Help! How do I train my hair to be manageable


New Member
Hello does anyone have natural hair that they have train to be manageable/straight. I have been natural for a little while and was told that I can train my hair to be manageable as if I had a perm or close to it without the chemical process just by wrapping it. My hair texture is 4b.
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I have been pressing my hair for 6 months now and my hair is becoming stright and when I was it I have this tiny ringlets all around,and they are not nappy as I call them. I press my hair and then flat Iron it.

I also Flat Iron my hair with the blow dryer as well
Um, I really don't understand the question. Are you equating manageable with straight hair? If so, you can just look through the "heat training/damaging" threads for that.
i tried that at a salon and it got heat damage. some parts even broke off and in some areas my hair will not even curl back :(. Do you have any problems with your hair going back to it natural curls due to the heat?
i tried that at a salon and it got heat damage. some parts even broke off and in some areas my hair will not even curl back :(. Do you have any problems with your hair going back to it natural curls due to the heat?

Once your hair is heat damaged, that it - you have to grow it out/transition. I never relaxed in my life but I didn't consider myself natural because my hair was soooo heat trained/damaged. I had to transition out of that. In the meantime protein treatments may help a little.
I'm pretty sure you are talking about heat training, if so here's a link to a support thread, and some popular heat trained youtubers. highlight=heat+train+support

I also wanted to add that you do not necessarily need to heat train to make you hair more manageable. I think it's really about figuring out what works for your natural hair. For me it's detangling with lots of conditioner, coconut oil, and keeping my hair stretched and moisturized. Good luck either way!
Oh ok I will look at that tread. I guess what I am asking is how to manage my hair. it is very coarse and thick and I really don't have a solid routine. I just bought a professional hooded dryer so that I can do my own hair and avoid my previous hair disaster. I was also told that you can train natural hair just by wrapping it without heat or a perm. Do you know if that is true?
well i wear my hair straight a majority of the time and my hair is pretty curly when i wash it. i never had straight pieces. i would actually like it to become looser lol.....

for starters i would never let anyone else straighten my hair. they many be "professional" but they often use to much heat because they have a cookie cutter standards when it comes to straightening(they use the same amount of heat no matter what head)

i also do not use heat too often. once or twice a month max. i stretch out my presses for as long as possible.

dont use a higher temperature than needed to get the hair straight

technique is important to getting straight results that last. imo the straighter the end result the longer it will last because you have more room for reversion.

i use protein deep conditioner when i wash my hair

my hair was always manageable though. i just find styling is easier when its straightened. HTH
Oh ok I will look at that tread. I guess what I am asking is how to manage my hair. it is very coarse and thick and I really don't have a solid routine. I just bought a professional hooded dryer so that I can do my own hair and avoid my previous hair disaster. I was also told that you can train natural hair just by wrapping it without heat or a perm. Do you know if that is true?

in my experience no. but others have said something according to those lines......
i tried that at a salon and it got heat damage. some parts even broke off and in some areas my hair will not even curl back :(. Do you have any problems with your hair going back to it natural curls due to the heat?

If you were talking to me, No I don't have any damage what so every my hair reggie is full of damage shampoos,condish,leave in,and treatments. My sister clips my ends and things like that. No I have my curls and they are healthy as well. I have seen girls that when they press their hair it is to die for but when they wear it curly it looks very damaged. thankfully I have not had this problem.
Thanks for the tips. I like my hair curly rather than straight but I like the fact that you can switch once in a while too. It's the manageabiltiy that I want so bad.
Thanks for the tips. I like my hair curly rather than straight but I like the fact that you can switch once in a while too. It's the manageabiltiy that I want so bad.

I know olive oil and Silicon Mix got my hair very very manageable. I could comb my hair after a wash. Because my hair use to get very very matted down until I got those products into my life.
Make sure you are washing your hair in four or more sections for easier detangling. If you are doing wash n go's, apply whatever products to each detangled section, fluff/shake and go. If you are doing twistouts/braid outs, twist each section in whatever size twists you like and allow to dry completely. The key IMO to wash n goes/ twist outs is to manipulate the hair as little as possible once hair is set. I baggy nightly when I wear wash n go's so as to achieve 2-4 day hair. In the morning, I remove the baggy, spritz with water, shake n go. No combing/manipulating. easy peasy. Same thing with twistouts, you should only have to put a bonnet on at night, and then shake/finger-comb your hair out in the am, no combing/brushing. Save that for wash day.

If you are straightening your hair, do a good moisturizing DC, rinse and apply a good heat protectant pryor to blow-drying/flat-ironing, and start on a lower heat setting, as you can always increase the setting to acheive the desired results. This helps to avoid heat damage. Try wrapping/cross wrapping your hair at night, and then brush out in the morning to maintain your straight hair. Add a lil serum/oil for shine, but go easy on products heavy in water or your hair will revert.

Oh ok I will look at that tread. I guess what I am asking is how to manage my hair. it is very coarse and thick and I really don't have a solid routine. I just bought a professional hooded dryer so that I can do my own hair and avoid my previous hair disaster. I was also told that you can train natural hair just by wrapping it without heat or a perm. Do you know if that is true?

Parts / ponytail / roller set
Try to wash with shampoo less,implement more cowashing. Use more moisturizing shampoos with low to no sulfates and moisturizing deep conditoners...
Redken Smooth Down Conditioner....had I known about that...I probably wouldn't have texlaxed.

It works great with heat but you can literally feel the hair smooth down when you apply the conditioner. :)
Your natural hair can be manageable, you just have to be willing to work with your hair and not against your hair. That is the key. Natural hair and straight/permed hair act completely different and should be treated completed different. Instead of combing your hair daily, or using combs with fine teeth, try using wide tooth combs or even better, use your fingers for combing.

Natural hair does not need to be combed that often. Many of us only detangle 4 times a month or even longer. I usually detangle my hair once a month or at the most, twice a month. Also keep in mind that when you comb your hair, it isn't for the same purposes that you would do if your hair was straight. The main purpose should be to remove shed hair that may cause tangling and knots. You want to remove shed hair on a regular basis so that this will not happen. Like I said, every 1-3 weeks should be enough but you have to listen to your hair.

You also have to be willing to be patient. Your regimen is not going to form over night. I have been natural for almost 5 years now and I am still learning about my hair everyday. Don't give up, if you are willing to be patient and learn what your hair likes and needs, it will pay off in the end.

Good luck :D
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Oh ok I will look at that tread. I guess what I am asking is how to manage my hair. it is very coarse and thick and I really don't have a solid routine. I just bought a professional hooded dryer so that I can do my own hair and avoid my previous hair disaster. I was also told that you can train natural hair just by wrapping it without heat or a perm. Do you know if that is true?

The bolded is not true you cannot train your hair by wrapping it. It is difficult to wet wrap natural hair but it can be achieved but after the hair is washed or even exposed to humidity it will revert. You have mentioned you would like to avoid heat and chemicals but if you wanna "train" your hair or change the texture your options would be heat training or a BKT. Hmm I remember some older threads that mentioned a treatment that can temporarily soften and smooth the hair called a "Cherry Lola Treatment" from what I recall the treatment is natural and you can mix it up at home you may wanna do a search for more info.