Hip–Tailbone Length (HL–TBL) 2014 Challenge!

bebezazueta said:
- Current length + hair type
BSL relaxed

- Regimen/Plans to get to HL
Trim every relaxer so my ends at HL are blunt
Cowash 3-5 times a week
Regular exercise & vitamin regimen
Relax every 12 weeks
No direct heat
Buns, Bantu knot outs & rollersets
DC weekly

- HL goal date
December 2014
I have 8 inches to go so with trims I should be HL blunt by then. YAY!

- Plans once HL is achieved
I will wear one long Pocahontas braid for awhile & when I get there I'll decide whether to keep growing, maintain, transition, or cut back to WL. Endless options. We will see.

Starting pic. I've been MBL for a year & finally got a salon trim. 2 more inches trim next month & I'll be satisfied with my ends!

Omg I am no where near in this challenge. I just wanted to say that your hair is sooo beautimus!!! I have half a mind to make it my screen saver! :drool: :thud:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I REALLY want to join this challenge, but I suck at them. I may lurk though...
growbaby said:
Omg I am no where near in this challenge. I just wanted to say that your hair is sooo beautimus!!! I have half a mind to make it my screen saver! :drool: :thud:

Thank you! You are so sweet! LOL!
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

- Current length + hair type : Full APL + Type 4 mostly 4c and some 4b. Coarse/Kinky/Mostly dense with fine strands.

- Regimen: I keep my hair in cornrows all of the time and that is the foundation of my styles (wigs, crochet braids, bun with cornrows out, beanie hats, etc). I keep them in for 4 to 6 weeks and then re-do one at a time so my hair is never all out. I found that helped me reduce tangles. My hair tangles very easily and the strands are fine so keep it stretched is key for my type of hair. I exclusively finger detangle. I always keep my hair stretched so I wash and condition while in cornrows. I deep condition 1x-2x per week alternating between protein and moisturizing conditioner. I shampoo once every two weeks, Clarify once every 4-6 weeks, and try to co-wash daily but most of the time it ends up being around 3 times per week. I use rinse-out conditioner as a leave-in. That works the best for me because my hair is coarse and tends to get dry. I seal with butter and oils.

- Plans to get to HL: Stick to my regimen above-especially co-washing dialy. Exercise, Eat Healthy, and Drink a lot of water. I've observed that the main thing that makes my hair grow faster is exercising and co-washing frequently. I think that it has something to do with the scalp circulation. Without it I will get 1/4 inch per month versus 1/2 inch per month or a little more.

- HL goal date: December 31, 2014. I hope I make it!!

- Plans once HL is achieved: I'd like to flat iron it and I'm looking forward to wearing natural box braids on my hair at that length.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'm happy about this thread too. While my hair has gotten better because of this site, I still have trouble retaining length. Every time I reach BSL My ends are always a mess and I end up back btwn APL and BSL or SL and APL. :nono: I hope that this long term thread will help me stay focused. Plus it's good motivation since all of you have gorgeous hair.

The long term thing was a great idea. I'm determined to not fail at this challenge. :lachen: help me ya'll

I'm happy about this thread I really need this motivation and this will help. Sometimes I fall off so hard with my hair, start flat ironing it like crazy ( twice a week lol) and then I feel guilty and sad lol. This thread should help keep me on track with rollersetting which is far gentler on my hair and just general maintenance that I tend to neglect.
And best of all it gives me LOADS of time lol. For me it's really a HL 2013 challenge though lol. Maybe I should have made one of those :look:. I'll just stay here :lol:. I hope the amount of time doesn't make me complacent lol.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I want to join!!

