At the end of the day it is what is it and I can either move on or marry him and accept the child. The babymama may have an issue if she hears him getting married but that is his responsibility to talk to her. They were just sleeping with eachother not boyfriend and girlfriend so I am sure she will be fine.
You are correct-move on without him or marry him. That's a really big decision either way. Give it alot of time because if you marry him you are changing your life from this point forward. And just keep in mind that many times our personal life changing decisions don't just impact ourselves individually-they impact others around us as well.
They were "just sleeping together"....yes. And now they are having a baby together. Whether he meant for this to happen or not, who knows. If he really and truly did plot and plan and scheme to get another woman pregnant to try to get you to marry him he is not mentally stable as others have mentioned. Who does that?
Like I said I am constantly at family gathering and not once has he ever brought this women around, but I knew he is a man if I am not giving him any he was getting it somewhere else and I am ok with that because he was not my man either. Now as his wife it will be a different story, but I think he will be a good husband to me because of who he is and what he has done over the years although I made him suffer.
I am not understanding what you did to make him suffer. Could you please clarify? Are you referring to the part about not wanting to marry him?
1. Please take the time to let yourself feel through your emotions and deal with them rather than react to them immediately. The time will allow for (hopefully) a rational decision in the future, rather than one based on emotions.
2. Once you've done number 1, please don't let the fear of missing out a husband and children be your rationale for marrying this person. Do not downplay the reality of this fear. It will have you saying you married him because he is a good guy, which may be true "to an extent", but may not be the actual reason.
3. Is your mom in your life? What does she think about this situation? What does your family think? Your friends? We can offer advice/insight but I'm interested to know what the people who know you and know him think.
I wish you the best, OP, I really do. And I wanted to end with saying this: trust your intuition. I often think God speaks to me through it. I have a friend who's been in my life for over 10 years now who still proclaims his love for me and that he would never be happy without me. He is also a complainer and always down about life. And I know he would make a "good boyfriend" and probably a "good husband" from the perspective that he would likely be very loyal and treat me with respect and admiration, and do whatever it takes to provide for the household.
HOWEVER, I decided that I could never enter into a relationship with this person. I cannot "make" him happy. Me entering into a relationship with him would be like taking Xanax for anxiety; curing the symptom and not the problem. The problem will always be there. And I don't want to go through life with a person that does not know how to find happiness within oneself because there will be times I need to draw upon their joy to build myself up. And there will be a point when I want children and don't want to raise them in a negative environment because I was raised that way and I know the impact it can have.
Ok, this may officially be the most I've ever written on a topic in LHCF but for some reason your story brought alot out of me today. Again, I hope you take out some time to yourself...and definitely pray. Good luck.