He's mad because another man touched my hair...

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
We went to an event yesterday afternoon where I was looking pretty darn good IMHO. It seemed like I got the attention of quite a few people and he was gassed! Even went as far to say to someone "that's my wife" when his friend was laying the compliments THICK right in front of him.
This one guy touched my hair (I had a big, fuzzy braid out) for maybe 5 seconds saying how much he loved it. And yes he was FOINE! My SO didn't see it but I mentioned it in casual convo when we got home. He said "I'm glad I didn't see it because I wouldn't have liked it." That was that.

This morning I sent him a text telling him how good he made me feel yesterday. I get a brief response to that but a long message about how would I feel if he was running his fingers through some woman's hair blah blah blah. Although it's not HIM running his fingers through another woman's hair, I get what he meant and told him it wouldn't happen again.

But dang, is this a little too much upset? He's been mum since I responded...now I'm upset.
You probably should not have shared that another man touched you. What was your reason for telling him?
We all have our moment when we are too honest with our SO and say something out loud and realize oops! That don't sound right lol
They say they are strong BUT....somethings they just cannot handle and a man putting his hands on his woman is THE BIG ONE!!!

Yeah, you may have to help him with this one. Stay calm, he will move through it. Seriously they are more fragile in the ego than we know.

You are commenting that the other man was good looking, careful, hubby may be picking up on that.
Although you probably didn't think of it as anything, it meant something to your SO. Their egos don't take a liking to knowing another man touched their women, even if it's just your hair!! LOL

Sometimes when we are being too honest, we don't realize our men could take offense to it!!
I was simply naive and enjoying the attention admitedly.

This person is known for liking natural hair and touches my friend's hair as well. We even joke about him weave checking us. I don't remember how it came up but I mentioned something about him doing it to both my girl and me (that sounds funny lol) but I don't remember the rest of the context (conveniently lol).

You are right about his fragile ego though because he's shared stuff with me that ....hmmm...even my boys say it's too much. However, I'd prefer that he shares these things with me. So, I don't get upset when I hear it. Clearly he can't handle the same stuff he gives me.

I later found out (as we were pillow talking) that once he was out with his ex and she said hello to the hair-toucher in a very "friendly" voice. From then on hair-toucher has been a sore spot for him. Probably because he's attractive and everybody knows it. Now that I'm putting stuff together (as I type), I also remember him commenting on an answer I gave to the hair toucher. He said I liked how you said that. It was a smart alic response to something.

Around this particular guy, I need to make him feel EXTRA tall. Poh' thang.

ETA: I told him it wouldn't happen again.
You shouldn't have told him unless you want him to get mad. My SO gets mad at my OBGYN. Seriously.
They say they are strong BUT....somethings they just cannot handle and a man putting his hands on his woman is THE BIG ONE!!!

Yeah, you may have to help him with this one. Stay calm, he will move through it. Seriously they are more fragile in the ego than we know.

You are commenting that the other man was good looking, careful, hubby may be picking up on that.

So true.
Yesterday I was telling my SO about my dr's visit and how he was asking me all kinds of personal questions. We both were laughing about it until he found out my dr is a BM....he has been making smart comments about it since yesterday...and called me naive. :rolleyes:
We went to an event yesterday afternoon where I was looking pretty darn good IMHO. It seemed like I got the attention of quite a few people and he was gassed! Even went as far to say to someone "that's my wife" when his friend was laying the compliments THICK right in front of him.
This one guy touched my hair (I had a big, fuzzy braid out) for maybe 5 seconds saying how much he loved it. And yes he was FOINE! My SO didn't see it but I mentioned it in casual convo when we got home. He said "I'm glad I didn't see it because I wouldn't have liked it." That was that.

This morning I sent him a text telling him how good he made me feel yesterday. I get a brief response to that but a long message about how would I feel if he was running his fingers through some woman's hair blah blah blah. Although it's not HIM running his fingers through another woman's hair, I get what he meant and told him it wouldn't happen again.

But dang, is this a little too much upset? He's been mum since I responded...now I'm upset.

@ The bolded. :look: No ma'am. :nono: Out of order!

Sorry. Just had to say that. :lol: Men that do that grind my gears. :nono: