Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!


Well-Known Member
The space around hip to tailbone length may be my final hair goal, so I want to give myself ample time to get there. :yep: I know there are tons of APL, BSB/BSL, MBL, WL ladies that want long locks full of luster, 2014 will be more than enough time to achieve those goals. I anticipate a year full of hair flippin'! :lovedrool: Don't worry too much if your final goal isn't exactly HL or TBL but you want very long hair for 2014, you're welcome to stick around regardless.

Eager to participate? Just mention "@Aireen" and fill out the deets below. No cut-offs. (If I happen to miss your request, just mention me again and you'll be added to the list.) (** Challengers that reach HL–TBL will have :trophy: next to their name.)


- Current length
- Regimen
- Exact goal length
- Goal date
- Plans
- Maintenance once goal is achieved


- Start: December 31st, 2012 (We're starting early to account for slow growers, cuts, setbacks and to avoid disappointments. :grin:)
- Update: June 30th, 2013 (Middle of the year expected update.)
- Update: December 31st, 2013 (Midpoint! Hope to see some amazing reveals! :lick: )
- Update: June 30th, 2014 (Middle of the year expected update.)
- End: December 31st, 2014 (Woot, party! *Hair flips* :woot:)

HL–TBL 2014 Challengers:
(Continued list of challengers: http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?p=19426109&posted=1#post19426109)

- @Aireen
- @AlliCat
- @BadGirlWithGoodGirlIntent
- @bebezazueta
- @bride91501
- @brown_skin_poppin
- @Bun Mistress
- @candie19
- @Cersei
- @Cherry89
- @ChocolatePie777
- @ckisland
- @cnap
- @cocosweet
- @CrissieD
- @curlycrocheter
- @DanaFenty
- @danigurl18
- @Danniquin
- @Dee Raven :trophy:
- @D.Lisha
- @DoDo
- @EnExitStageLeft
- @Enyo
- @Evo-ny
- @Fhrizzball
- @fifigirl
- @Forever in Bloom
- @foxymdiva
- @Gobal
- @grenadiancooliex3
- @GroovyMama
- @GrowLong
- @HoneyA
- @jazzicarmell
- @jesusislove1526
- @JosieLynn
- @JoyBelle
- @juusstsala
- @Kindheart
- @kurlllz
- @lacreolegurl
- @LaVgirl :trophy:
- @LimitedEdition
- @LovelyDelight
- @LovingLady
- @Lovingmywaves12
- @lulu97
- @mamalicious
- @ManeStreet
- @ManiiSweetheart
- @mayoo
- @melahnee
- @MileHighDiva
- @miracles11
- @MixedGirl
- @mrs.reese
- @Mskraizy
- @Ms. Tiki
- @nakialovesshoes
- @Nataliej
- @navila
- @Nightingale
- @Nix08
- @NJoy
- @nyqtpy21
- @nyunyu
- @praisedancer
- @pre_medicalrulz
- @prettynatural
- @rawsilk
- @rririla
- @Saludable84
- @Shadiyah
- @sharifeh
- @ShawnC
- @soldier4hair
- @Straighthoodtea
- @SunRai Naturals
- @syncerelyhis
- @trclemons
- @TraciChanel
- @Trini_Chutney
- @vmerie
- @WaistLengthDreams
- @Waistlengthhopeful328
- @WantNatural

Hope to be seeing you with long, luscious lengths for 2014! :gorgeous: Ready, set, GROW! :drunk:
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I joined the HL 2013 but I'm tall so I'm sure I'll need some of 2014 to get there as well. ;) Relaxer and pic update at the end of the year so will be back then w/ a starting pic.
Finally a length challenge I can make. LOL!

I'm full BSL & have 8 inches to HL. With trims I should be full blunt HL by December 2014. YAY!

I'll be back with details.

Thanks for starting this thread Aireen
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Awesome! I'm not alone. :look: Oh and no problem, @bebezazueta. I was looking at challenges and realized I was too late to officially join any.

Current length + hair type:
- BSB, relaxed 4a.
- Wash, condition, air-dry. Further details: [x]
Plans to get to HL:
- Patience, balance hair with protein/moisture conditioning sessions, keep hair protected at night, wash frequently, take vitamins, more patience lol. :look: :rolleyes: :lol:
HL goal date
- December 31st, 2014 at 11:59:59pm. Giving myself until the VERY end. Although, if my hair wants to accelerate its growth to make my goal before, that's cool too. :lol:
Plans once HL is achieved:
- Hair flipping, using up big bottles of conditioner with ease, maintenance with trims and hair treatments, making different hairstyles specifically for long hair, feeling like Pocahontas and Little Mermaid. :lol:


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I've been thinking about this. I'm at work, I'll be back with details.

Current length + hair type
About an inch from bSB, natural 4a size curls, med-thick strands, medium density

Cowash 1-2x week
DC 1x week
Oil scalp 3-5x week w/Moe's Growth Oil
M&S and baggy daily
Rinse daily and wet bun
Henna monthly or when I remember
Vits - Multivitamin, MSM (mainly for joints), may start bamboo silica (also for joints) and go back to biotin

Plans to get to HL
Will continue w/this regimen and re-evaluate at end of year. Will also start drinking more water, green smoothies, and working out. This is really for my health, but I know my hair will benefit as well.

HL goal date
June 2014 - December 2014

Plans once HL is achieved
Wear my hair in two Pocahontas braids. Twist it into gigantic, juicy, beautiful buns. Rock BSL twists. Not sure if I will continue to grow or maintain at HL or cut back to another length. I'll cross that bridge when I hit HL.

Will post pick Dec. 31. Hopefully I'll be BSB by then.
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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

- Current length + hair type: longest layer is grazing MBL, 3c natural. I have @10 inches to go before I reach HL.
- Regimen: cowash 2x per week [Suave Naturals, VO5 Moisture Milks]
DC 1x per week [cholesterol]
protective styles only, mainly mini braids
clarify 1x every 4-5 weeks [Suave Daily Clarifying Shampoo, VO5 Kiwi & Lime Clarifying Conditioner, or Suave Clarifying Conditioner]
finger detangling
GHE 3x per week
LOC 2x per week
low manipulation

- Plans to get to HL: continue my regimen, except an increase of 3x per week cowashing during the summer months, lots of patience and prayer
- HL goal date:September 2014, but with trims, December 2014
- Plans once HL is achieved: maintenance, long twists, twistouts, and braidouts
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Current length + hair type:
-relaxed 4b with longest layers at bottom of BSL

-daily cowash
-up to 5 times a week dry dc
-1 steamed dc per week
-each wash includes a tea, oil and avj rinse which includes a couple aryuvedics
-clarifying wash every 2wks to a month
-ps 80% of the time
-relax every 8-12 weeks (still haven't found a good number)

Plans to get to HL
-stick to my regimen

HL goal date
-Dec. 31, 2014

Plans once HL is achieved
-assess if this is really a manageable length
-take tons of pics:yep:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'd like to join you guys! This will be my very first hair challenge, fingers crossed I can actually achieve HL by then!

- Current length + hair type
BSB/BSL-ish, 4a natural hair

- Regimen
It's not exactly been practiced yet but I aim to do the following:
-shampoo and DC once a week, followed by some kind of rollerset (without heat)
-protein treatment, once a month
-moisturise daily

- Plans to get to HL
Trim every 2 months to ensure I prevent/cut down on split ends, SSKs. I also plan to only use heat every 3-4 months to cut back on damage, split ends and for length checks. Protective styling through braidouts, twistouts, rollersets, buns, etc.

- HL goal date
31st December 2014

- Plans once HL is achieved
Maintain a healthy head of hair, blunt cut

ETA: I'll post a pic or two later, I gave myself a generous trim last night so I'm definitely closer to BSB now (Hope HL 2014 is a realistic goal for me!)
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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

- Current length + hair type
MBL (although I'm going to trim in November); Thick and wavy. I'm still trying to get the hair typing systems. :drunk:
- Regimen
DC 1-2x a week. PS, trim splits on sight, keeping ends healthy, regular trims as needed. Keeping hair supple and moisturized. Eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water. Clarify as needed, shampoo as needed.
- Plans to get to HL
Lots of low manipulation PS like twists in a bun, try to keep heat to minimum, eat healthy, style my hair less often, consistency in my hair regimen.
- HL goal date
August 2014; however, I am still trying to measure how fast my hair grows per month - I may adjust this estimate.

- Plans once HL is achieved - perhaps wear my hair out a bit more? Try to reach classic length :yep:.

I hope to post a picture in November.
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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'd like to join. I need to buy me some time :lol:. I'm for all purposes at hip length now, or tailbone anyway but my ends are thin and I'm trimming tomorrow :(. So I'll be at waist length. I'd like to give myself the entire year of 2013 to get to hip, I guess that's kind of coddling myself since I''ll be starting at waist but I need A LOT of improvement as far as thickening up and mini trims.
So I'm on board :).

Current Length: Tailbone at longest layer in back, but as of later today I will be around waist since I plan to trim
Hair Type: 3b, very frizzy, fine strands, supposedly my strands are normal thickness but they sure act like fine hair. My hair is also texlaxed or relaxed. Idk what to call it because my relaxers don't take very well, my curls are resistant.
Regimen: I will be rollersetting as opposed to flat ironing. Making sure my ends are happy with light serums and oils and occasional heavy oilings. Also, scalp massages with castor/jojoba/peppermint oil mixes. Taking my vitamins and trim when needed.
HL Goal Date: December 2013
Plans once my goal is achieved: Maintenance! And joy lol.

