Im Going Back To My Blow Dryer!


Well-Known Member
So I was sitting and looking at all the heat damaged and split ends in my hair and I was pissed. Then I remember how I use to blow dry my hair and rip all through it with a comb and no heat protectant at all. I never had split ends until I meet LHCF and the flat iron. I didn't even know what a CHI was and why ya'll was going crazy for it. Then I seen the heads of hair and needed one.

I use a flat iron and heat protectant and look what I have splits splits splits! So I'm going back to my blow dryer and putting the flat iron away. Now I have to buy a blow dryer because I haven't used one in 2 years. In my opinion it's indirect heat anyway because no hot tool is touching the hair.
Sounds like a good idea. I had to put the flat iron down I flat iron about once a month now instead of every week.
Sorry to hear about that! :hug2:

I think that one thing I've learned is that you have to do what works for YOUR hair and your hair only. Unfortunately, not everything works for everybody. :nono: Maybe your hair is sensitive to direct heat. I know my hair is fine in texture, and so if I use direct heat, it's very seldom...maybe about once or twice a month (if that!). In addition, I can't bring the iron all the way down to my ends. In fact, I rarely if ever go an inch or two further than my roots.

But again, you have to find what works for you. Maybe blow drying works for you, so I say to stick with that! :up: :yep: However, I think that almost ANYTHING done in excess will probably be too much for your hair and may cause damage unfortunately.

So, again...try to test and see what works for your hair and what doesn't. I'm STILL trying to find a stable relaxer that I can use consistently for years. But there are so many variables! I bet even my hair isn't the same now as it was just 4 years ago. So...things can change. I'm constantly having to readjust and tweak my regimen, and some of the products that I use.

You're right, the blowdryer is indirect heat...don't know why people think it's direct. Good luck to you on getting your hair back in shape!
So I was sitting and looking at all the heat damaged and split ends in my hair and I was pissed. Then I remember how I use to blow dry my hair and rip all through it with a comb and no heat protectant at all. I never had split ends until I meet LHCF and the flat iron. I didn't even know what a CHI was and why ya'll was going crazy for it. Then I seen the heads of hair and needed one.

I use a flat iron and heat protectant and look what I have splits splits splits! So I'm going back to my blow dryer and putting the flat iron away. Now I have to buy a blow dryer because I haven't used one in 2 years. In my opinion it's indirect heat anyway because no hot tool is touching the hair.

That "hatin" that blow dryers get throws me as well. I don't see how a few passes with a blow dryer (I air dry a while first) is anything close to flat ironing.

Now you can get a chi blow dryer. :grin:
There is nothing wrong with blowdrying your hair. It's all about your technique, using the indirect heat in moderation and using a good quality heat protectant.
Yeah personally I never really saw too much of a difference between blowdrying and rollersetting. :lol: LOL!!!

I mean, as long as you're not pulling a hard brush or harshly combing your hair while you're blowdrying, I don't see the big deal. It IS more drying however than rollersetting, so maybe that's why it gets so much "hate". :look:
Shoooottt! I hurried up and bought a blow dryer this weekend to help lightly stretch this hair! I use the cool or low heat setting and my hair is silky,but with the texture I like, when it dries completely. Love it!
I agree. And airdrying isn't for me either...I am going to invest in a good blowdryer though.