Hey have you guys heard of Ateyaaa!

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thanks:grin: but her hair looks great to me! Her reggie is great! I think everyone overlaps:lachen:Was she talking about lhcf?:ohwell: there are other hair site:yep:

Since people are giving half the story and I knew it would turn out this way Ill give you the cliff notes version:

Homegirl has great hair, makes videos to show how she got and keeps great hair. The LHCF gurus got up in arms because she has great hair and doesn't do it their way. Raided her Youtube vids to leave comments instructing her what she should do to her hair and how she should make her videos and what people watching the videos should think.

The comments got nasty. Threads that were started that sent LHCFers into Ateyaas videos included members playing the "Her hair looks OK BUT.... ______ (insert lame cover for basically "shes not doing it my way so she's wrong" here)" and some who wont admit it now were just plain rude. Saying her hair was fake, saying all kind of nonsense just because they wanted another Shima to talk about.

To this day every Ateyaa thread crashes, burns, gets abandoned or disappears or all of the above. Ateyaaa made a video response because people (including myself) were messaging her and she saw all those comments and wanted to address the issue. It was in no way badmouthing LHCF. It was addressing all the issues some negative LHCF members kept commenting about.
Since people are giving half the story and I knew it would turn out this way Ill give you the cliff notes version:

Homegirl has great hair, makes videos to show how she got and keeps great hair. The LHCF gurus got up in arms because she has great hair and doesn't do it their way. Raided her Youtube vids to leave comments instructing her what she should do to her hair and how she should make her videos and what people watching the videos should think.

The comments got nasty. Threads that were started that sent LHCFers into Ateyaas videos included members playing the "Her hair looks OK BUT.... ______ (insert lame cover for basically "shes not doing it my way so she's wrong" here)" and some who wont admit it now were just plain rude. Saying her hair was fake, saying all kind of nonsense just because they wanted another Shima to talk about.

To this day every Ateyaa thread crashes, burns, gets abandoned or disappears or all of the above. Ateyaaa made a video response because people (including myself) were messaging her and she saw all those comments and wanted to address the issue. It was in no way badmouthing LHCF. It was addressing all the issues some negative LHCF members kept commenting about.
aloof one i can always depend on you:yep: Thanks 4 the 411:kiss::giveheart:
Yes I have heard of her a few times since earlier this year and I have been in a couple of threads about her hair and also about her videos. Her hair is beautiful and what she does works for her. We all have our own way of doing things or our own preferences when it comes not only to products but also techniques. From my POV there have been positive/good comments as well as some constructive criticism or negative comments... which I expected it all--that's life (like she said). Anyhow I wish her well and I know she will keep doing what she does best... and I could be wrong but I think she might be a member too.
This is so old. No offense, OP. If you haven't been around to know you just don't know. :)

But I'm so sick of hearing this girl's name on here and BHM. It's like so annoying. :rolleyes:
yep I've heard of her...I think she has a nice personality and is quite entertaining...I just wouldn't do some of the things she does to her hair like overlapping, and gluing tracks in my hair though :look:
the search function works once you click advanced search

And here I thought the search function just wasn't workin.

y'all funny. it works and i don't use it in advanced unless i have several things i want to use in my search. all i did was click on search and typed in her name, not the advanced.

jcoily i get ur post....a simple search would have brought up all those threads. there are actually more threads than that but i only posted the ones that were seemingly relevant.

tanisha: ateyaaa is a member here and since i'm natural i don't really view her hair vids BUT i LOVE her personality which is why i watch her. i don't wear makeup either but i like watching her makeup videos. be forewarned like the earlier posters, your thread may take a nose dive but i hope not. i'm an ateyaaa stan/fan so....... :yep:
Yes! I loveeee Ateyaaa! I think she is soooo funny and i do try to learn how to apply my makeup and my hair stuff by her methods... I really didn't know she was a member here!
Yes!!! Love her vids. Great personality and lovely hair. I just don't get the drama & hype over what she does to her hair. If you don't like it, then leave it.

Same thing applies to this site. It's like I say all the time- everything ain't for everybody.
To me if you are doing something wrong and broadcasting it on youtube for others to follow, then it is no problem for others to come in and offer constructive criticism(without attacking the person, being mean is not constructive). There are things that are just wrong, and obviously will not work for the majority of people even if it does work for her. When I was curling my hair with barrel irons right after putting grease on my hair and then using foam roller, even if it looked nice and my hair didn't suffer significant breakage that was still wrong. Obviously telling other people to do this wouldn't be helpful. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with the comment, however it has really been bugging me.
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Completely. Unnecessary.

I haven't spoken anything other than what is already obvious. Please don't take it to a level it doesn't need to be. I have my opinion, and gave it to the OP.

To the OP...once you read all the other threads about Ateyaaa, you will see that the forum is well of aware of Ateyaaa.

I support her & I enjoy her videos. And encourage her to continue on in her quest. As for the the negative comments about her :popcorn:
To me if you are doing something wrong and broadcasting it on youtube for others to follow, then it is no problem for others to come in and offer constructive criticism(without attacking the person, being mean is not constructive). There are things that are just wrong, and obviously will not work for the majority of people even if it does work for her. When I was curling my hair with barrel irons right after putting grease on my hair and then using foam roller, even if it looked nice and my hair didn't suffer significant breakage that was still wrong. Obviously telling other people to do this wouldn't be helpful. I'm sorry if I offend anyone with the comment, however it has really been bugging me.

Yeah, I dont agree with attacking anyone else but truth is light. If you don't know any better that is one thing. Knowing better and not informing others you know better is another.

Her hair is gorgeous though! I can't use all that protein on my hair at once though b/c it would SNAP, CRACKLE and POP :lol: I get that "swang" every other week when I come from the salon and all she uses is Design Essentials. Rollerset til dry, brushes it out and wraps it w/ dryer heat for 5 mins lol. No flat iron or blow drying or anything. I'm sure ppl can duplicate it at home, I don't see why not. I'd do it if I wasnt so hair lazy lol
I love what Ateyaaa does, like she always states "this is what works for me". I believe she posted her perm day b/c ppl asked how did she do HER perms, not teach me how to apply a perm. I personally think you will overlap to a certain point even going by the directions that come with it. Relaxing your own hair is easy, just make sure you use something on your previously relaxed hair and you will be good. And just b/c someone pays another person to apply a relaxer for them (stylist), that doesnt mean that they wont mess your head up too. But anywho, it works for her and her hair is proven it to be true.
I really love her. She's found a good compromise between style and health for her hair. Since I've been on LHCF, I've improved the overall health of my hair, but stylewise it's so so :( I keep following my regimen because I have a better retention with it, and that is my goal for the moment. But not everybody likes or wants very long hair hidden behind a bun 24-7 :) Once I hit my goal, I will surely jazz my style up a little bit :)
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