Help!! Internet dating question about contacting menz

Je Ne Sais Quoi

Well-Known Member
Hi guys,

I signed up for a dating about 3 days ago, and i've gotten a few nibbles already.

My question is, if you exchange maybe 2 or 3 brief messages and then the next thing you know the guy sends you his phone# do you call him or do you send a message telling him that you don't want to talk on the phone yet????? Help me sistahs. I'm so out of the dating game I don't know what to do. I don't want to call this guy up on the phone and seem desperate (i'm not) and i've barely talked to him, but then I don't want to not call him and seem so...i dunno..boring or not with it or something.

What should I do?
If you aren't comfortable calling I would continue sending messages back and forth until you felt comfortable enough to call...even then I'd call private.
Everyone has their own comfort level. That's too early for me. If he likes you, he'll keep chasing. If he is just looking for his next sexcapade online, he'll move on.
Hmmm... I prefer it when a man asks for my number, so then I can decide when/if I want to give it to him or not. He should be calling me first, not vice versa.

Has he asked you to call? With one guy, I just took the number and ignored the fact that he sent it to me and kept talking to him online. Then I went to Vegas for a few days (we had been talking for about two weeks) and didn't tell him, and he got sooooo nervious because he never saw me online.

When I got back, I just told him that I went out of town reallyn nonchalantly.

After that, you better believe that he asked for my number and used it and planned a real date!

Anyway, do what you feel is comfortable, but I personally don't like talking online for more than a week with one person. We need to just get together after that so I can decide if I wanna keep taling to you or move on!

Good job though for doing this! :)
Hmmm... I prefer it when a man asks for my number, so then I can decide when/if I want to give it to him or not. He should be calling me first, not vice versa.

Has he asked you to call? With one guy, I just took the number and ignored the fact that he sent it to me and kept talking to him online. Then I went to Vegas for a few days (we had been talking for about two weeks) and didn't tell him, and he got sooooo nervious because he never saw me online.

When I got back, I just told him that I went out of town reallyn nonchalantly.

After that, you better believe that he asked for my number and used it and planned a real date!

Anyway, do what you feel is comfortable, but I personally don't like talking online for more than a week with one person. We need to just get together after that so I can decide if I wanna keep taling to you or move on!

Good job though for doing this! :)

Thanks for the insight. No, he just gave me his number via an online message and told me to give him a call or send him a text message.

You are so right about not wasting your time. I don't want to talk online/via phone for more than a week or two either because ultimately it makes the break of the contact that much stranger/challenging.

If he sends me another message i'll then give him a call I guess...
I hate when guys do that. Its like if I dont want to give you my number why would I call you and I know you have caller id then you have my number that I didnt want to give. I would exchange IM names before I exchange numbers. Screen them out then if I feel comfortable exchange numbers.
i think i'm the only idiot who didn't see a pic or anything and only got about 3 msgs before calling, then went out on a date. well i guess it worked out, our 3yr anniversary was in july.
I think every person is a little different. SO and I talked via email for like a week before we talked on the phone. I called him. No big deal to me though.

Its a matter of your comfort and interest level.

Could be he gave you his number to call because he thought you didn't feel comfortable giving out yours. However, don't be a mind reader, just ask what he meant by it. Men are relatively simple, most would rather answer the question than try to play 3 guesses.
