know of a particular website I can order tea xanthan gum from?
And is there something else that can substitute for it?

You could probably use guar gum as a sub. It can be found at healthfood stores also, I get mine at whole foods.
Helina, can you post where you purchase your tea xanthan gum?

It looks like TEA xanthan gum is the ingredient. Sorry...its just xanthan gum. I got mine at my local health food store. Look where the baking stuff is. Chameleonchick suggested guar gum as a sub if you can't find xanthan gum. HTH