AfroVeda needs help

why doesn't she just revamp afroveda and get that working smoothly (shipping times and efficacy) and once that is running smoothly, then expand? Starting a new line that isn't guaranteed to work without a sustainable income generation plan is silly. I really want her to do well, but this seems like a lack common sense, irresponsible, and unrealistic. Work on getting your orders out and products consistently made rather than starting something new on the side. No money from me.

I have to agree with you Kurlee, that makes a lot of sense.
You missed the scandal. It was here in the forum and it seemed to be on several other sites. I feel like she was even outed on another site, if not her own website. I was here for it on the tail end and so I had to put the pieces together. Some people don't mind waiting for products or using bases if their hair agrees with it.

I don't mind if a vendor uses a base and then customizes it. The issue was that she was using bases, but telling people that she was making these products in her kitchen. Oh and I also remember her saying she was going to Africa to buy shea butter LOL when in reality she was buying this stuff from Wisconsin :lachen:
I am also hoping to be able to purchase the necessary supplies to complete all of the backorders that are still pending and create a bit of stock for future orders.

After reading that, it's not clear why she's taking orders if she can't fulfill them. She's not going to have to worry about the future because she will kill the business by saddling it with a bad reputation if she's taking money and not providing product.
I have never tried the products but since I'm a PJ to the nth degree, it wouldn't be long before I did. I want to know what all these folks would do if it weren't so easy to panhandle on the internet and have people just send you money? Would they work harder to rebuild their businesses using their own steam or would they just go under? It irritates me to see people in intersections begging for money, it doesn't matter what the reason. I would never send money to support a business which clearly doesn't care about its customers enough to be honest and stop taking their money knowing hat there is a good chance that they will not get what they've paid for.
Nope, it's still $50.

She won't get much more than that, mark my words. On FB, someone commented that they'd love to help, but they didn't get an order placed in April. :blush::blush:

She has only raised $50 in 19 hours. That sucks. I am sure that once word gets out, she will be fine.
Nope, it's still $50. She won't get much more than that, mark my words. On FB, someone commented that they'd love to help, but they didn't get an order placed in April. :blush::blush:

Lol omg. my goodness! The audacity. Some people are so bold. She's not embarrassed!

I need someone of that boldness in my life. To do good deeds of course.
well didnt she say she's having a hard time fulfilling past orders. Not helping would make the orders go even slower wouldnt it? I would like to support but i dont even have $50 in my bank account
well didnt she say she's having a hard time fulfilling past orders. Not helping would make the orders go even slower wouldnt it? I would like to support but i dont even have $50 in my bank account

Her site is still up and running so there must be something else going on...
While I love her gel......

There are wayyyyy to many unanswered questions as to what the money would actually be going towards. Plus I really feel some type of way about her plugging another business venture, while asking for us to help her save one at the same time.

If she gives a bit more insight then I'll donate, but until then my monies will happily stay in my account.
Unfortunately, her FB reviews reflect more of the same. Multiple unfulfilled orders.

OMG! There are so many complaints on Facebook!

I found this Buyer Beware: Afroveda video on Youtube

LHCF ladies, if you have placed an order with Afroveda within the past few days I HIGHLY SUGGEST you cancel your orders and demand a refund with Paypal. I doubt you're going to get your orders. I hate to even post this, but I have to warn my LHCF sisters of what might happen.
Listen .... this lady needs to take a stadium of seats.

look at this other example .... Qhemet

we got all mad and crazy when they decided to close their online store AND NOT TAKE ANY ORDERS when they were retooling. If you wanted products you had to get them at specific locations while stocks lasted .... because that's the volume and turn around time they could manage at that time !!!!!

Now .... I respect Qhemet for that responsible business decision because Lord knows we all would have been ready to burn her at the stake if we ordered and could not get our products.

this isn't rocket science ... sheesh !!!!

But that wa
I was considering the custom product :look:, but if her business is in shambles like y'all describing, why do so many people recommend it? Real question, cuz this is the first I'm hearing about afroveda-related drama and I check in on the hair side regularly.

I don't know. I know that people recommend Hairveda which is a different company. I guess that's why someone said do not confuse the two.

I can't see why anyone can still be sympathetic or want to donate after reading MommyDaze's post. It looks like Mala has no intention of sending out orders she already has. Can you trust her to really make hair products for the homeless or whatever she's saying? I know times can be tough, matter of fact someone here helped direct me to resources for a procedure I needed. And I made sure to pay every cent. That's all I'm saying. Do the right thing please.

I'm coming out of lurker mode just to caution you to be careful supporting this vendor. I placed an order (just under $60) from Afroveda on February 20th and despite promises directly from Mala on March 31st, that she would personally pull the order the next day, I have never received a thing. Mala has a lot of excuses and a nice song and dance about why she's run into trouble, but at the end of the day, it boils down to the fact that she has been lying to her customers and taking money for products she knows she can't deliver. If that's not fraud, then I don't know what is. I really wanted to support her, and waited way too long to try and get my money back, so Paypal denied my claim and I'm out of luck. If you google Better Business Bureau and Afroveda, you can see some if the complaints against the company, and get a better picture of the scope of her practices. She has blocked most of us from posting on her Facebook page, and promptly deletes negative comments, so the BBB page is about the only place you can find info about the current situation. I'm not telling anyone not to support her (I should probably be encouraging you to give her money; then maybe I'll get my stuff) I just want you to make an informed decision and know who you're dealing with.

If your paypal account is connected to your bank, can you contact them? In that case usually the merchant has to prove to the bank that they shipped your stuff (if I understand correctly).
If your paypal account is connected to your bank, can you contact them? In that case usually the merchant has to prove to the bank that they shipped your stuff (if I understand correctly).

No, you cannot get your money back through your bank. Only if you used your credit card (through PayPal) can you get your money back. I had success in getting my money back when she cut the fool with me regarding an order. I had used my American Express through PayPal and was refunded every penny!
I don't mind if a vendor uses a base and then customizes it. The issue was that she was using bases, but telling people that she was making these products in her kitchen. Oh and I also remember her saying she was going to Africa to buy shea butter LOL when in reality she was buying this stuff from Wisconsin :lachen:

:shocked: I remember when all the Afroveda drama was popping off on the NC boards but I missed THIS part! I used to order her Cocolatte and PUR Whipped Jelly back when that stuff was $8.95 a jar. :nono:
nah son! I loved her butters. They were so moisturizing and left my hair smooth. I never had a problem with shipping and cost back in the day.

Then she hiked her prices. I stayed because I loved her butters (even smelled delicious). I even turned my mom onto her.
Then she changed her formulations and the product stopped working. And her shipping was outrageous. I left her alone.

I still get the adverts from her though. I've been tempted to try her newer products but I'm so glad I resisted!
Wow this is a HAM! To not fulfill orders and then be so bold faces and seek $$$ to start a new one! I wish I had the audacity! But my guilt would eat me alive. I stopped using her products years ago when the prices more than doubled. I never had shipping issues with her but I do remember ordering the cocolatte moisturizer and it was rancid!! So sad but she needs to learn her lesson. No support from me.

No, you cannot get your money back through your bank. Only if you used your credit card (through PayPal) can you get your money back. I had success in getting my money back when she cut the fool with me regarding an order. I had used my American Express through PayPal and was refunded every penny!

This was my issue. I didn't use my credit card. I usually use my Amex, even when using Paypal because their CS is so awesome, but it was a relatively small amount to what I thought was a reputable vendor, so I paid with my checking account. Won't be making that mistake again.
This chick must have BALLS the size of an elephant! The absolute nerve of her to beg for money, while her customers are being left in the lurch. smh....

Unfortunately, her FB reviews reflect more of the same. Multiple unfulfilled orders.

OMG! There are so many complaints on Facebook!

I found this Buyer Beware: Afroveda video on Youtube

LHCF ladies, if you have placed an order with Afroveda within the past few days I HIGHLY SUGGEST you cancel your orders and demand a refund with Paypal. I doubt you're going to get your orders. I hate to even post this, but I have to warn my LHCF sisters of what might happen.
OMG! There are so many complaints on Facebook!

I found this Buyer Beware: Afroveda video on Youtube

LHCF ladies, if you have placed an order with Afroveda within the past few days I HIGHLY SUGGEST you cancel your orders and demand a refund with Paypal. I doubt you're going to get your orders. I hate to even post this, but I have to warn my LHCF sisters of what might happen.

Its on the BBB too. :nono:
I would donate, but her lack of a true business scheme has put me off completely. She isn't taking care of her main moneymaker which is VERY bad. Plus it seems like most of the donations will be going to a new business venture that she shouldn't be dealing with at this time.

I'm all for supporting our community, but bad business sense knows no color.
This is trending towards norm now.
I was gonna ask if big business goes begging when they run themselves into debt ... but that's what share offers are sometimes right ? (never done a lick of finance dont kill me lol)

But at least when you buy shares you are buying your little piece of the company and you get some reward in dividends etc.

People are going to suspect she's saying this to make them feel better about donating...

Businesses exist to provide a service and make money in return, so it is strange to donate money to it. It's not like you're an investor who gets a share in the company. It's also not really clear what she's going to do with it.

Good luck.

I don't know anything about running a business like this either, but is it possible for a business like this (product based) to secure investors? I'm getting a little leary of companies asking for donations.

And I hate to be this way, but if you want my money for your business, give me the opportunity to invest in it so that my money works for you and me. Don't just take my money and I never hear from you again.

I wonder if the companies that ask for donations instead of investors do so to keep themselves free to use the money however they please. When you have investors, you are accountable to them (right?).

I love supporting black businesses, especially those that belong to black women, but something about this doesn't sit well with me, and that was before I read FB, BBB, and watched the YT videos. Too bad. :sad:
Business is "devastatingly slow". No infusion of cash is going to fix that. You'll just have money and product and still no customers.
This is a mess. She needs to learn a hard lesson, not get a bail out.

Sent from my Snow White Frost Galaxy S4 using LHCF
Well I guess my 1 lonely ol jar of hempseed butter I have in my fridge will have to hold me over because I don't know if afroveda is going to come out of this dilemma....
I was considering the custom product :look:, but if her business is in shambles like y'all describing, why do so many people recommend it? Real question, cuz this is the first I'm hearing about afroveda-related drama and I check in on the hair side regularly.

Honestly, I rarely see anyone recommending her products beyond the occasional posting of her sale promotions. IMO, anyone who continued to patronize her business after the base debacle appeared to be: (1) devoted vendor worshippers (who are highly protective and exhibit strong loyalties no matter what occurs); (2) ride or die product fanatics (if something works for their hair, they will continue using it even if a hooded klansman swinging a noose is doing the selling); or (3) newcomers to the healthy hair care scene.

Personally, after witnessing her funky responses to customer complaints, I never bothered to explore her product line. While I’m sorry to learn that she’s experiencing financial difficulty , I remain unapologetic in my refusal to donate to her cause.
Honestly, I rarely see anyone recommending her products beyond the occasional posting of her sale promotions. IMO, anyone who continued to patronize her business after the base debacle appeared to be: (1) devoted vendor worshippers (who are highly protective and exhibit strong loyalties no matter what occurs); (2) ride or die product fanatics (if something works for their hair, they will continue using it even if a hooded klansman swinging a noose is doing the selling); or (3) newcomers to the healthy hair care scene.

Personally, after witnessing her funky responses to customer complaints, I never bothered to explore her product line. While I’m sorry to learn that she’s experiencing financial difficulty , I remain unapologetic in my refusal to donate to her cause.

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen: I DARE some of these half arsed vendors to get a gofundme and ask for money from the customers they aint give two ishts about. #Wishtheywould. :rolleyes:
Wow-Someone donated $1000. For that reward level she brings her product to you & up to 25 friends but you still have to pay her airfare.

No thanks!