Help support integrative care today!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Please sign this petition in support of Natural health care, deadline is Dec 7th

Please sign this petition in support of Natural Healthcare, in support of alternatives and in support of the right to choose how you want to be treated.

Moderators PLEASE DO NOT move this topic. I know it belongs in the OT zone but I need more views as I am trying to obtain support for a profession that I am working very hard to succeed in.

I am not asking for money, I am not asking for votes to win any prizes and I am not directing you to any websites to purchase any products. I am simply asking for you to click the petition link here:

Naturopathic doctors all over America are working very hard to be recognized in the Federal Health Law plan, also known as the Obamacare. MD's, DOs and even chiropractors are currently recognized as Primary Care Physicians. We, Naturopathic Doctors focus our medicine on the prevention of both acute and chronic disorders as well as treating acute and chronic disorders using a holistic approach.

If you are not aware, DO's who are now almost indistinguishable from MD's used to have to fight to gain recognition and acceptance into the primary care field.

For those desiring an alternative to pharmaceuticals, for those desiring a doctor willing and able to LISTEN and not feel rushed during their appointments, for those willing to investigate their root cause of dis-ease and not suppress or mask their symptoms...please help support this petition and please please please pass it on, the deadline to obtain 25,000 signatures is quickly approaching.

Thank you,

The future of our healthcare is literally 2 seconds away from clicking on the link.

If you have any questions regarding Naturopathic medicine, please do not hesitate to ask.


LICENSED ND's graduate with a doctorate level degree from accredited and federally recognized programs. Our curriculum is based on biochemistry, microbiology, anatomy, physiology, endocrinology, GI and various nutritional and clinical nutrition courses. We spend a great deal of our time as interns in the clinic where we apply our vast knowledge in helping those who seek alternative care. Most importantly, we listen to our patients and honor their concerns.

Thank you for reading, Thank you for acknowledging, Thank you for signing :)
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BUMP :look: I really hate bumping my own threads, but the deadline is Dec 7th and we need more signatures.

Thank you everyone who already signed the petition, I as well as many of my colleagues are very grateful :)
I will def sign the petition 2Morrow @ work & i will ask my coworkers too. I thought i could do it through my phone

Good luck!!

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DragonPearl Iluvsmuhgrass pelohello SmilingElephant tkj25 prettybyrd JFemme Firstborn2 BostonMaria

Thank you ladies and gents so much for signing this petition and helping me bump this thread. I appreciate this kind gesture very much. Thank you also to the lurkers if you have signed this petition, your actions should also be acknowledged. Thank you also to those who signed but did not respond or thank the original post.

Have a wonderful evening...Now I shall finally commit to studying for the rest of the night. :) :)