hmm do you believe this?

i don't usually post questions like this but im curious to have other ladies' input....

i dated this guy for two years without any problems and then everything blew up (over the internet of all things lol). spending time together one day, i saw his signature on his forum that said he adored this other girl. well that got me thinking so i went back to the forum and just kind of browsed to see if there was anything that indicated he and the girl were together (i know i was being mad extra)...but anyways there was a post asking how they managed to stay together so long and they were answering the questions on how they had done it. so after seeing that i called and asked him point blank if he had another girlfriend and he denied it but then asked if went to the site and said he couldnt believe i'd done that, yada yada. so after that, we just stopped talking..neither of us contacted each other again.

...until he friended me on facebook a few weeks ago. he's claiming that the whole thing was a prank and he knew i'd seen something that upset me so everyone on the site was in on his prank to see if i'd really come and look. hes saying that me was a mod and could track my ip and knew that i was reading posts. he also said he had the power to change the date of posts so they dated it to make it seem older than it was...he's claiming it was all a test and i basically failed but not trusting him and going back to the do you believe this explanation or is it bull? i'm leaning towards bull and i told him it seemed a little elaborate and if he saw my reaction he should have said something then and there....but there is a part of me thats beginning to doubt everything :perplexed
Bull. Ish. Seriously? Going through all of that to 'test' you? Yeah, whatever dude. And even if he was telling the truth - I wouldn't want to be with a man who felt the need to fake another longterm relationship in order to see if I trusted him. He's proved himself to be a liar, from jump.

And I don't see anything extra in checking out a forum where your CURRENT man has a siggy talking bout he adores ANOTHER woman. Hell, that would have been enough, finito, done for me right then - I wouldn't even need to check for something more - he (via his siggy) told me all I needed to know right there.
I would probably most likely....well yea go with bs

a moderater of a messageboard is not an admin.....and what message board he got that he can change the dates

n e ways....that just don't even sound right and if thats how he's gonna "test" your trust for him then he needs to be told he failed at going about it and who knows what other "tests" he gonna "come up" with to see what u about......???

I got this other girl pregnant just to see if u will stand by my side...if u get mad and leave you failed and aren't really down for me........
Yeah, he's definitely lying. Why did he wait so long to contact you again? If it were really a big prank, he would have told you that night.

Okey doke!
He is trying to play you AGAIN... dont fall for it girl, dont even befriend him via the face, he will be all up in your biz.... Well, facebook allows for way to much of biz to be shared... Lol..
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He is lying.

Also how can he friend you without you approving? I only approve people I know. I don't approve all willy nilly.
:lachen: at that lame *** excuse.
If you decide that you want to be with him, that'll be your decision, but do know that he made that story up.
:perplexed:perplexed Um wow at his intricate lie!!! He is definitely lying and trying to get you to fall for the okey doke:nono:
Send the other woman all this information, plus you two guys' 2 year relationship history.... and then see how much of a "joke" it really is for him.
yes, he is seriously lying. keep on moving, hope he didnt hurt his brain thinking up this mess of an excuse.
The first time he told me the prank thing I let it slide. But he's stickin to that story and so I asked more details....that's how he came up with the 'I had the power to change the dates'. Smh thanks for groundin me though, I was starting to think maybe he could do all would be a lot of effort but still plausible lol.

And after it happened, one of my friends hit up the girl and she didn't believe her and said she was lying and just stalking him so I guess he had already set her up to not believe anything coming at her....who knows?
I was once on my guy's computer and an incriminating IM popped up. Well, I decided to go into his chat history and see what was going on.

I saw several chats with different women. So I called him out on it and we broke up or whatever. But i felt so silly when he called later and explained it all to me.

See what had happened was he decided to test me since I was insecure and had been questioning some of his actions. He had signed up for several different accounts pretending to be a woman in each instance. Then he went to his university's library so that he could sign on to several computers and have hot sexy chats with himself (i.e. he was on one pc as himself and another pc as 'shatasha'). He knew that I, being insecure, would find the chat history and confront him. Then he could show me just how insecure and silly I was being.

True story.

I was once on my guy's computer and an incriminating IM popped up. Well, I decided to go into his chat history and see what was going on.

I saw several chats with different women. So I called him out on it and we broke up or whatever. But i felt so silly when he called later and explained it all to me.

See what had happened was he decided to test me since I was insecure and had been questioning some of his actions. He had signed up for several different accounts pretending to be a woman in each instance. Then he went to his university's library so that he could sign on to several computers and have hot sexy chats with himself (i.e. he was on one pc as himself and another pc as 'shatasha'). He knew that I, being insecure, would find the chat history and confront him. Then he could show me just how insecure and silly I was being.

True story.


Who does that? I don't know if I believe that one either. Everyone is going to act that way if they have a reason too, and he gave you a reason when the incriminating IM popped up at all.
A guy can chat with whomever he wants to, but the second it starts getting steamy, that's a problem.
That's like someone "setting up" a "pretend" date with another hot woman (who you know isn't platonic) to see how you would react. WTH?
Just my humble opinion.
99.9% certainty he was lying.
0.01% chance he is incredibly stupid and immature.

Either way don't waste your time on him.
Sounds like a weak lie.....and even if it's totally true it's a stupid game to play with someone's feelings if you allegedly care about the person.

im assuming you believed it since you had to ask other ppl's opinions .. do not let him make you look stupid .. avoid all contact he is a playa
Lol he told me this back in october and I just thought to myself this is a load of crap. But he hit me up again a few weeks ago and it was friendly until he hit me with this same story. This time I started asking questions like "why would you play a prank on me" and "who would join you on this elaborate scheme". Honestly I was under the impression he had no idea I knew until I called and asked about the girl. However, he claims he knew all along and was tracking my ip address to see what I was looking at. Lol I posted this after he tried explaining the story again cuz he actually started getting to me. But once again I'm seeing the light. Thanks everyone!
Girl dont even stress it, its the original okie doke, lol, my ex tried one of those stupid "pranks" on me, i called him and some chick picked up, later on she got my number too and kept calling me, then he tried to hit me with that 'Thats my cousin she only did it to mess with u', f outta here dude, dont let him play u, tell him to beat it!
i don't usually post questions like this but im curious to have other ladies' input....

i dated this guy for two years without any problems and then everything blew up (over the internet of all things lol). spending time together one day, i saw his signature on his forum that said he adored this other girl. well that got me thinking so i went back to the forum and just kind of browsed to see if there was anything that indicated he and the girl were together (i know i was being mad extra)...but anyways there was a post asking how they managed to stay together so long and they were answering the questions on how they had done it. so after seeing that i called and asked him point blank if he had another girlfriend and he denied it but then asked if went to the site and said he couldnt believe i'd done that, yada yada. so after that, we just stopped talking..neither of us contacted each other again.

...until he friended me on facebook a few weeks ago. he's claiming that the whole thing was a prank and he knew i'd seen something that upset me so everyone on the site was in on his prank to see if i'd really come and look. hes saying that me was a mod and could track my ip and knew that i was reading posts. he also said he had the power to change the date of posts so they dated it to make it seem older than it was...he's claiming it was all a test and i basically failed but not trusting him and going back to the do you believe this explanation or is it bull? i'm leaning towards bull and i told him it seemed a little elaborate and if he saw my reaction he should have said something then and there....but there is a part of me thats beginning to doubt everything :perplexed

Girl that is like the oldest line in the book, Are dudes still using this?:rolleyes:
I was once on my guy's computer and an incriminating IM popped up. Well, I decided to go into his chat history and see what was going on.

I saw several chats with different women. So I called him out on it and we broke up or whatever. But i felt so silly when he called later and explained it all to me.

See what had happened was he decided to test me since I was insecure and had been questioning some of his actions. He had signed up for several different accounts pretending to be a woman in each instance. Then he went to his university's library so that he could sign on to several computers and have hot sexy chats with himself (i.e. he was on one pc as himself and another pc as 'shatasha'). He knew that I, being insecure, would find the chat history and confront him. Then he could show me just how insecure and silly I was being.

True story.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: