Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issues!

Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

Ravenhairbellydancer said:
Umm,bravenewgirl,might i ask if ur siggy is a joke or r u serious????????

Its a joke on this thread. But, the point of it is...
I don't make it my perrogative to inform others about their way or life or thinking and how it is wrong. If you really think that there is such a thing as good hair or bad hair... go right ahead. I'm not going to be the one to stop you. Thats what the siggy means.:grin:
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

Wildchild453 said:
I'm lost as to why my post was picked out of all but I'll bite...I'm that easy.

I don't understand how this article is an attack on anyone. Its more of an exploration of racial issues that are a part of Dominican culture...the same issues that affect AA culture and if you look deeply enough other Black cultures.

Yes ppl are saying the article isn't accurate, most notably the Dominican woman who joined just to speak out about it. They are probably saying its not accurate b/c it doesn't reflect her experience within her own culture. It has nothing to do w/ the reputation of the newspaper but personal experience. So its wrong for her or anyone else to speak out against based on personal views the article but its ok for others to offer their personal experiences to prove the article right?

I didn't see anything about censorship once in this thread. If I missed it pls point it out to me.

I just think this whole thing gets ridiculous when ppl starting hating on an entire ethnicity b/c of an article, saying they will never to the salon again or be around those ppl again. How can someone not get offended? Any woman would be offended if a person of another ethnicity or race was commenting on how they would never be around Black ppl again b/c they read an article about how they steal or some crap like that.

It is our plight b/c although they are not the same enthnicity as others their race is the same...Black. Look more division amongst Black ppl of the world

I don't understand how this article is an attack on anyone either. Ladies were saying that they felt the DR was getting a bad rap and that people in America say the exact same things. People felt like their culture was being questioned. So what if it is? No one should feel like they need to explain themselves to anyone here at LHCF. You want to be offended when you read something that hurts your feels, be offended and express it. There is too much censorship in this thread. Regardless of what goes on in America and whatever America's deep-seeded intra-racial issues are, everyone should feel free to say..."this hurt me", or "this opened my eyes" without fear of retaliation like, "well, I don't know why everyone is acting like Americans don't think the same way".Even if you agree that nappy-headed black folks are ugly, you have a right to think that way. I think the only reason why everyone is being so sensitive to this topic matter is because it puts afro-latinas in the spotlight. So? How many days go by where African-American females are not brought to the forefront because of their color issues on this board? Not one. I feel that afro-latinas on this board are taking this thread too seriously. It has nothing to do with you. Perhaps its your culture but it doesn't mean we are making you scapegoat for an entire nation or ethnic group of people. If everyone is going to get so heated over this topic, then every person should be insulted when we talk about every culture and all racial matters should be left alone. And yes, people have every right to say they never want to step into a Dominican salon again... that was the purpose of the article. Its a scare tactic to either sway you away from association with dominican salons, to make you want to scream, cry, get some rise of emotion out of you or to make you run to them more often. Thats people's business if they never want to visit another DR salon agian.... let them, then.
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

TJD3 said:
I dont care what anybody has ever said, because I always say they are spanish speaking haitians. Anyway...

My first and last experience at a dominican salon was just super annoying and saddening.I went to get a blow out, and I had my hair in a scrunched up ponytail. Well everybody was looking at me like what the heck was I doing in there. I looked around at most of them with their weaves and hair much shorter than mine, and thought the nerve.

Anyway, after a wash and a blow out, my hair was almost apl. It was full and bouncy, and all them hephers did was stare. The lady that did the blow out looked so proud and happy with herself. As I was paying, the lady asked me was I mixed with something to have such nice hair. I looked her square in the eye and told her "nope, all black. Matter of fact, Im haitian". She had the most startled look on her face as did the rest of them. I just walked out really satisfied at first, then as I drove home, I got sad. I thought what a shame that to these woman I and them only had worth based on how silky our hair was, and not about whom we were:( .

After that ofcourse I never went back. Not to mention, that was waaaayyyyy to much heat on my head. It was just a yucky experience overall.

My neighbor is dominican (darkewith 3c hair). Her mother is a black dominican woman, but they are super duper sweet. One time her daughter got in an argument with my daughter and her annoying little boy jumped in and told my daughter they didnt like her anyway cause she was black. Mind you, these children are dark with 2c hair. I walked over there, girl Im sure you could have seen the smoke coming out of my ears. I told his little butt he had some nerve when his mother and grandmother were almost as dark as me. I also reminded him that he should run inside cause he was getting darker by the minute since and his sister were also dark. I told him to make sure and run home and tell that!

When the father who is a white PR came over complaining I told him I dont deal with grown children and I for sure dont deal with that ridiculous mess. His kids came over looking for a fight, and ohhh honey they got one! There was no talking to him, but when his wife came home she was mortified. She apologized for everything, and we have since become pretty close. I will not lie to you though when I tell you, I cant stand those kids:(. Its sad, but they know it too. Its almost as if there is an unspoken thing between us. When they say something that they know is over the line, they tend to look at me and I give them that look. Sometimes I wish we could move:(. Too much drama!
:lachen: Ou fou, wi.
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

frankie said:
Wow!!! I guess my vsiting the Dominican Republic window of opportunity has CLOSED given that I'm "too" dark, and since I'm going natural they'd never accept my "bad hair".

Hope your joking! I know quite a few people who visited the DR and loved it! Not just for a week or two either... Don't let the mentalities of some spoil your desire to go. If we all did that, we'd never leave the house. :)
I'm half dominican and I'm not offended at all at anything that is being said. The truth is the truth and not all Dominicans think that way but there is an ongoing problem in DR, especially when it comes to Haitian relations. There is so much more to it...the same problem exists in America with racial tensions in LA between Mexican gangs and blacks (some of these wars are even said to be created by the police themselves to cause division amongst them) I know it sounds irrelevant but what I'm trying to say is that all throughout history America and Europe has caused seperations amongst minority groups by trying to make the lighter feel superior (this was done all over the world). In reality this was done so that minorities would not form a coalition and remain seperated. As far as DR is concern Trujillo (dictator in DR) who was himself a white dominican pushed this view all over DR and tried to kiss American a$%.If anyone is interested there is a movie called "The time of the Butterflies" that's about this. I am thankful that I was raised in a good christian home with none of these views but I know that the only way to combat problems like that is to educate our children on racial tolerance and tell them the truth and not believe all that they read in our history books about America and Europe (the truth really paints an ugly picture on what it has done to the world). Anybody who reads this should not tolerate any of that talk and everytime I here anyone trying to talk bad about other races or say something I tell the dam truth like "hey u might be a little light but your great grandma was black" It does piss me off and i understand it. Instead of debating our roots, we should all be grouping together and helping each other out and realize that these ideals are still trying to be implemented in us by the white America. sorry for the long post but people who think like that need a reality check.:mad:

Please do not think that all Dominicans are like this because they are not...don't let that build a stereotype because that's exactly what the point is...ignorance will be found wherever you go.
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Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

I agree go to DR! You shouldnt let the article stop you. Besides, you could touch someone's heart there and the stereotypes/views could begin to change even more.
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

ButterflyCurls said:
I'm half dominican and I'm not offended at all at anything that is being said. The truth is the truth and not all Dominicans think that way but there is an ongoing problem in DR, especially when it comes to Haitian relations. There is so much more to it...the same problem exists in America with racial tensions in LA between Mexican gangs and blacks (some of these wars are even said to be created by the police themselves to cause division amongst them) I know it sounds irrelevant but what I'm trying to say is that all throughout history America and Europe has caused seperations amongst minority groups by trying to make the lighter feel superior (this was done all over the world). In reality this was done so that minorities would not form a coalition and remain seperated. As far as DR is concern Trujillo (dictator in DR) who was himself a white dominican pushed this view all over DR and tried to kiss American a$%.If anyone is interested there is a movie called "The time of the Butterflies" that's about this. I am thankful that I was raised in a good christian home with none of these views but I know that the only way to combat problems like that is to educate our children on racial tolerance and tell them the truth and not believe all that they read in our history books about America and Europe (the truth really paints an ugly picture on what it has done to the world). Anybody who reads this should not tolerate any of that talk and everytime I here anyone trying to talk bad about other races or say something I tell the dam truth like "hey u might be a little light but your great grandma was black" It does piss me off and i understand it. Instead of debating our roots, we should all be grouping together and helping each other out and realize that these ideals are still trying to be implemented in us by the white America. sorry for the long post but people who think like that need a reality check.:mad:

Please do not think that all Dominicans are like this because they are not...don't let that build a stereotype because that's exactly what the point is...ignorance will be found wherever you go.

ITA! Let it be, thats what i say. If we were to get into the debate about Guyanese and Bajans.... i wouldn't be offended.
It's not my plight if someone thinks I'm ugly and bad because of my hair or the color of my skin. It's too many in the race but not all that think that.

How are we black if most don't see themselves as being black.
Re: Hmmm...the truth behind Domincan blowouts? They have some serious "bad hair" issu

bravenewgirl87 said:

I don't understand how this article is an attack on anyone either. Ladies were saying that they felt the DR was getting a bad rap and that people in America say the exact same things. People felt like their culture was being questioned. So what if it is? No one should feel like they need to explain themselves to anyone here at LHCF. You want to be offended when you read something that hurts your feels, be offended and express it. There is too much censorship in this thread. Regardless of what goes on in America and whatever America's deep-seeded intra-racial issues are, everyone should feel free to say..."this hurt me", or "this opened my eyes" without fear of retaliation like, "well, I don't know why everyone is acting like Americans don't think the same way".Even if you agree that nappy-headed black folks are ugly, you have a right to think that way. I think the only reason why everyone is being so sensitive to this topic matter is because it puts afro-latinas in the spotlight. So? How many days go by where African-American females are not brought to the forefront because of their color issues on this board? Not one. I feel that afro-latinas on this board are taking this thread too seriously. It has nothing to do with you. Perhaps its your culture but it doesn't mean we are making you scapegoat for an entire nation or ethnic group of people. If everyone is going to get so heated over this topic, then every person should be insulted when we talk about every culture and all racial matters should be left alone. And yes, people have every right to say they never want to step into a Dominican salon again... that was the purpose of the article. Its a scare tactic to either sway you away from association with dominican salons, to make you want to scream, cry, get some rise of emotion out of you or to make you run to them more often. Thats people's business if they never want to visit another DR salon agian.... let them, then.

ITA, you are on point with everything here. I'm glad someone spoke up.