I will try to post pics of before my trim and after later today.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Welcome ladies! :grin: Don't worry about any pictures for now, that's optional - I don't even have one currently. :look: Just try to have some sort of picture for one of the major update dates, it'll help encourage and motivate everyone in the challenge. ;)
Just trimmed and wow what a diff even an inch can make!!! I love fresh ends. So my starting point is below waist but thin ended. My goal is thick and hip length. It may not sound very hard but for me with all the heat i use it seems near impossible.

Blame it on the Phablet
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I will be cheering you all on as many of you are in the HL2013 thread too!!! HHG, ladies!! :yay:
I wanna join too! Will be back later to post details.

Necessary Details :

- Current length + hair type
Apl type 4 relaxed

- Regimen

I don't have a set regimen

wash- very rarely use shampoo
usually cowash
DC with most washes
rollerset or blowdry roots and then bun

- Plans to get to HL


- pay attention to ends
-regular dusting
-slowly transition to being a complete diy-er including relaxers (yikes)
-treat my hair with more care
-experiment with lower mani?
- start using a silk pillowcase in 2013
-start using the greenhouse effect

- HL goal date

December 31, 2014

- Plans once HL is achieved

Pocahontas braids , juicy buns and swinging
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- Current length + hair type
BSL relaxed

- Regimen/Plans to get to HL
Trim every relaxer so my ends at HL are blunt
Cowash 3-5 times a week
Regular exercise & vitamin regimen
Relax every 12 weeks
No direct heat
Buns, Bantu knot outs & rollersets
DC weekly

- HL goal date
December 2014
I have 8 inches to go so with trims I should be HL blunt by then. YAY!

- Plans once HL is achieved
I will wear one long Pocahontas braid for awhile & when I get there I'll decide whether to keep growing, maintain, transition, or cut back to WL. Endless options. We will see.

Starting pic. I've been MBL for a year & finally got a salon trim. 2 more inches trim next month & I'll be satisfied with my ends!


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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'm happy about this thread I really need this motivation and this will help. Sometimes I fall off so hard with my hair, start flat ironing it like crazy ( twice a week lol) and then I feel guilty and sad lol. This thread should help keep me on track with rollersetting which is far gentler on my hair and just general maintenance that I tend to neglect.
And best of all it gives me LOADS of time lol. For me it's really a HL 2013 challenge though lol. Maybe I should have made one of those :look:. I'll just stay here :lol:. I hope the amount of time doesn't make me complacent lol.
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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'm happy about this thread I really need this motivation and this will help. Sometimes I fall off so hard with my hair, start flat ironing it like crazy ( twice a week lol) and then I feel guilty and sad lol. This thread should help keep me on track with rollersetting which is far gentler on my hair and just general maintenance that I tend to neglect.
And best of all it gives me LOADS of time lol. For me it's really a HL 2013 challenge though lol. Maybe I should have made one of those :look:. I'll just stay here :lol:. I hope the amount of time doesn't make me complacent lol.
Well, it's a good and bad thing - the time frame I mean. Really, it seems like far away but that time is gonna go by with a quickness LOL. It's almost the end of the year, but you can take your time without feeling like you have to skip out on trims or cut less than you need to. The main reason I made it was to give everyone enough time and to not exclude anyone, especially since challenges sometimes only run for a year and that's not enough in some cases.

LOL I will be mentioning you if I notice you've fell off. We can't have you abusing heat. :grin:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Thanks lady! Them darn layers are almost gone.
I know how you feel, I have some layers that a hairdresser - outside of the one I normally go to - cut, they look pretty weird in the back sometimes. :perplexed
I joined the HL 2013 but I'm tall so I'm sure I'll need some of 2014 to get there as well. ;) Relaxer and pic update at the end of the year so will be back then w/ a starting pic.

- Current length + hair type
I'm not sure. Last length check was in July so I won't know until New Year's Day. However I'm hoping to be WL. :grin:

- Regimen
I have been mainly wearing wigs and deep conditioning once a week but honestly I'm tired of it. So maybe I'll do it 60% of the time for this challenge. Then again, I might be lying and continue to wig it to HL. That laziness is something serious. :nono:

- Plans to get to HL
Hmmmm...good question.

- HL goal date
Dec 2013 or Feb 2014

- Plans once HL is achieved
Wear that bad boy out 90% of the time! :grin:
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pre_medicalrulz said:
LMBOOOOO!!! That is way too cuuuuute! From your mouth to the heavens we will surely see.

That made my day. Thanks! ;)

You are welcome lady! And I was happy for you in my dream! LOL! Can't wait for the revelation.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I wanted to share this public fotki with you ladies. Some of you may have heard of Zhara - if not, she has beautiful TBL hair (actually, I think she cut it back to WL), and has an all natural regimen. Check out how thick her ends are at TBL and beyond! Beautiful!


Just some inspiration and encouragement on our journey to HL! :yep: