How Would You Feel

It would hurt my feelings.
It's clear that he loves her though, so I'd be hurt, but then start looking for ways I can make myself look more sexy, i.e. wardrobe, makeup etc

A little bit of makeup can make anyone look decent imho

I am telling you man truly loves a woman when he starts a sentence out with "She's not the best looking but..."

He is basically saying "Yes...I know she's ugly but she holds me down and before you say anything about her looks let me present to you her other redeeming qualities that justify someone like me being with someone who looks like her" Nothing about his statement is loving or endearing. He tore her down first...PUBLICLY.

I'm starting to realize that a lot of people don't know what love is. It damn sure ain't publicly putting your partner down then trying to make up for it with compliments in other areas. The man in the OP may have some of ya'll fooled into thinking that he actually loves that woman but not me. He's just a good actor.

Just a little food for thought...Don't you all wonder what question was being asked by the person on the other end of the phone for him to give this type of response? The fact that he's rattling off a list of his wife's qualities, starting with a super negative one, lets me know that something isn't right.
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I have a friend who says things like this and I've been meaning to speak to him about it.

He's a nice guy but he can be insensitive at times. The thing about it is his SO is cute! A naturally gorgeous woman but he'll be like, "I could find girls prettier than my SO, but their minds are messed up!"

It's meant to be a compliment but I'm sure if she were to hear it she's be hurt.

Sounds like one of those neg hits, these wanna be players are taught.
I think this person should've kept that info to himself. What good did it accomplish?

I read a story where a husband told his wife that other women's bodies looked better than hers. (She was advised to step back and re-evaluate this relationship).
I am telling you man truly loves a woman when he starts a sentence out with "She's not the best looking but..."

He is basically saying "Yes...I know she's ugly but she holds me down and before you say anything about her looks let me present to you her other redeeming qualities that justify someone like me being with someone who looks like her" Nothing about his statement is loving or endearing. He tore her down first...PUBLICLY.

I'm starting to realize that a lot of people don't know what love is. It damn sure ain't publicly putting your partner down then trying to make up for it with compliments in other areas. The man in the OP may have some of ya'll fooled into thinking that he actually loves that woman but not me. He's just a good actor.

Just a little food for thought...Don't you all wonder what question was being asked by the person on the other end of the phone for him to give this type of response? The fact that he's rattling off a list of his wife's qualities, starting with a super negative one, lets me know that something isn't right.

This! All of this!
I would be hurt and feel betrayed. I would never say something like that about him and would want the same in return. Even if he were a little person, or overweight, or white I wouldn't warn everyone. I would let him know that I heard what he said about me. I wouldn't leave right then but because I would look at him differently it would die a slow death. I couldn't imagine sleeping with someone that found me unattractive. I would be hurt and focused on improving myself, not for him but for me.
I would hope we weren't married because I would feel difficult to move forward after hearing that. I certainly couldn't ignore it, I would have to raise it with him.

This is why you need to be completely physically attracted to the person who get with, love handles and all. Looks fade, sure; you need the complete package but I still need to feel that initial attraction. There's no point 'settling.'
I wonder if he is really in love with her. I question it because I remember meeting someone that I initially did not find attractive at all. WWe got to know each other and dated. He became so attractive to me I couldn't even understand why I didn't initially find him attractive. I would have blasted anyone that dared to say anything about the way he looked when i was in love with him. In fact even though we both moved on I still think he is attractive.
I wonder if he is really in love with her. I question it because I remember meeting someone that I initially did not find attractive at all. WWe got to know each other and dated. He became so attractive to me I couldn't even understand why I didn't initially find him attractive. I would have blasted anyone that dared to say anything about the way he looked when i was in love with him. In fact even though we both moved on I still think he is attractive.
ive been in a situation like that too. love makes you find the unattractive attractive. but I don't know if men are able to see it that way just because women do.....
ive been in a situation like that too. love makes you find the unattractive attractive. but I don't know if men are able to see it that way just because women do.....

Yeah, this is definitely a woman thing from what I've seen. I've never heard any of my boys change their minds on a woman's sex appeal or attractiveness just Bc they liked her.
I'm sure, if the tables were turned and he heard her saying something similar to another person, he'd throw a damn fit.

I'm petty. I'd get even.
ok im the odd one. sorta.

i know what i am (average for my age) and am cool with it. Made my peace decades ago that Im no Tyra :lol:

what would piss me off would be that his "she got my back" comments would be more about me filling a function for his needs rather than it being a partnership.
I am telling you man truly loves a woman when he starts a sentence out with "She's not the best looking but..."

He is basically saying "Yes...I know she's ugly but she holds me down and before you say anything about her looks let me present to you her other redeeming qualities that justify someone like me being with someone who looks like her" Nothing about his statement is loving or endearing. He tore her down first...PUBLICLY.
The man in the OP may have some of ya'll fooled into thinking that he actually loves that woman but not me. He's just a good actor.

yes! you described here better than what i could...
The relationship would be over. A friend of mine died recently and his father/stepmother, cant remember which, got up at the funeral and said "Kevin was so excited for us to meet "so and so" and after we met her, he asked us what we thought and we told him " its not what's on the outside, its what's on the inside that counts." I just about died in that pew. Mind you, my friend had been telling people for years that he was divorced from that woman. He was actively dating other women, on all social media with other women and do you know he was still married?? Just a mess. I say all of that to say that men who arent attracted to their wives often act like my friend did.
Sheesh, I would feel bad...very bad. But also what the hell was he responding to. I'd love to know what brought that one out.
I am telling you man truly loves a woman when he starts a sentence out with "She's not the best looking but..."

He is basically saying "Yes...I know she's ugly but she holds me down and before you say anything about her looks let me present to you her other redeeming qualities that justify someone like me being with someone who looks like her" Nothing about his statement is loving or endearing. He tore her down first...PUBLICLY.

I'm starting to realize that a lot of people don't know what love is. It damn sure ain't publicly putting your partner down then trying to make up for it with compliments in other areas. The man in the OP may have some of ya'll fooled into thinking that he actually loves that woman but not me. He's just a good actor.

Just a little food for thought...Don't you all wonder what question was being asked by the person on the other end of the phone for him to give this type of response? The fact that he's rattling off a list of his wife's qualities, starting with a super negative one, lets me know that something isn't right.
P R E A C H!!!