Okay, so my honey and I are having a little spat about my appearance.
I'll describe myself since I don't have pics:
I'm deep brown-skinned.
I am newly natural 4B.
I wear my hair in twists or a fro.
I wear makeup, tastefully applied(I used to sell cosmetics).
My family members say I look like Natalie Cole.
Alright, I said all that to say this:
I wear glasses but I also have contacts,
they happen to be hazel.
I got my contacts two years ago before I met my honey and before I went natural.
My honey has never seen me in them.
So I tell him on the phone today that I'm gonna wear my contacts for a while.
I'm sick of my glasses for now.
He says,
"Don't do that, babe. You know I won't like it. You know I'm all about originality."
So I'm like,
"Honey, I know, but I bought 'em, I paid for 'em, and I wanna wear 'em."
He says
, "Yeah, but that was along time ago. You won't look right now, wearing your natural hair, but wearing fake eyes. Don't try to be something you're not. You know I'm not into that, I'm all about natural-ness...." (Honey has gorgeous locs.)
My response,
" Well honey, this ain't about you, it's about me and I want to wear them. True, this is not my natural eye color, however African Americans do sometimes have hazel or light brown eyes, so it's not like I'm putting in blue or light green or something. And I was not trying to be something I'm not, I just thought they would look good, just for a change..."
We didn't agree and we left it alone for a couple of hours.
Later, honey called back just to shoot the breeze.
So we chatted for a while and after a good conversation which ended in me saying
"I love you", and him saying
"I love you too", I was about to go on with my day feeling all good and what not.
Just then honey says
,"And remember what I said about those contacts....that ain't cool."
At that moment all the "good feelings" left my body.
I poked my lips out, squinted my eyes and said,
"Uh huh, I heard you."
I hung up the phone, and after taking a brief moment to consider his feelings, I went into the bathroom and proceeded to put in my contacts.
What do y'all think?
Can a natural-haired sister wear colored contact lenses?
Am I looking foolish for doing so?
Is honey trippin'?
Please be honest, I really wanna know your opinions.