Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issues!

This makes me very, very sad. That was a painful thing to read. But it does conjure up age-old arguments regarding good and bad hair. Anything "nappy," "kinky," or close to it was [and still is] considered bad and ugly. Then I have to look inside myself as well. Do I harbor these feelings? I don't think I do, but when I am confronted with this kind of thing described in the article, it gives me pause to reflect.

There are still a lot of people--black and white--who view natural, Afro-textured hair that has not been straightened or relax as "bad" hair. It's essentially stating that black people with Afro-textured hair are cursed; that there is an inherent inferiority. This is universal, not just in America.

While I was in Brazil, I experienced a lot of that. Other countries like to brag that America is the bastion of racism or the craddle of racial discrimination and they have overcome race. That is so not true. It's just that other cultures have brainwashed themselves into thinking that racism--intraracism or otherwise--doesn't exist anymore because there is so much interracial mixing. But these cultures are dishonest because race mixing is actually encouraged, maybe not intentionally or explicitly, but I do notice that it is much more acceptable to want to marry light or white so that the children don't appear "black". They might as well say that being "black" is associated with being tainted. It's really sad. Heartbreaking for me...
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

tnorenberg said:
It's people all over got royally screwed in the head w/ this good hair/ bad hair crap. That's pretty sad that it is so deeply ingrained in our culture. I know everyone here had a grandmother or relative somewhere who believed in that sh$%. My SO is Phillippino and they even have the same issues as us w/ hair and skin color. It's just sad.:(

Yep, it's not just blacks. I know Indians have a color complex as well; not sure about their hair, but when i think of it, it's never curly
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

nurseN98 said:
That's really what I'm trying to figure out. I mean, I know how it starts but at some point you are faced with the truth but many ppl just keep going on with the that makes anything (their circumstances, jobs, love life, etc...) any better:ohwell:

I don't get it. As far as I'm concerned, there are too many powerful & wonderful sources of blackness & black love for me to be stuck on this mess. These ppl are that way because they choose to be. That's why you will never, ever catch me or mines in those salons.

It's not as difficult to brainwash an entire group of people at all. The power of repetition works. You just keep repeating lies over and over again and soon enough it becomes true. There are a slew of studies and books written about how people can be successfully propagandized. Hitler did it to the Germans, blaming the Jews [and scapegoating them] for the bad economy and everything that was wrong in German life. If anyone is familiar with Josef Goebels, please read him. He gives a fascinating account of how propaganda can be used to control people and bring order to a society. Hitler's reign was very much based on Goebel's rethoric.

Here, it was easy to indoctrinate a group of people using the Bible to justify their supposed inferiority. Racial inferiority doesn't just affect blacks; it affects all minorities, women, etc., any oppressed or marginalized group.

There are plenty of examples of how to successfully brainwash people. In politics, the technique that seems to work is fear. First, you make the people angry. Then, you make them afraid. Then, you select a group of people to marginalize and scapegoat: I'm thinking of blacks, Jews, women, gays, Muslims, and now it's Mexican immigrants.

I don't mean to hijack this thread and go too deeply into politics and this Bush administration, but it serves as a prime example of how fear works. If you make people afraid they'll believe anything. All reason and logic gets shut out. According to Al Gore in his book "Assault On Reason," when people are afraid, there is a chemical imbalance in the brain that reacts easily to stimuli that is aggravated when one is afraid.

