My Moisturizing Conditioner - Best For Steamer

Wow this looks great, I love putting conditioner on my hair before I go to the steam room and I usually mix up any conditioner, honey and oil, my hair is so soft afterwards! I used to only use oil and con but since adding the honey well its been a different story. I havent tried it with aloe vera yet and Im not buying any more hair products till next year so that will have to wait.

Thanks for sharing!
I've done this for the last two weeks, my last relaxer was innnnn July (7th). So it's been a while. I loved it, I really did but is there any other reason to add the Aloe Vera juice than to stretch the condish? I might leave that part out.

I also did not use the raw honey, I used an all natural from WF. And I didn't steam. Im jealous of everyone that has one...:look: Do you think that would enhance my results even more?
It took me 3 tries but I got it to work. I had to modify the recipe though. I figured out my hair does NOT like Aloe Vera.

So here is the recipe that worked for me:
1/2 cup Nature's Gate Daily Use Conditioner (very light condish)
2 Tbs rose water
1 Tbs table salt (idea from Just Kiya)
1 Tbs raw honey
1 Tbs oil

Mix together and shake well in a bottle.

I steamed my hair after a double process henna/hendigo treatment. My hair is usually very straw-like and matted after rinsing out henna/indigo and it takes a week for it to get back its moisture balance. So I needed a lot of moisture. This time, after rinsing out my hair, it barely matted.

I don't have a steamer so I used this method: Home Grown Steam Treatment to steam my hair and it works.
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Thanks for sharing the resutls ladies!! I've got it all except for the Panthenol....hmmm, can I find that locally? In Spokane?! Seriously, off to order some...(cha-ching).

I just whipped out my steamer today with the Aubrey's GPB and thought that was great by itself!



1/2 - 1 cup of Aubrey Organics HoneySuckle Rose Conditioner
1 tbsp of Raw Honey
1/4 cup of Aloe Vera Juice
3 tbsp of Jojoba Oil

ETA: I have since added HoneyQuat and Panthenol to this concoction. FAB! :thumbsup:

Mix all in a a bowl and distribute sparingly on the hair. Sit under the steamer for 20 minutes or use with a shower cap for 30 - 45 minutes.

Oh this is going into my yummy file :lick:
Does anyone henna under their steamer? If so how long do you stay under there and at what temp?
Sounds Yummy! I LOOOOVVVE Aubrey's Honeysuckle Rose!! It is Sincerely the ONLY conditioner that makes my hair super soft. You cant beat the smell either!!! Heaven! I can just imagine what this feels like!
Thanks. I found the Really Raw Honey at the Green Festival this weekend. It's a tasty product and RRH is great small business to support. I'll try to make sure I separate some of the honey to use for skin care and DCing.
I just ordered the Jojoba Oil and AOHR and I can't wait to try this! I love JO and I have yet to try the AOHR, so I'll post my reviews.

Thanks for sharing OP! :yep:

I usually use aloe vera gel (once it becomes very thin) to thin out my Honeysuckle rose so it will lasts longer. After reading this thread and adding honey to the mix ( I dont add oils to any of my conditionrs I only use them to seal) my hair is like:bling:. Usually after I rinse my conditioner my hair is soft but uber tangled, the only thing that helps is to add Kinky curly Knot today along with oils to seal. Today I did not have to do that.

Upon rinsing my hair felt soooooo silky I was like whoa. I added a little Jessicurl Too shea and my protein conditioner with some oils to seal and I was done. I was even able to comb through a little without losing a million strands again I thank you for this.

My mixture consisted of: this is enough for maybe 4 or 5 more applications on my at bottom of neck length hair
a little less than 3/4 cup Aubrey organics honey sucke rose conditioner
1/4 cup plus 3 T very thin Aloe vera gel
1 T raw honey

No steamer just put on a bag with a scarf and a shower cap for 30-40 min let cool for 10 mon and cool rinsed for a little over a min. Tis all

ETA 1/21/2010: Okay I have not had to moisturize since I deep conditioned on Sunday night and today is 1/21/09, so I have been able to go 4 whole days without anything. I could have gone longer but I got the itch to moisturize and seal I used half of what I normally use. My hair was so soft I could not keep my hands out of it and WHOA the stares I got because my hair was shining, I think I am addicted to this. This ish is a KEEPER.
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