Help Ladies! Have You Seen This Man Anywhere? lol


Well-Known Member
So I'm at my friend's place last night and her roommate is telling us about her dating "prospects". She just began online dating and is currently talking to 3 guys, which, IMO is a good thing.

HOWEVER, when she showed me the picture of the guy she has the best connection with... I immediately said "I know him. That's an actor. He's using a fake pic."

Of course she asked me "Which actor? What's his name?"

....And I didn't know :lol: ...but for some reason his face looks sooooo familiar. I feel like I've seen him before and he's an actor in something. Maybe I've met him? I have no idea why, but I've definitely seen his face before. I told her I'd research it later and get back to her.

So this morning she texts me to ask if I found anything and I totally forgot lol. I told her to send me his pic and I'd do a google image search. Nothing came up.

So, with her permission... I'm asking for your help. So, tell me ladies... is he an actor? Please don't quote the picture. I will be removing it if he isn't lol.
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I don't recognize him, but, can you take the original pic, and enter it in google, and do an image search like they do on 'catfish'?

That will help you out.

I tried for you, but I don't have the original location of this file
google images currently says no. but if you have other pictures of him, search for them and see what comes up

click the camera and either paste the link, or upload the photo.

i use reverse image searching to look up suspicious pictures, and they are usually models, foreign actors, exercise models, or gay escorts.

tineye showed no results either.
Thank you ladies!!!! Ignore my previous post. I thought no one responded, but we all posted at the same time! :lol:

Maybe he isn't an actor. I think someone would have recognized him if he was. I've definitely seen him before though. Maybe I know him from my online dating days :lol:
i've never seen him acting in anything, but he may be a small time actor, which wouldnt necessarily mean the pics are fake. i see a lot of guys using headshots for some reason; where i live isnt the place to go for entertainment so i wonder why guys do that. but my friends in new york tell me using headshots for dating profiles is pretty common.
I think he looks like an actor:yep:, but is not that actor. I can't think of the actor's name either. This guy is cute. Wish your gf's roommate luck and take that man's picture down girl.
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One person already mentioned that I should take the picture down. The last thing I need is more cosigners & the lhcf police ganging up on me telling me I'm wrong for having it up :lol: So, it's done.
Awww maaaaan. ::shakes fist:: I read the OP and inside I was like "i'm gunna recognize this guy i just know it" LOL Well, I hope you figure out how you know him!
I didn't realize that so many men had up fake photos until my cousin went through an ordeal with is photo on some dating site. He is married with kids and freaked out when he got a link from someone with his photos on a dating site. The company would not remove the profile since he did not "prove" the photos were of him.

We think the photos were stolen from his facebook page.

I wrote the company a letter (freebie legal letter) and they took the profile down right away.