Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018

Has anyone else done the plopping with product as in MahoganyCurl's video above? Whenever I put products before, my hair does not dry at all, not even overnight. But of course if I put products AFTER I plop, the curls are ruined. The curls look great for maybe a maximum of 30 minutes if I don't add products, and then I just look crazy, :lol:. It's the reason why I have given up on wash and gos and just do twistouts, but I'm curious how the plopping after/before adding products works for others.
Do you plop for volume, for definition, or to dry?
If to dry, you can consider compressing the towel a little at the beginning to help it absorb moisture, changing the towel midway, or supplementing the plopping with a quick diffuser action in the morning.
Do you plop for volume, for definition, or to dry?
Mostly to keep the hair out of my way until I can get to it later, :lol:. Seriously, the only reason it ever seemed worthwhile for me was for the curl definition, but that does not last for me without products, and my hair doesn't dry with them. I'm just really curious about how it works out for others; maybe porosity has something to do with it? My hair is low porosity.

For my usual twistouts, I air dry for a few hours first, then add products, and leave the twists overnight or longer. All that results in something that *looks* as if it should have been a wash and go.
Mostly to keep the hair out of my way until I can get to it later, :lol:. Seriously, the only reason it ever seemed worthwhile for me was for the curl definition, but that does not last for me without products, and my hair doesn't dry with them. I'm just really curious about how it works out for others; maybe porosity has something to do with it? My hair is low porosity.

For my usual twistouts, I air dry for a few hours first, then add products, and leave the twists overnight or longer. All that results in something that *looks* as if it should have been a wash and go.
So when you ate not plopping overnight, how do you usually dry your hair with product in it while keeping the definition?
:lol: I only do twistouts (but they look like what other people assume my wash and gos should look like).

For twists, I think they can dry easier when exposed than when plopped. Since they are well formed, they probably don't need too much preservation. You can pineapple them, instead of plopping inside a towel, and they will be unlikely to unravel or kink.

Regarding drying, you can use your usual process. Wait until the hair is just damp then add your products and twist. You can then compress the twists with a towel or paper towel to remove the excess water before going to bed. In the morning you can sit under the drier briefly if you feel that they are still damp before take down.

If you want to plop for wash and goes then again consider applying your products to damp rather than soaking wet hair, absorb the excess water by compressing with a towel.. Diffuse for a bit then plop to sleep.

I don't know if I'm making sense. I'm just trying to come up with ideas lol
Officially done moving, well about 3 weeks now, but, I can say I'm officially settled in all the way...

I'm up north in New York again, my hair has gone a little dry, a little more brittle, and looks like I need to start deep conditioning on a regular basis again. The weather up here is not as sunny and warm yet and it's definitely taking it's toll on my hair. Noticed some breakage when co-washing a few days ago. Plus I'm noticing some ends that seriously need to go. :cry4:
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I’d like to join!

Current length:
(Pictures are encouraged but not required)
30.5 inches
I’m about 3-4 inches past tailbone length on stretched hair. My main picture is my avatar, (I took this about 2 weeks ago? Sometime around there), and the bigger one is on my profile. Hopefully you can see it on my profile. I don’t think I have it blocked or anything.


I’m prone to switching stuff randomly according to the weather where I live, and how my hair is doing, or how I’m feeling.

The basic outline looks like this:
•Diluted shampoo in a spray bottle that I spray on my roots and scalp only to cleanse (every day or every other day), followed by a conditioner rinse of whatever I pick (same frequency)
•Deep condition 2x a week, rotate between moisture and protein
•Soak hair in peppermint rose water mix for 30 mins (I’ll substitute this for conditioner rinsing or cowashing whenever I feel the need to)
•ACV rinse usually for clarifying
•oil hair or just ends with serum or oil of choice (typically Almond oil), or if I’m doing twists or flat twists I’ll coat my hair with Shea Butter
•I do relax my hair (2x a year), and during that time the only thing I add in are the Aphogee hard protein treatments, and replace my shampoo with neutralizing shampoo for the next week or two just to make sure I removed all the relaxer.

Exact goal length:

When the challenge is over this year I hope to be at Classic (stretched). I think I’m 7-8 inches away last time I checked.

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Most of everything I do has been the same for 4 years or so.

At the moment I’m working on finding things or practices that suit my fragile baby fine hair. It’s unbelievably fine, and virtually weightless even at this length. And even on perfect days, with the absolute most gentleness I will lose a few hairs from breakage just due to how fragile my hair is. I’ve ditched detangling out of the shower all together and only detangle under gentle running water, ditched brushes as well, and opted for small ,wooden, seamless combs that I use in the shower. This has been working so far since the beginning of January this year, and I’ve noticed my crown area is doing better since most the breakage occurs around there. So my focus will mostly be on that spot, and letting my crown grow back in, because on my avatar you can see how sparse the crown hairs are as they go down the length towards the middle, and how they’re shorter than the length off to the sides.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:
I’m vitamin D deficient, so I take vitamin D supplements, but I compete In sports, and this is something that my sports doc. And I have already gone over since last year, and it’s mostly to improve my training, which won’t be of any use concerning this challenge. It’s for my health, not my hair.
Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:

I recently purchased an overseas brand Emulsion for my ends. I can’t seem to find it again, and I’d like to at least share other things I’ve come across with everyone, so there’s another brand I’ll be using that I have the link for:


Its a collagen Emulsion, that’s for strengthening. You can use it all over the hair, and rinse, but I’m just going to apply it to my ends and leave it on. It’s a coating protein, and you can seal an oil over it if you wish.

I’ll also just be keeping my ends out of the way as usual and tucked away.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
(I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

I’m participating in the grow longer challenge, however I haven’t trimmed or cut my ends in over 4 years. I don’t really plan on trimming them any time soon, but I think I’ll start S&Ding just to give extra care since there’s no harm in that anyways. I’ll do my best to keep with S&D at least every 3 months.

Top 10 products: Please note these are the products that you intend on using the duration of the challenge. So list your tried and true. Yes you are allowed to use other products but I want to know your foundation products. The ones that are going to rock with you to hip length and beyond

•Shea Moisture Manuka Honey and Mafura oil
•Planet&Beauty MuruMuru butter and rose water conditioner
•Mielle Organics Mint Deep Conditioner
•Peppermint and Rose water mixture
•Pantene Gold series moisturizing shampoo diluted with water in spray bottle
•Coconut oil
•Almond Oil
•Shea Moisture 100% virgin coconut oil shampoo and conditioner(I use this brand back to back every other day during the summer when I’m sweating and my coach is kicking my butt in the gym, and the pollen count in Texas is through the roof.)

I think that’s the jist of everything.
I did an improptu length check in the shower while washing my hair and discovered that about one third of my strands are just brushing hip length. The rest is within an inch of it. Woohoo! Protective styling and ends care is working!

What is your protective style of choice? How are you caring for your ends?

I feel like I could step up my game but I'm not sure how. Hairexia is real over here. I thought that my growth was stalled/had a setback over the last year, but then I did comparative shots and realized that my hair is still doing it's thing.


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What is your protective style of choice? How are you caring for your ends?

I feel like I could step up my game but I'm not sure how. Hairexia is real over here. I thought that my growth was stalled/had a setback over the last year, but then I did comparative shots and realized that my hair is still doing it's thing.

I wear medium two strand twists. The first week after wash day I wear them in a banded ponytail. Week 2 I undo the bands and wear the stretched twists in a bun or ponytail.

For my ends, daily I mist my hair with liquid moisturizer and seal the ends with a pomade. Once a week, I mist, moisturize, then seal my ends.
I wear medium two strand twists. The first week after wash day I wear them in a banded ponytail. Week 2 I undo the bands and wear the stretched twists in a bun or ponytail.

For my ends, daily I mist my hair with liquid moisturizer and seal the ends with a pomade. Once a week, I mist, moisturize, then seal my ends.

I use to do my hair the same way (more or less ) as a protective style and I retained length like crazy....I probably should revisit it...:oops:
I wear medium two strand twists. The first week after wash day I wear them in a banded ponytail. Week 2 I undo the bands and wear the stretched twists in a bun or ponytail.

For my ends, daily I mist my hair with liquid moisturizer and seal the ends with a pomade. Once a week, I mist, moisturize, then seal my ends.

We've got very similar regimens! Good to know I'm on the right track!
Today is wash day. I'm having to space it out all day because I have so many other things to do. So far I've done and oil rinse and finger detangle. Still have to shampoo and DC then I'm doing a wash and go.

DH wants to me to do some twists which I am dreading because they take forever, but I told him I would do it. Not today though.
I’d like to join!

Current length:
(Pictures are encouraged but not required)
30.5 inches
I’m about 3-4 inches past tailbone length on stretched hair. My main picture is my avatar, (I took this about 2 weeks ago? Sometime around there), and the bigger one is on my profile. Hopefully you can see it on my profile. I don’t think I have it blocked or anything.


I’m prone to switching stuff randomly according to the weather where I live, and how my hair is doing, or how I’m feeling.

The basic outline looks like this:
•Diluted shampoo in a spray bottle that I spray on my roots and scalp only to cleanse (every day or every other day), followed by a conditioner rinse of whatever I pick (same frequency)
•Deep condition 2x a week, rotate between moisture and protein
•Soak hair in peppermint rose water mix for 30 mins (I’ll substitute this for conditioner rinsing or cowashing whenever I feel the need to)
•ACV rinse usually for clarifying
•oil hair or just ends with serum or oil of choice (typically Almond oil), or if I’m doing twists or flat twists I’ll coat my hair with Shea Butter
•I do relax my hair (2x a year), and during that time the only thing I add in are the Aphogee hard protein treatments, and replace my shampoo with neutralizing shampoo for the next week or two just to make sure I removed all the relaxer.

Exact goal length:

When the challenge is over this year I hope to be at Classic (stretched). I think I’m 7-8 inches away last time I checked.

Plans to help you achieve your goal:
Most of everything I do has been the same for 4 years or so.

At the moment I’m working on finding things or practices that suit my fragile baby fine hair. It’s unbelievably fine, and virtually weightless even at this length. And even on perfect days, with the absolute most gentleness I will lose a few hairs from breakage just due to how fragile my hair is. I’ve ditched detangling out of the shower all together and only detangle under gentle running water, ditched brushes as well, and opted for small ,wooden, seamless combs that I use in the shower. This has been working so far since the beginning of January this year, and I’ve noticed my crown area is doing better since most the breakage occurs around there. So my focus will mostly be on that spot, and letting my crown grow back in, because on my avatar you can see how sparse the crown hairs are as they go down the length towards the middle, and how they’re shorter than the length off to the sides.

List any vitamins/supplements you are taking:
I’m vitamin D deficient, so I take vitamin D supplements, but I compete In sports, and this is something that my sports doc. And I have already gone over since last year, and it’s mostly to improve my training, which won’t be of any use concerning this challenge. It’s for my health, not my hair.
Your ends care regimen to keep them healthy:

I recently purchased an overseas brand Emulsion for my ends. I can’t seem to find it again, and I’d like to at least share other things I’ve come across with everyone, so there’s another brand I’ll be using that I have the link for:


Its a collagen Emulsion, that’s for strengthening. You can use it all over the hair, and rinse, but I’m just going to apply it to my ends and leave it on. It’s a coating protein, and you can seal an oil over it if you wish.

I’ll also just be keeping my ends out of the way as usual and tucked away.

Trimming/Dusting/S&D'ing schedule/routine:
(I suggest you start off with a 1/4 inch dusting. Going forward, trim the same amount every 6 months. We will be working a lot on our ends during this challenge, so I plan on keeping them in tip top shape)

I’m participating in the grow longer challenge, however I haven’t trimmed or cut my ends in over 4 years. I don’t really plan on trimming them any time soon, but I think I’ll start S&Ding just to give extra care since there’s no harm in that anyways. I’ll do my best to keep with S&D at least every 3 months.

Top 10 products: Please note these are the products that you intend on using the duration of the challenge. So list your tried and true. Yes you are allowed to use other products but I want to know your foundation products. The ones that are going to rock with you to hip length and beyond

•Shea Moisture Manuka Honey and Mafura oil
•Planet&Beauty MuruMuru butter and rose water conditioner
•Mielle Organics Mint Deep Conditioner
•Peppermint and Rose water mixture
•Pantene Gold series moisturizing shampoo diluted with water in spray bottle
•Coconut oil
•Almond Oil
•Shea Moisture 100% virgin coconut oil shampoo and conditioner(I use this brand back to back every other day during the summer when I’m sweating and my coach is kicking my butt in the gym, and the pollen count in Texas is through the roof.)

I think that’s the jist of everything.

@PlanetCybertron Welcome to the Challenge!!!
So I length checked my hair before trimming and most of it was at full HL, the rest was stagnant at Whip Length. Im assuming because of the breakage. I trimmed about 4 inches off which I dreaded doing, but my ends are in a whole lot better shape and my hair is sitting at WL now. Such a set back, but oh well. Hopefully Ill make it to TBL by the end of the year if I can retain everything.
Woke up this morning to go on a walk, I think I walked 3 miles or so. I wear the under amour brand of clothing usually everyday since it breathes really well and soak up the sweat. I took a shirt I had and wrapped it around my head since there’s no clouds out and the sun is just beaming down over Houston, and it’s going to dry my hair out.

I get back home and I have no idea what’s happened to my new growth. I think the salt deposits from the sweat have dried and made my new growth very hard and resistant and dry. I relaxed my hair maybe two weeks ago and I have just about an inch and a half of new growth and it’s completely tangled.

I coated my hair in a BTMS conditioner so it can make the cuticles of my new growth lay down. I haven’t washed it out yet, but I’m going to be spending the next handful of hours separating the tangles. I don’t see any SS knots.....yet. Hopefully there won’t be many or any. Then I’ll deep condition with something on the thicker/heavier side, and then let Shea Butter do it’s thing.

I’m not sure what I can try out to mitigate sweat since it’s something I’m going to do regardless if I’m outside. Only thing I can think of is dry shampoo. At least if I’m going on a walk outside. Any other time I usually train indoors.
Very pretty.

:lol: I had my hair flat ironed and it's still short. It was down for 1 day and then back up the next. It wasn't even hot that day :lol:

Thank You! I think my issue was that it was just in my face. Heat, hair and my face don't mesh well. LoL Today I have it half up and half down. 2 twists with loc jewelry on each side holding it back.


It's a lot more "tame" since I slept in a low bun to take some of the bulk out. I have already been out in the sun for around 3 hours this morning helping with our neighborhood community yard sale. I had forgot that I had it down until I got a compliment on it.
Beautiful @ElevatedEnergy! Do you put your twists in wet, damp or on dry hair?

Thank you @Daina My hair was wet. I did an overnight treatment, shampoo'd it out then moved right into styling. Divided my hair in 4 sections and did 2 jumbo twists in each section. @tapioca_pudding put me on to Oyin Hair Dew and Shea butter combo. So it was like my conditioner/moisturizer/styler all in one. I still haven't applied any other products to my hair since then and my hair feels amazing. I've only oiled my scalp.

I'll probably wash on Monday or Tuesday.
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My new growth has managed to calm down and soften up.

Didn’t have SS knots, but I guess I hadn’t detangled that much for the past 4 or 5 days so all the shed hairs formed a bunch of tangles.

Had maybe 4-5 broken hairs in total. Which isn’t horrendous, but still unacceptable.

The amount of shed hair that came out in Yesterdays wash was the size of a quarter. I’m stretching my washes to every 5 days or once a week if my scalp will let me, so in between I’m going to have to separate and catch the majority of shed hairs that come out between washes.

For the whole sweating issue I still haven’t found anything that helps with the salt deposits due to evaporation. Only thing I can do is let my scalp breathe as much as possible.
:hiya: long time no see! So I've been in a hair funk the past month. Just haven't felt like doing anything with it. I even went 3 weeks without washing. Just feeling uninspired. So I'm going to try to get back to my routine and focus on the ultimate goal. Hope you all are doing better than me!