Hip Tbl & Beyond Challenge 2018

Hair update - I just put my hair up into crochet braids. Baby boy has a need to pull on my hair (and his big brother's locs) so I put it into twist extensions and wore them up in a bun. He seemed to find a way to pull on those and still hurt mommy. LOL. So I figured crochets or a wig would be a better option. Since he pulls off my scarves, I decided against the wig. I cut this crochet style short and so far he hasn't reached for it! Until he's older, this is probably the only way I'm going to keep any hair on my head. I'm also anticipating seeing what postpartum hair is going to be like with shedding, etc. Last time I didn't have to worry about it because I rocked a shaved head. LOL

Health update- I've been getting out of the house and walking LO before his naps. We're usually out around 30 minutes at a time and there are inclines and declines so I usually work up a good sweat. Overall, I get in about 2 hours of brisk walking while pushing the jogger. That's considerably more than I was doing before!
Congrats @lulu97. Your son is beautiful. How many littles do you have now? I have 4 :theteam:

So yesterday I decided to finally get an aloe vera leaf and prepoo with the gel mixed with coconut oil. Wow! Oh my gah... My hair was silky and slippy and it seems as if my split ends disappeared. I let the prepoo sit for 2 hours under a baggie. I got some on my scalp too to boost the growth. If I keep this up, I'll be waist length by December
I was just going to get the mane choice heavenly halo pre poo, but I think I will try this first. I have a big aloe vera plant that I need to put to use. thanks for the idea

Congrats @lulu97. Your son is beautiful. How many littles do you have now? I have 4 :theteam:

So yesterday I decided to finally get an aloe vera leaf and prepoo with the gel mixed with coconut oil. Wow! Oh my gah... My hair was silky and slippy and it seems as if my split ends disappeared. I let the prepoo sit for 2 hours under a baggie. I got some on my scalp too to boost the growth. If I keep this up, I'll be waist length by December
@lulu97 Congratulations my dear on the birth of baby boy and the hair shortcut (lol). I'm quite inspired at your tenacity to stay organized, fresh, and at peace.

Thank you Sis! @keranikki

I'm excited about the hair shortcut too though it's not my preferred method. I would much rather roller set but thinking I can roller set (and sit under the dryer) after every wash with a newborn and a toddler is delusional. I think we all need to perfect 2 ways we style our hair on wash days. That way if our preferred method can't be done, we have a back up. LOL
Congrats @lulu97. Your son is beautiful. How many littles do you have now? I have 4 :theteam:

So yesterday I decided to finally get an aloe vera leaf and prepoo with the gel mixed with coconut oil. Wow! Oh my gah... My hair was silky and slippy and it seems as if my split ends disappeared. I let the prepoo sit for 2 hours under a baggie. I got some on my scalp too to boost the growth. If I keep this up, I'll be waist length by December

Thank you Sis @Prettymetty I have 3. My oldest is 18 and just graduated so he takes all my money. The youngest 2 (3 years old and a newborn) takes all my time. They are all some sweet angels though...but I'm done having babies! LOL I bet your little ones are so sweet.

I've used that prepoo before and you are right...it made my hair feel awesome too.

What a beautiful story and one that he'll enjoy hearing you share over the years. And he's a handsome little prince too. Glad the two of you are fine.

ETA: I just realized you posted this on Saturday! :eek:

Oh, you're a good one. Had it been me, y'all wouldn't have heard from until that boy turned 2! I would've been out! :abducted:

I have such a long labor & delivery story but I will just get to the point.

I didn't make it to my induction...hell I didn't even make it to the hospital. I ended up delivering at home. By the time the ambulance arrived, the baby's head had crowned and was out...the EMT delivered him the rest of the way in the back of the ambulance parked in my driveway.


He was 6 pounds 15 ounces.

Momma & baby is tired y'all. I'll come back and update more once I'm released from the hospital.
OK, what's the deal with red raspberry and deliveries? I know when combined with other herbs it can easy menstrual cramping. Is the same concept as that?
It strengthens and tones your uterus. All my births were quick as well. I hated the taste of the tea (bitter and pungent), but it was worth it!