O.K., I could go on and on, but I'll stop...for now... ;)
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

Reading that article put me in a bad mood. I did not know it was like that. :(
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

finewine83 said:
Yep, it's not just blacks. I know Indians have a color complex as well; not sure about their hair, but when i think of it, it's never curly

Idians has a complex about skin and complexion AND hair. I live around loads of indians and i go to a school that is atleast 70% indian. And a majority of the indians i know do not have straight hair, it ranges from the type 2's - 3's and some have straight hair. Most of them straighten their hair so much you will never see their loose curls/waves. Once some of them tell me their hair has a curl pattern im like :eek: stop lyin!!!!
Wow! That was hard to read. I'm sad now. I already had some idea about skin color relations in Cuba, DR and Brazil, but I had no idea it was like that. :(
I'm speechless. That is sooooo sad to read something like that. Damn.........can't say I'm not proud of my heritage. I love my long, beautiful hair and and the color of my skin and won't change it for a damn soul!!! Why would you want to change something God blessed you with only to please someone else?? These people really need a reality check.
This article was very eye opening. I have a dominican friend and she never gets upset if someone mistakes her for being black on the other hand she told me her mother doesn't like "black" people. I was like well she is always nice to me. She says yeah but your are light. I really didn't think much of it but I guess she is not the only one with these view.

On another note I had a cowoarker tell me I must be "mixed" with something and i told her yea black and black and she kept bugging me so i told her about some of my ancestory. Her reply was "Girl if I was mixed with anything I would go around telling everybody." The sad thing is she is in her forties so she should know better.:ohwell:
What the Hell!!!
They more messed up then us, aleast blacks are starting to show signs of change and acceptance of our hertiage. They have made no progress at all! I wonder when they are going to relize that they are black?:lachen:

Watch me go to the Dominican Republic 8-14 weeks post hair uncombed and in my booty shorts, I dare a ngga to say something to me!!:lachen: jk lol
Stuff like this makes me want to chop off all my relaxed hair !:mad:
Just to show people that black natural hair is beautiful. When I reach my goal I think that I am going to do a big chop reach that same goal natural.:lol:
Just to show people I could, itsn't it amazing the power of arrogance.
beaux cheveux said:
What the Hell!!!
They more messed up then us, aleast blacks are starting to show signs of change and acceptance of our hertiage. They have made no progress at all! I wonder when they are going to relize that they are black?:lachen:

Watch me go to the Dominican Republic 8-14 weeks post hair uncombed and in my booty shorts, I dare a ngga to say something to me!!:lachen: jk lol

ITA. Yes i have heard the bad hair thing every once in a while, but i haven'tbeing penalized because of my hair type...

LOL i'd like to see ya do that!
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Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

When I was relaxed frequenting Lily's Dominican Salon in Norcross, they would be happy to blow my hair out but boy oh boy when I went natural...........they frowned and frowned and frowned and aked when I was getting a perm. I can understand Spanish up to an advanced intermediate level and they would be talking about my ahir. I had to remind them on one visit that "Entiendo y hablo español!" After that, I didn't have a problem but I was very offended because one day after they had straightened my natural hair, they were soooooooooooooooooooo happy saying, "Mami, look how straight your hair is, mami if you get a perm then it would be straighter!" I was like :confused: So ever since then I've been going to a salon specifically geared towards naturals.

I also had a problem with our own black people at some salons and how they refuse to do natural hair! I'm like how you can't handle your own hair!
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

beaux cheveux said:
What the Hell!!!
They more messed up then us, aleast blacks are starting to show signs of change and acceptance of our hertiage. They have made no progress at all! I wonder when they are going to relize that they are black?:lachen:

Watch me go to the Dominican Republic 8-14 weeks post hair uncombed and in my booty shorts, I dare a ngga to say something to me!!:lachen: jk lol

How i know you was crunk? You from laudie daudie! You get the official "hot mess" tag of the day.. with your afrocentric self. But, before you go poppin' off at the mouth ,miss thing, one word for ya... lynchings! I'll miss ya tho.:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

Oh dear lord. I just had a thought. My uncle has four kids with a black cuban woman. All of the children are light with brown/green eyes except ONE and she came out as a twin and her sister is light. My uncle and that woman are going to damage that child. And I know he is slightly colorstruck! And I can just imagine what the cuban fam is going to think about the one dark child.

Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

bravenewgirl87 said:
How i know you was crunk? You from laudie daudie! You get the official "hot mess" tag of the day.. with your afrocentric self. But, before you go poppin' off at the mouth ,miss thing, one word for ya... lynchings! I'll miss ya tho.:lachen::lachen::lachen:

:lachen::lachen::lachen:No you did NOT! Girl :lachen::lachen::lachen: Yeah, ya know Jax is still big rebel flag country..:lachen::lachen:But I gotta claim it as home, I escaped to So FL though.
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

tnorenberg said:
:lachen::lachen::lachen:No you did NOT! Girl :lachen::lachen::lachen: Yeah, ya know Jax is still big rebel flag country..:lachen::lachen:But I gotta claim it as home, I escaped to So FL though.

YUH! It is. But, i was talking about in the article, it mentioned that in DR they were lynching black people a while back. I wonder if they still do, now that the guy is out of power?
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Maybe its just me but I'm not that shocked by this article. If Blacks in America have their own issues w/ their skin color and hair, what makes me think that Blacks in other countries won't have those issues too?

Am I shocked that they are soo harsh? No, not that either. Am I shocked that its still goin on especially when Black are the majority? No, not shocked again.

Is it sad? Hell yea, but shockin no
This is nothing new. I've known about this for YEARS and I live nowhere near a dominican population. But why is this so shocking? The same thing happens in the US, people just aren't as blunt about it. Straight hair is always given more preference. Just because some black women are choosing to embrace their natural hair doesn't mean that the stigma is gone. Almost every black woman I know is relaxed, or at least heat straightens her hair. I'm not linking relaxing to self-hatred. I appreciate straight hair, wavy hair, curly hair, kinky hair, etc...and i want to try all styles. But come on, my fellow Americans, you already know the deal. A black woman is expected to have straight hair if she wants to be considered attractive within the black community. And if her hair is natural, it must be like type 3 hair. How many celebrity short haired 4a/b women are men drooling over these days?
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

SunnyDelight said:
This saddens me.

I don't know much about Dominicans or their culture so reading this article was a real eye opener. Thank God for parents who loved my dark skin and nappy head and made sure that I knew and understood my worth and beauty!!!

La Flaca - I do feel for the Dominicans who are suffering and will pray for them - as well as those who struggle with the demons of racism and place so little value in God's blessings.

Thank you Sunny!!!:kiss: :cry3:
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

shocol said:
I bookmarked the site so I can read the rest of the series. The article on the Dominicans is saddening, but the series overall seems to be one of hope and maybe the beginning of a civil rights movement for Afro-Latinos. The website is and there are email links for the journalists in case you would like to comment.

Thank you for the link. I've bookmarked it as well. It's going to be a very interesting series.

I'm glad that this article has opened some eyes here. It's hard to be black period, especially if you're "dark." It's not shocking to me at all.When my mom was growing up in Cuba, there were "white" schools, clubs, beaches, etc. No different than here. The lighter you were, the better you were treated. It's really widespread all through the Americas.

In terms of Dominicans salons, you cannot group all Dominicans by what you have read in this article. Just like you wouldn't want to be generalized by a negative article. My hairdresser is wonderful and yes, they do take natural hair ladies and never insist that someone gets a relaxer. I'm not dismissing those of you who have had bad experiences with Dominican salon, I'm just trying to express that not everyone is like that.

I've always wondered why we were put on this earth to suffer the way we have. One of life's mysteries?
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

Wildchild453 said:
Maybe its just me but I'm not that shocked by this article. If Blacks in America have their own issues w/ their skin color and hair, what makes me think that Blacks in other countries won't have those issues too?

Am I shocked that they are soo harsh? No, not that either. Am I shocked that its still goin on especially when Black are the majority? No, not shocked again.

