Help! Split Ends From Stylist Visit


New Member
Okay, today I went against my decision not to blow dry and flat iron at the same time after my relaxer. Well, I was at my stylists and when I mentioned roller setting and then flat ironing like we did last time she was like " you wanna do that again" - ( it took 5 hours to relax, rollerset, and flatiron :perplexed) So I kindda felt her pain, and I didn't want to be sweating bullets under the dryer for 2 hours, so I caved in and used a hair dryer which I haven't used in 6 months. I did a search and destroy and I have 21 split ends:nono:. The last time I relaxed with roller setting and flat ironing I only had 6 splits. Was it worth it? Is 21 split ends not a big deal? Will more splits appear throughout the week? My ends still look great, but I'm worried that I caused damage that will hinder later growth. :wallbash: I'm 2 inches away from my midback goal.
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I think split ends are a big deal no matter how many you have lol. Any sign of damage is bad and no damage is worth it to me. I chopped off all my hair just to start over, so I do value it very highly. Everyone is different though. Some things like heat just aren't worth it.
I think you'll be ok girl :) no worries, only 21 compared to the tens of thousands of hairs on your head is a small percentage. Just keep up with your reggie and you'll make to to MBL
okay ladies. Thanks for the reassurance. I haven't had a set back yet and don't want one. I am going to do another S&D just in case I missed any splits and baggie nightly. And NO heat for a while.