Necessary Details :

- Current length + hair type -Between Mbl and WL, hair type 4-ish?
- Regimen -Moisturize and Seal at least every other day, DC once a week, Co-wash once a week. Braidout almost every night.
- Plans to get to HL -Cut out the heat and stick with my regggie!
- HL goal date -By the end of 2013
- Plans once HL is achieved -Get a nice cut and then flaunt it! :grin:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

- Current length + hair type: MBL -3b/3c/4a (I have a few naturally straight strand but don't count them), Fine/Medium silky strands, Medium Density

- Regimen: I don't have a specific regimen (meaning not routine). I just go by feel and what my hair "tells" me

- Plans to get to HL: I'm on a personal 2 year braids challenge. So I will be keeping my hair hidden, Do little small trims every time I redo my braids (im also transitioning), Not using any type of heat (except the sun and hooded dryer to deep condition), Continue to finger comb, keep Moisturizing & Sealing, continue exercising, eating clean, and staying hydrated, continue taking my vitamins

- HL goal date: I'm giving myself between July and December 2014

- Plans once HL is achieved: Probably straighten or just keep protective styling until I reach Full TBL then Classic Length
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Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

- Current length + hair type: BSL -3c/4a, Fine/Medium Strands, Medium Density

- Regimen: I don't have a specific regimen. I just go by feel and what my hair "tells" me

- Plans to get to HL: I'm on a personal 2 year braids challenge. So I will be keeping my hair hidden.

- HL goal date: Hopefully by December 2014

- Plans once HL is achieved: Probably straighten or just keep protective styling until I reach Full TBL
Welcome! I'm loving your siggy! <3
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I wouls like to ba added to this challenge please! I'm new here, but I am commited to being HL.

Current hair length/type: MBL, natural, Multi-textured (80% 3c, 10% 2c, 10% 3b), always been natural; never relaxed or colored

Current Reggie: Co-wash daily or every other day (unless I'm wearing a complex style, then its 1x a week), DC bi-weekly, Shampoo once a month with low sulfate poo after an olive oil/JBCO pre-poo. I usually wear wash and go's or a bun (I dance) but just recently got into PSing (buns, flat twists, other styles) and roller sets. I straighten my hair once every three months. I take these vitamins for hair and whole body health:
Biotin, MSM, Silica, Flaxseed Oil

How I will reach HL: I plan to up my vitamins, and DC more often as well as detangle less. I want to get more PS in my arsenal so I will be more likely to do it, and I will also be better about trimming and sealing my ends. (I am not one that has ever needed to trim often, but I haven't in two years, so it waaay over due LOL)

Plans Once I reach HL: Enjoy it! My hair has always been long, but I would like to see just how long I can grow it and if HL is a managable length for me.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Welcome! I'm loving your siggy! <3

Hello, Thank You! Yours is better!

This is the first challenge I've entered on here. I'm transitioning (14 months post) so it would be great to reach Hip Length and maintain there until I'm completely natural, then move on to TBL and Classic.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Hello, Thank You! Yours is better!

This is the first challenge I've entered on here. I'm transitioning (14 months post) so it would be great to reach Hip Length and maintain there until I'm completely natural, then move on to TBL and Classic.
Welcome to your first challenge, @MsJamerican. This is my first time hosting one so I hope we're both successful. Good luck transitioning, must be tough managing hair that's BSL and growing.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Welcome to your first challenge, @MsJamerican. This is my first time hosting one so I hope we're both successful. Good luck transitioning, must be tough managing hair that's BSL and growing.

Yes, it is tough. That's why I'm keeping it braided (also because it's cold and braids help me retain so much length). I was getting frustrated when it was out and was thinking about BCing but I remembered how much I hated hair so short (I BC'd back in 2009) and didn't want to go through that again. :nono:

Thanks for the luck, I'll be praying too. It's exciting just thinking about your real hair being so long and luscious. :love5: Last time I had hair so long I was about 8 yrs. old and it was always braided up with colorful beads on the ends...
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Yes, it is tough. That's why I'm keeping it braided (also because it's cold and braids help me retain so much length). I was getting frustrated when it was out and was thinking about BCing but I remembered how much I hated hair so short (I BC'd back in 2009) and didn't want to go through that again. :nono:

Thanks for the luck, I'll be praying too. It's exciting just thinking about your real hair being so long and luscious. :love5: Last time I had hair so long I was about 8 yrs. old and it was always braided up with colorful beads on the ends...
Well I believe that once you can keep a clear and positive vision that anything is possible so long hair will definitely be in your reach for 2014. :grin:
Necessary Details :

- Current length + hair type
Bsl/mbl.....im in the fine to medium strands...medium density...normal porosity.....as far as numbers i think im mostly 4b/4a and some 3c dont really know heres a pic of my wet hair with conditioner...I dont have dry pics because ive been wearing wigs



