Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018

Same here - I keep saying I'm going to straighten but somehow end up in flat twists smh.

When I'm in the shower and my hair is soaking wet, I can reach behind my back and touch my hair easily with my hand. Never had that happen before. :yay:
Isn't that the best?? :biggrin: But I'm so greedy I'm waiting for the day when I dont have to pull and can clearly see hair on my hips. Sigh....one day :blush2:
I'm here been in a very hair lazy phase. I'm cleansing every 2 weeks and either bun or twist. Shea butter makes it so easy to leave my hair alone and let it be. Stretching my hair with buns or twists for twist outs has been enough for me not to want to straighten. I probably won't flat iron for the first time this year until May or June. I'll also do a more robust trim, I dust every now and then when I am in twists.
Ok so I finally straightened my hair. Lemme tell ya I won't be doing this again until the end of the year. This was tew much work! :spinning: eta: I did trim all around.

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@beauti, your hair looks great! I feel you on the work it takes. How long will you wear it straight? I actually get bored after the 3rd or 4th day and want to wash. Doing flexi-rods can normally get me to the 2 week mark and then I do buns. I can typically make it 3 weeks, I want to get a month out of it but my scalp starts to rebel after 3.
Hey y'all, hey y'all! :wave: I as gone for a while (subscription lapsed), but i's back! :-D

I am currently battling hair loss (yay lithium :( ), I blew out my fro a few weeks back and that bad boy was see-thru:help:.

So I bought myself the whole set of Crece Pelo, and a few bottles of JBCO. I am also following a Pesco-Vegan diet (for health reasons) and getting back into yoga. I am going to see what happens within the next 3-6 months (from February).
Hey y'all, hey y'all! :wave: I as gone for a while (subscription lapsed), but i's back! :-D

I am currently battling hair loss (yay lithium :( ), I blew out my fro a few weeks back and that bad boy was see-thru:help:.

So I bought myself the whole set of Crece Pelo, and a few bottles of JBCO. I am also following a Pesco-Vegan diet (for health reasons) and getting back into yoga. I am going to see what happens within the next 3-6 months (from February).

This sounds great. I like your plan. Take care of yourself! I look forward to your update in 3-6 months!
@beauti, your hair looks great! I feel you on the work it takes. How long will you wear it straight? I actually get bored after the 3rd or 4th day and want to wash. Doing flexi-rods can normally get me to the 2 week mark and then I do buns. I can typically make it 3 weeks, I want to get a month out of it but my scalp starts to rebel after 3.
Looking good Sis!!!! @beauti
Thanks hun! ;)
I've been ghost for awhile, still trying to figure out how to get out of this growth rut, my hair is now immensely thicker than I ever imagined it to be but the length still hasn't shown up...I've had my hair straightened again, going to wear this out until my wigs arrive. I know with the warmer months coming that my hair will finally have the humidity it loves so I'm hoping by putting it under wraps for the next few months I can finally get past this plateau. I can tell its CRAWLING past mid back but I'm tired of looking at my hair after a few months and not really seeing a difference. I saw somewhere someone saying they only check their hair twice a year, I think I might start doing that as well because quite frankly, it's a little discouraging
I've been ghost for awhile, still trying to figure out how to get out of this growth rut, my hair is now immensely thicker than I ever imagined it to be but the length still hasn't shown up...I've had my hair straightened again, going to wear this out until my wigs arrive. I know with the warmer months coming that my hair will finally have the humidity it loves so I'm hoping by putting it under wraps for the next few months I can finally get past this plateau. I can tell its CRAWLING past mid back but I'm tired of looking at my hair after a few months and not really seeing a difference. I saw somewhere someone saying they only check their hair twice a year, I think I might start doing that as well because quite frankly, it's a little discouraging

My hair does the same thing...it will go through that weird phase of thickening up first and then *poof!* length! I give myself 3-6 months to look at my growth, I'm like you...I get discouraged/irritated :lol: I've been rockin head wraps for the past 2 months.
Ive had my hair in a blow out for about four weeks now. I havent had the chance to wash and dc because Im moving and so busy. My scalp was on fireeeeeeeee for a shampoo by week three. The itching became unbareably intense and I was ready to say forget it, Im shampooing NOW. Then I looked on my shelf and remembered I have the Tresemme dry shampoo sitting there that Ive never used, so I decided to use it on my scalp. It worked like heaven to my scalp. Day 4 now and no itching. It just has my actual hair feeling super dry from mid shaft to ends.... But, Im shampooing, DC and the whole works tomorrow.
Ive had my hair in a blow out for about four weeks now. I havent had the chance to wash and dc because Im moving and so busy. My scalp was on fireeeeeeeee for a shampoo by week three. The itching became unbareably intense and I was ready to say forget it, Im shampooing NOW. Then I looked on my shelf and remembered I have the Tresemme dry shampoo sitting there that Ive never used, so I decided to use it on my scalp. It worked like heaven to my scalp. Day 4 now and no itching. It just has my actual hair feeling super dry from mid shaft to ends.... But, Im shampooing, DC and the whole works tomorrow.

I too am seriously considering a dry shampoo, I get the same thing with the itchy scalp. Might look into that one. You just spray and go? Does it leave any flaking? I've never used a dry shampoo before so if these are pointless questions, my bad lol
I too am seriously considering a dry shampoo, I get the same thing with the itchy scalp. Might look into that one. You just spray and go? Does it leave any flaking? I've never used a dry shampoo before so if these are pointless questions, my bad lol

When you first spray it on, it has a dry looking residue, but it goes away after about 30 seconds... And pretty much just part my hair in big sections with my fingers and spray, then into medium sections, and spray again... Takes about 5, maybe 10 mins the most. No water, nothing extra, then just slapped it back in a bun and went to work. Its best to do it when you wake up before putting any gel or spritzing any water in your hair. Love it.
Not a lot to report for me either...been a boring winter hair season which I guess in disguise is a good thing! I am happy to report I think I'm back to WL after impulsively trimming off all of my final heat damage in early Jan. When I trimmed it took me back to just below MBL. I did a blowout on cool and then did some twists in the attached but decided to do a quick pull test and I think I'm back to WL. My new ayurvedic regimen and Queen Shea gets the credit as I have been very lax on my supplements lately...Hopefully this time next year I will be full HL. My hair shrinks so much sometimes it's hard to gauge progress, maybe I will truly see the length when I flat iron in June as my roots were very puffy in these pics after the rain killed my twistout. Hairnorexia is real...


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