Is it sad? Hell yea, but shockin no

I think that everyone here is not offended by the idea of people in DR and the rest of the Americas purposely straightening their hair. Its the fact that these people seem to be knowledgable, educated on the ramifications of their actions, yet don't care. We are probably not used to seeing such a blantant divide in a nation full of blacks. Plus, a lot of what was said was so incidious and dispiciable. Like, the statement about big butts? Unneccesarily foolish and deluded. Can i ask a question of some of you all? For the ones who know people who are married to black latina(o)s, how do their spouse of in-laws regard them, black or latina? Do they see a difference between themselves and their spouse, or do they follow the "okie-doke"? What do they say when their partners make statements regarding race that clear objectify them as their mate? I know some of you have responded, but did these relationships work out?
beaux cheveux said:
What the Hell!!!
I wonder when they are going to relize that they are black?:lachen:

THIS IS SO SO SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well. I'm still waiting 'cause 85 % of us are black!!! :perplexed

My son is a 3 year old self proclaim sweet dark chocolate, so he knows the black is beautiful, 'cause that's what we are teaching him. Yes, he's the "dark/black" grandson (the not so cute) but my relatives know that they will have to accept him and never ever even try to make him feel bad about the way God made him or they will not be part of his life period.

I have not problem is race or skin color, I've always loved curly/natural hair and if you read my post you will see that is true.

It hurts to read this article but that's the way it is, the only thing I can do is teach my children the right things and hope they will do the same to my grandchildren.
Time, education and love are the only things that can make a difference in my country :) ;)

BTW!!!!!!!!!! My son is very cute:grin:
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Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

la flaca said:
THIS IS SO SO SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well. I'm still waiting 'cause 85 % of us are black!!!:perplexed

My son is a 3 year old self proclaim sweet dark chocolate, so he knows the black is beautiful, 'cause that's what we are teaching him. Yes, he's the "dark/black" grandson (the not so cute) but my relatives know that they will have to accept him and never ever even try to make him feel bad about the way God made him or they will not be part of his life period.

I have not problem is race or skin color, I've always loved curly/natural hair and if you read my post you will see that is true.

It hurts to read this article but that's the way it is, the only thing I can do is teach my children the right things and hope they will do the same to my grandchildren.
Time, education and love are the only things that can make a difference in my country:) ;)

BTW!!!!!!!!!! My son is very cute:grin:

When he was a baby
Now, my sweet dark chocalate

Awwwwwwwww, so handsome!!!!:)
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

WhipEffectz1 said:
Awwwwwwwww, so handsome!!!!:)

Thank you, I had to show his pixs after I said some relatives don't see him as a cute baby. For my is more than cute, he is perfect:lol:
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

la flaca said:
Thank you, I had to show his pixs after I said some relatives don't see him as a cute baby. For my is more than cute, he is perfect:lol:

Let me hurry up and reproduce so I can let my daughter hook him in a couple years!!!:look: :lol:
la flaca said:
THIS IS SO SO SO SAD!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well. I'm still waiting 'cause 85 % of us are black!!!:perplexed

My son is a 3 year old self proclaim sweet dark chocolate, so he knows the black is beautiful, 'cause that's what we are teaching him. Yes, he's the "dark/black" grandson (the not so cute) but my relatives know that they will have to accept him and never ever even try to make him feel bad about the way God made him or they will not be part of his life period.

I have not problem with race or skin color, I've always loved curly/natural hair and if you read my post you will see that is true.

It hurts to read this article but that's the way it is, the only thing I can do is teach my children the right things and hope they will do the same to my grandchildren.
Time, education and love are the only things that can make a difference in my country:) ;)

BTW!!!!!!!!!! My son is very cute:grin:

When he was a baby
Now, my sweet dark chocalate

Aww Laflaca he is handsome
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

WhipEffectz1 said:
Let me hurry up and reproduce so I can let my daughter hook him in a couple years!!!:look: :lol:

Cool!!!!!!!! Then, we will have the cutest grandbabies:lol: :lol:
Just posted a hole book of a new thread about this one.Please read.For the record dont believe everything you hear or read
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