- Regimen
No set reggie...I mainly cowash (follow the curly girl method) and shampoo whenever I feel like I need it....I also use castor oil to seal and occasionally natural gels....sometimes I oil my scalp with jbco
- Plans to get to HL
- HL goal date
I dont know man not sure about the schedule I want to be on
- Plans once HL is achieved
Either maintain for 6 mths to a year or keep on growing to tbl...depends on how my hair is then

*I dont know why the pic is sideways and im not even sure if ut comes out large enough...dont know how to change it....oh well*
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Aireen Thank you for starting this challenge, I was looking for a long term goal challenge, I can't believe I missed this thread, but I'm glad I found it in time :)

- Current length + hair type
2" past APL, relaxed fine hair with mixed textures

- Regimen
Pre-poo weekly, co-wash bi-weekly, shampoo twice a month (one of these is a clarifying poo), DC weekly alternating with moisture and protein DC's sometimes both, Hard protein week before and week after relaxer and every 6-8 weeks whilst stretching, trim when I get relaxed moisturise and seal every other day.

- Plans to get to HL
Wearing more PS
M & S every other day (I've only started doing this again the past month)
Baggying and babying my ends
Up my water intake
Wearing more PS
Stretching relaxers for longer, relaxing 3 x per year only
Taking priteva (may add fish oils and evening primrose oil)

- HL goal date
December 31st 2014

- Plans once HL is achieved
Maintain and enjoy
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

@Angel of the North, you're welcome, there are no cut-offs so you would've been able to join at any point. I secretly side-eye challenges with cut-offs even though I understand why they're put into place. :lol:

May I ask how you're able to do hard protein treatments on stretched hair? Doesn't that lead to tangles for you or is it because you get your touch-ups 6-8 weeks at a time that you're able to do hard protein treatments during stretches?
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Aireen I do 3 stretches a year 20 wks, 14.5 wks and 17.5 wks, I am able to do my protein treatments on stretched hair with no problems, I prepoo, detangle, clarify, do the protein treatment, co-wash, apply my DC and then detangle again (mostly to comb through the DC and make sure I haven't ended up with any tangles during the processes), I find I don't really have tangles by the DC stage, HTH
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I'm only BSB so I’ll be lurking here to gain inspiration.

Cheering you on from the sidelines. :yep:
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

@Aireen I do 3 stretches a year 20 wks, 14.5 wks and 17.5 wks, I am able to do my protein treatments on stretched hair with no problems, I prepoo, detangle, clarify, do the protein treatment, co-wash, apply my DC and then detangle again (mostly to comb through the DC and make sure I haven't ended up with any tangles during the processes), I find I don't really have tangles by the DC stage, HTH
Oh I misread, I knew I should've went to sleep. :look: Wow the longest stretches I do are 16 weeks long and my hair will scream at me if any hard protein comes near it. Is the protein treatment you use hard like Aphogee 2 Step, Angel of the North?
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

Aireen Yes, Aphogee 2-step was the treatment I used, during the stretches if I'm not due a relaxer, I will do a treatment every 6-8 wks in between.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I did this time cos it came free with the 2-step treatment, I used it to co wash, rinsed and then used a moisturising DC
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

I did this time cos it came free with the 2-step treatment, I used it to co wash, rinsed and then used a moisturising DC
Ah okay because I always wondered if there was anyone that actually LIKED the balancing conditioner, my hair hated it. I rather just let water soften my hair then use my own moisture-rich DC than use the balancing conditioner.
Re: Hip Length (HL) 2014 Challenge!

So I did an impromptu curiosity length check and one chunk of lock reaches the top of my bra. I guess I can have a go ahead to join up with this challenge.

Necessary Details :

- Current length + hair type
Barely scraping BSL 3c/4a/4b
- Regimen
low manipulation in the warmer months and protective styling in the cooler months. DC and oil treatments incorporated throughout.
- Plans to get to HL
Healthier lifestyle and follow reggie.
- HL goal date
When the clock strikes 12 on NYE. Giving me the most amount of time for this
- Plans once HL is achieved
Bun drop just 'cause.