Well-Known Member
@AgeinATLI've been busy with work but I still lurk here and there though like now
. Thanks! This was a braid out done on stretched hair . I've been wearing it out more but will soon go back to my usual twisted buns.
I don't think I 'll make WL this year. I cut my hair a lot due to all the tangles/ssk's. Hopefully next year.
Girllllll. Story of my life. I have been getting better at minimizing ssks on my ends. I heavy seal, I twist until I get about 2 inches from the end, I smooth the ends with a fine tooth comb (carefully), and I wrap the ends around a satin covered roller or spoolie roller. My ends seem to be doing much better and I don't have nearly as many knots. If I had made this discovery sooner, I would have reached HL by now!?!?!