NATURALS: Have you tried the Coconut Cream Relaxer!?

Yes its a great all natural protein tratment. My curls were not loosened at all though.
Might be better off Henna-ing consistently for a looser texture.

Henna does loosen my kinks and curls, but I can't deal with having dry hair for a week and I trying to restore my moisture balance.
I tried too much protein i guess, for my hair :sad: My hair was so hard it took weeks to get it back on track.
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I do it. I use coconut creme concentrate, full fat yogurt, and oils. I'm a type 4 so the coils and waves that I have do become more defined, it makes my hair soft and less tangly after washing. I always felt my hair was more moisturized after using this.
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People call it the wrong thing. It's more like a deep conditioner to me. It does not straiten hair at all.
I have seen this done on YouTube before and I questioned the term "relaxer", I have not tried this recipe, but I do use EVCO as a pre-shampoo for my hair to detangle before washing.
Its not necessarily a relaxer just makes your hair more managable, that is just the term used on youtube. I am going to try this and see how well it goes, after, an ayurveda/cassia treatment