My Moisturizing Conditioner - Best For Steamer

I just ordered these ingredients for this :lick: yummy natural conditioner from Vitacost. I will use it under my steamer, and post my results. :yep: I can't wait.
This moisturizing conditioner worked very well on my hair last weekend, thanks for sharing the recipe.:grin:
I tried it with AO and love it and I really need to start doing this more often since transitioning my NG is sooo dry.. I will do it this weekend and I might try Suave Professional.. Reg honey and alove vera juice I already have on hand The oil of choice I don't know only have on hand is olive, Avocado, Sunflower, Rice brand.. I plan to add Emu Oil to this also and maybe SAA..
:woot:Thanks atlien11 ! I'm ging to try this with my UNA conditioner which I absolutely love. With the summer hear and the running I've been doing outside, my hair can use all the TLC via a deep moisturizing conditoner, it can get! BRAVO, girlie!

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Hey everyone!

I know the original post is mad old, but I wanted to share some info I found while looking up product ingredients in case others are trying to go 100% natural with their hair products and don't want funky chemicals posing as "natural" on their heads.

I was about ready to break down and buy commercial products for my hair because I can't seem to get it to grow past SL using my homemade stuff and was thinking about trying the original recipe using Aubrey Organics conditioner that atlien11 posted when I noticed the ingredient list contained "Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base". I couldn't even begin to pretend I knew what they meant by that, so I looked it up, and here's what I found.

A little FYI. If you don't care about these sorts of things, carry on, but for those of you who do, stay vigilant and do your research when searching for products.
Hey everyone!

I know the original post is mad old, but I wanted to share some info I found while looking up product ingredients in case others are trying to go 100% natural with their hair products and don't want funky chemicals posing as "natural" on their heads.

I was about ready to break down and buy commercial products for my hair because I can't seem to get it to grow past SL using my homemade stuff and was thinking about trying the original recipe using Aubrey Organics conditioner that atlien11 posted when I noticed the ingredient list contained "Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base". I couldn't even begin to pretend I knew what they meant by that, so I looked it up, and here's what I found.

A little FYI. If you don't care about these sorts of things, carry on, but for those of you who do, stay vigilant and do your research when searching for products.

OMG - they didn't call the name but I am - Aubrey Organics!!! It's so funny - I just did the Algae Conditioning Mask today & was reading the ingredients & just assumed that Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base was a fancy name for Coconut Oil. Thanks so much for posting that. I will be taking a closer look at what I buy.
OMG - they didn't call the name but I am - Aubrey Organics!!! It's so funny - I just did the Algae Conditioning Mask today & was reading the ingredients & just assumed that Coconut Fatty Acid Cream Base was a fancy name for Coconut Oil. Thanks so much for posting that. I will be taking a closer look at what I buy.

Yup, that's what they're hoping you'll do. They expect people will jump at the sign of "natural" on their product packaging or name and "trust" that means it's all good. Remember: the USDA doesn't regulate the use of the word "natural"! :)


1/2 - 1 cup of Aubrey Organics HoneySuckle Rose Conditioner
1 tbsp of Raw Honey
1/4 cup of Aloe Vera Juice
3 tbsp of Jojoba Oil

ETA: I have since added HoneyQuat and Panthenol to this concoction. FAB! :thumbsup:

Mix all in a a bowl and distribute sparingly on the hair. Sit under the steamer for 20 minutes or use with a shower cap for 30 - 45 minutes.

Wow! That sounds heavenly! What kind of steamer do you use?
i'm curious about why this is a sticky when it only has barely three pages of responses. i'm gonna try this tonight and report back.
Ok so to whoever made this thread a sticky, I thank you!! This recipe took my deep conditioner to the next level (I used Silk Elements Olive Oil DC). When I added in the AVJ it turned the DC into a whipped consistency that made it easier to apply. I don’t know if it was the honey or the AVJ that is the rockstar ingredient but whatever it is, this recipe is my Holy Grail for adding moisture to my hair.