HELP.....I have a crush on my BFF's man


New Member
O M fregkin G........I need help........PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME.......usually I would talk to my bff but.....I seriuosly need advice....someone please tell me that im not jst a Fu*ked up *****.............Okay here goes...

My bff and I havnt seen eachother in like a month....she went away to school in another state...nd I go to school in MD....neways......we planed a "date" so we can hang out since Ive been lonely without her and my boyfriend is she wanted to introduce me to her new hunni...we all hung out nd went clubbin in DC....while at da club we were dancing, (with sum otha friends) nd her guy came nd started dancing behind not thinking much of it start dancing back cause we do things like that....all out of tipsy btw....nd next thing I know I felt something big, long, and hard......I then started feeling tingly sensations going up my spine....Needless to say I was turned on....As soon as I felt that, I moved away from him nd started doing my own thing.....It felt weird bc da whole nite I felt strange nd I saw him taking weird glances at me....I attempted to put it all behind me nd told myself that if he made any advances or gave me a reason, that I would tell my bff. The clubbin was fun nd we all ended up stayin at my place ......While I was in my room preparing for sleep I couldnt help but think about the evening, me being turned on, and how sexy nd fine he make things worst,,,I had a dream about him....nd lets just say I was riding something and it was NOT a horse.......

I kept asking myself why I was thiinkin about him and how much of a grimmey ***** I was.....but I couldnt help my feelings.....I have never been in this situation b4 and da whole thing seems strange......I feel like AKeys.......but thats not me........This is my BFF since 8th grade (were 22 now) I love her to death....I completly trust her.....I know that I wont act on my feelings (cause I love her tooo much) but I feel like a dirty nasty slut for even entertaining the idea.......

so my question to u LHCF ladies is have u eva been in a similar situation???? did u handle it? advice on what I should do?
PLEASE HELP......:nono:
You should probably move this to the Off Topic forum.

I don't want to judge you since you are already confused and feeling bad about this. My only advice is don't do it, no friendship is worth ruining over. Men come and go.
I don't think this is the place for you talk about this "situation" and I'm not just talking about it being in the wrong forum.

I don't see this going well. I would contact the mods and have them lock or delete this thread. Thats my advice.:yep:
Seems like you got the crush after his pipi poked you . Are you going to have a crush on every guy after a pipi poke ? Leave it as it is .. a crush ... and respect your man and your bff
Seems like you got the crush after his pipi poked you . Are you going to have a crush on every guy after a pipi poke ? Leave it as it is .. a crush ... and respect your man and your bff

Oh, I didn't even read that part. Interesting.
Seems like you got the crush after his pipi poked you . Are you going to have a crush on every guy after a pipi poke ? Leave it as it is .. a crush ... and respect your man and your bff

sorry but this made me burst out laughing pipi poke:lachen::lachen::lachen::lachen:
Seems like you got the crush after his pipi poked you . Are you going to have a crush on every guy after a pipi poke ? Leave it as it is .. a crush ... and respect your man and your bff

No actually the "crush" was b4 the "pipi poke" ........and 2 ans ur i dont have crushes on every guy......thanks for the advise though.
oh plastic i forgot your wry sardonic wit

but yeah from your story it does not seem like you have a crush. you danced and he got hard. that's what happens when you freak dance. you just miss your bf and some pipi poking.

don't do your friend like that bc then you'd be trifling.
honestly to me this is quite simple its not complicated unless you choose to act on it
there are only 2 roads to go down you ignore your feelings for him and move on..... or you confess your feelings to him and lose your BFF ..
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Having a dream is not a big deal just don't let it step into reality. A good freind is hard to find but a trifling man no so much. If he would get pursue you who wouldn't he pursue and that would go for you to. Try not to entertain your freinds chatter about him until your over this crush. And there is a relationship forum for this type of thing.
i agree. just don't try to act on ya emotions (its prolly temporary). however, if he start/continue hittin on you and trying to make gestures at you, you may need to let your bff know. because then he is the trifling one, and not you.
btw, no, this has never happend to me.
Her guy started grinding on you while she watched and you allowed it? I feel sorry for your "BFF", she has a loser boyfriend and girlfriend.
I gotten crushes on people I'm not suppose to. Its just a crush, it will wear out in time... TRUST me. You can only lust over a man for so long with only knowing the surface. Sometimes the situation is more tantalizing then the man actually is. I'd just say ignore you feelings and keep your best friend.
dont act on it....i have friends (ppl i interacted with on a daily basis) boyfriends hit on me and its like....dude..I know who you are, you're dating my friend. I just let it go, she'll have to learn her way that her boyfriend is up to no good. Granite nothin has happened, if he's already havin thoughts like he's with the wrong friend, then your BFF needs to handle her relationship with him her way....
I do think this needs to be in a different section and I also think it's wrong for anyone to refer to OP as a "loser" or "trifling." It's perfectly natural to be physically attracted to someone who is physically attractive. That's just common sense thinking to me. But it's whether you act on that attraction or not that will determine whether your moral or immoral.

I've been in the situation where I've been attracted to people who were taken both when I was and wasn't taken as well. I just let it pass by thinking about what a good man I had and how I wouldn't want to give that up or hurt him.

Anyway, I can tell from your post that you know what you should do. Just remember that lust is natural and will play tricks on you until you realize the other important things in your life (i.e. your BFF and BF)!

Her guy started grinding on you while she watched and you allowed it? I feel sorry for your "BFF", she has a loser boyfriend and girlfriend.

Listen.. listen.....reading is very helps erradicate ...where was it in my post where I stated "she watched"... and Im sure I wrote that we often joke like that...harmless fun.....she has danced with my boyfriend's just something WE far as a "loser girlfriend" you dont have anything appropriate to say...then I suggest you just shut your mouth..:look:.....K ? that that's out the way.......
The only loser, slut, ho in this scenario is him. He knew you're his girl's bf, he knew his d*ck was hard, and he knew he was rubbing it on you - he's a pig. Stay away from him and be there for your friend when she figures it out.
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You're human...lust happens. Just control more dancing or touching him 4 that'll may also avoid detailed convos w/ur friend about their bedroom activities...

ETA: I was never in a situation exactly like this, but one of my close friend's bf was a bit 2 touchy w/me...I just stayed FAR away from him...n had minimal convo
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my advice is to not act on it or say anything to'll only make you ALL feel weird:perplexed...i know what you mean when you mention you guys dance with each others boyfriends all the friends and I do the same thing and trust me the way we dance i'm sure we all got a "pipi poke:lachen:"....the reason you and the boyfriend (he was giving you the weird eye right) obviously thought about it afterwards is because ya'll both feel quilty for enjoying it:blush:....THATS LIFE...what is more important is how you both act afterwards....dont say anything and dont dance with him like that again....she's your best friend for a reason and losing that for those few moments of pleasure will NOT:nono: be worth it....fantasizing about it is normal me we all tend to want things we shouldnt.....its called desire:lick: lol

You will not be the first woman or the last woman to be in this situation and people should not judge you for being honest....dont say your grown if you still act like a child!!!:thatsall:
It's just lust...don't act on it, keep on dreaming but don't act on it
This is your best friend!! This guy is definitely NOT worth it...especially if he's ok with dancing with you to the point of hardness :look:
How could you even give this a second thought??

This is also the hair forum so...:look:
It's just lust...don't act on it, keep on dreaming but don't act on it
This is your best friend!! This guy is definitely NOT worth it...especially if he's ok with dancing with you to the point of hardness :look:
How could you even give this a second thought??

This is also the hair forum so...:look:

No I think Ill pass on the dreaming part....a lil tooo creepy.......but yea I accidently posted it on the hair forum....I have no clue how to go about closing it I guess it'll jst stay until its locked...:yep:
No I think Ill pass on the dreaming part....a lil tooo creepy.......but yea I accidently posted it on the hair forum....I have no clue how to go about closing it I guess it'll jst stay until its locked...:yep:

maybe the moderators will move it to off topic for you...
Some of ya'll are too harsh on OP.

What you're feeling is natural, but think about your BFF and your BF.

Just stay away from your BFF's BF.

Stay away from him. Dont talk to him about this. Just stay away from him. I mean it!! LOL

no, really, .........stay away from him.:naughty::naughty:

sorry, it's really late at night here. I need to go to bed.