Home made sauna !


Well-Known Member
I've been reading about the steamers and the sauna rooms and that got me thinking. Why pay $150 - $200+ dollars for a machine that produces steam. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out how to make steam! Instead of of spending $200 dollars on a steamer I am going to do an at-home experiment: A home-made steam room.

What do I plan to do?

1.I'm going to wheel my butt over to home depot to buy a few bricks/stones.Then I'm going to buy a large metal container that's deep enough to hold all my

2. I am boing to bake the container of bricks in the oven (LOL) yes, I said bake!

3. Then I'm going to put the container in the smaller bathroom, close the door, apply conditioner to my hair, pour water on the bricks, and then I'm going to sit an do my nails

I'll let you know how this turns out! I'm so excited about my experiment
To make a homemade steam room I just turn the shower on really hot, shut the door, sit back and enjoy.

Tebby1017 said:
To make a homemade steam room I just turn the shower on really hot, shut the door, sit back and enjoy.


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Thats what I do. HHHhmmmm Maybe I'll actually use the one at the gym. Sounds good to me. Just be careful. I don't want to hear Tom Brokaw say, "Woman gets hurt creating homemade sauna........".
i,personally,am even CHEAPER than you,and what i thought of was just to find some big rocks,wash em' off,let them dry,then get a big pot and heat them in the oven,then get ur kids(or ur boyfriend/husband,hehe) to dig a hole in ur yard and put a few sheets over that sucker and
VOUILA!oh yeah,the bathroom idea would work too(maybe better!,i dunno).
CrownnGlori said:
Tebby1017 said:
To make a homemade steam room I just turn the shower on really hot, shut the door, sit back and enjoy.


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Thats what I do. HHHhmmmm Maybe I'll actually use the one at the gym. Sounds good to me. Just be careful. I don't want to hear Tom Brokaw say, "Woman gets hurt creating homemade sauna........".

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lol...luckily that wasn't the case. My idea worked like a CHARM. I loved it! I bought 14 bricks, a 16 quart (I think) crock pot from walmart and took the idea to the kitchen (literally). I heated the rocks (7 of them) on 500+ degrees for a while.
My (new) bf was kind of puzzled as to why I was heating bricks in the oven but that's a different story.

Anyway, I put conditioner in my hair turned on the shower for a lil bit to get the atmosphere right. Then I brought in the bricks. I poured water over the bricks for a period of about 20 minutes. The room was really steamy and the conditioner soaked right into my hair.

It honestly felt just like the sauna but without the extremly dry heat.

The home made sauna looks like a keeper! It's good for my hair and it benefits my skin as an added bonus.
Make sure that you don't do this too often or open up your bathroom after your done. Too much steam will cause mold and mildew that will some serious damage to your sheetrock (mushy walls, buckling, peeling paint exposing bare wood, flooring will lift, etc)
You're a genious! I could save money going to the sauna, and avoid the sound of screaming kids doing this. Hmmmm, what an idea!

Ballet Bun ...
I will be trying this at my aunts house. Does it matter what type of bricks that I use and what kind of pot do I put them in.
Allandra-- thanx. It saved me about $150

Karezone- I went to the gardening area in home depot and bought the red bricks. They are similar to the ones used to make apartment buildings.

Isis - go for it!
Can someone explain exactly how the steamer is used for hair? I need full details like, where it is included in the wash day, what is put on the hair (products,accesories), how long, the results. As you can see I need the whoooooole script! TIA
Another inexpensive alternative that I remember someone (not on lhcf) mentioning was using a humidifier bought from K-mart.~ Even still cheaper, boil a kettle full of water, transfer it into a large, durable plastic tub/bucket, and leave it in the corner of the room.