A toned uterus gives you more efficient contractions. The baby gets pushed down quicker and easier.
Really? Wow. Does it do anything for menstrual cramps?
I'm not sure, because I don't get menstrual cramps. I think it shortens your cycle though by making your uterine lining shed quicker. I still have some in my tea stash, but I rarely drink it these days.

Eta it does help with cramps and shortening the cycle. That's why non pregnant women drink it.
OK, what's the deal with red raspberry and deliveries? I know when combined with other herbs it can easy menstrual cramping. Is the same concept as that?

All of my deliveries were quick but the last two that I drank the tea with were even more so -- we delivered one ourselves and almost had to do the same with this last one. I haven't tried it during my cycle yet, but what @Prettymetty says makes sense.

Red raspberry tea tasted like hot water to me. Pretty bland.
OK, I always keep organic red clover on deck. Thanks, lady!
All of my deliveries were quick but the last two that I drank the tea with were even more so -- we delivered one ourselves and almost had to do the same with this last one. I haven't tried it during my cycle yet, but what @Prettymetty says makes sense.

Red raspberry tea tasted like hot water to me. Pretty bland.
Just an update on what I've been doing and will continue to do for the rest of the year:

*Keep my hair braided under my wigs.
*Moisturize braids every other day.
*Greenhouse effect 3x a week
*Scalp massage every day
*Apply curly proverbz tea spritz, growth oil, and shea butter mix.
*DC biweekly under dryer.

*Continue drinking flat tummy water of lemons,mint,ginger, and cucumber throughout the day. (This cocktail has other great benefits)

*Continue eating a diet of mostly poultry and vegetables (red meat occasionally)

*Start working out again 5x a week
So I have a question for the group, I recently came out of a protective style of box braids and I really want to do another protective style push for the next year or two but this time with my hair only and I wanted to know what styles do you like to use?

These may be good options






ETA: I know these aren't looks that many girls may like but I love updos. The only thing is that you may not be able to wash your hair as often as you'd like to. I find these last 2-4 weeks depending on the braid size.
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How much aloe vera and how much coconut oil do you use?

Congrats @lulu97. Your son is beautiful. How many littles do you have now? I have 4 :theteam:

So yesterday I decided to finally get an aloe vera leaf and prepoo with the gel mixed with coconut oil. Wow! Oh my gah... My hair was silky and slippy and it seems as if my split ends disappeared. I let the prepoo sit for 2 hours under a baggie. I got some on my scalp too to boost the growth. If I keep this up, I'll be waist length by December
Just an update on what I've been doing and will continue to do for the rest of the year:

*Keep my hair braided under my wigs.
*Moisturize braids every other day.
*Greenhouse effect 3x a week
*Scalp massage every day
*Apply curly proverbz tea spritz, growth oil, and shea butter mix.
*DC biweekly under dryer.

*Continue drinking flat tummy water of lemons,mint,ginger, and cucumber throughout the day. (This cocktail has other great benefits)

*Continue eating a diet of mostly poultry and vegetables (red meat occasionally)

*Start working out again 5x a week

Happy Birthday :birthday2::flowers::rosebud:
@lulu97, how are you, baby, and family doing?

@YvetteWithJoy Hey Sis! We are doing well. Thanks so much for asking! I'm lucky in that I have a lot of help at the moment. My aunt came up last month from out of state to help out until after Thanksgiving. Hubby is also off for the rest of the month. So I'm still able to care for the baby, rest whenever I want and allow my body to heal without any stress. In two weeks, I've managed to lose all the pregnancy weight I gained plus some and my scars are about 75% gone.

My 3 year old is going through a little bout of jealousy but I'm sure it will get better as he gets used to the baby. LOL
@YvetteWithJoy Hey Sis! We are doing well. Thanks so much for asking! I'm lucky in that I have a lot of help at the moment. My aunt came up last month from out of state to help out until after Thanksgiving. Hubby is also off for the rest of the month. So I'm still able to care for the baby, rest whenever I want and allow my body to heal without any stress. In two weeks, I've managed to lose all the pregnancy weight I gained plus some and my scars are about 75% gone.

My 3 year old is going through a little bout of jealousy but I'm sure it will get better as he gets used to the baby. LOL

@lulu97, hey sis love the avatar! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Two snaps on getting that weight off and being snatched again, go momma!:bdance: