how manageable is your hair?

Having my hair fried, scorched and chemically burned, neutralized, shampooed, deep conditioned, blowdried, hot curled, wrapped, sprayed and combed for two plus hours (on a good day), excluding waiting and commuting time is not my idea of manageability. (My relaxed hair was long and healthy but not without a lot of drama) Can we say HIGH maintenance!!!!

No thanks. I prefer my two hours of monthly detangling. I rinse everyday in my braids or twist. And my hair is a dream.'

No burns, no drama = manageability,

And please don't use horse metaphors, similies or other comparison when referring to natural hair.

It's insulting.

I did not intend this thread to be a relaxed vs. natural rift. I opened it up for everyone to talk about their own hair; not to diss other choices.

Have a nice day. Happy Holidays.
Coily, nobody "dissing" choices, I said to each his own.

I just wanted to state my opinion of "ease" and Wild Horses being tamed could apply it certainly did in my case. Please don't forget because you transitioned, key were transitioned - you did relax your hair for a reason.

Sorry if you think it was insulting but you are not the only that is natural, I'm just as BLACK as you.

Please try to see that the statements I make apply to MY HAIR AND IN THIS CASE, MY NIECES HAIR.

This is abursd. Why the defense on this subject all the time?


ps I'm sorry if that was your relaxed drama. I get a relaxers in a salon 2 hrs start to fin and I'm done for 2 - 3 months.

So it's really easy for me.

Two hours in the salon vs. two hours detangling? hmmm. Manageability, like beauty, is an issue of perception.
To each is own.

I am glad that you are happy with your choice. I'm very happy with mine.

Thanks for claryifying your post. Your choice of words confused me. Thanks for the clarity and insights.

It's good to be objective, honest and above all: gracious about our differences.

It does'nt take me 2 hrs to detangle.

And again the salon is ONCE EVERY 2 - MONTHS. That dentagling is basically twice a week unless we braid her hair.
Mindymouse said:
I had to look up "manageable" in the dictionary before I could reply..."capable of being controled"

[/ QUOTE ]

Well in that cae anything is "capable", wild horses can be tamed. I thought we were talking about ease and no frustration like Peachtree said.

Now that Tangle Buster routine see to me that is just too much to many steps.

Hey to each his own.

One last thing I wanted to add is while some have mastered "controlling" natuaral hair, it is not a "Myth", that it is difficult people did'nt start straighting thier hair for no reason. My niece is only 6 she has waist lenght hair, thick, and ruff, we would never get her a relaxer, but God, it aint no lie it's a struggle wet means tangled even more and it's a good 2hr job.

We may as well face it yes it can be mangaged, but it is so much simpler straight.

[/ QUOTE ]


Everyone has their own definition of manageablity. If you like Peachtree's, then great!

Coilygirl, who actually started this thread, intentionally left the definition open to interpretation so everyone could respond. This is not a relaxed verus natural debate or a debate as to why a type of hair is more/less manageable than another.

This thread could be really useful for someone who is contemplating a new style or service and wants to read the experiences of others.
Mindymouse said:
It does'nt take me 2 hrs to detangle.

And again the salon is ONCE EVERY 2 - MONTHS. That dentagling is basically twice a week unless we braid her hair.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'm glad you like your hair and it's easy for you to manage.
Mindymouse said:
Coily, nobody "dissing" choices, I said to each his own.

I just wanted to state my opinion of "ease" and Wild Horses being tamed could apply it certainly did in my case. Please don't forget because you transitioned, key were transitioned - you did relax your hair for a reason.

Sorry if you think it was insulting but you are not the only that is natural, I'm just as BLACK as you.

Please try to see that the statements I make apply to MY HAIR AND IN THIS CASE, MY NIECES HAIR.

This is abursd. Why the defense on this subject all the time?


ps I'm sorry if that was your relaxed drama. I get a relaxers in a salon 2 hrs start to fin and I'm done for 2 - 3 months.

So it's really easy for me.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think we were typing at the same time.

Thank you for clarifying your prior response.
My hair is extremly managable. I only need two products. But that doesn't stop me from having 20 under my cabinent.Oh well the life of a PJ.My hair is the healthiest its ever been.
I think it's a shame that most people think that natural most often means unmanageable. In my view, that's cop-out excuse. My hair is more tamable now that I'm natural than it ever was when it was relaxed. I have tightly coiled curls as well and my hair is fine, but thickening quite a bit, thanks in large part to Surge. My rules are about the same as Coilygirl. The less amount of manipulation the better. My number 1 rule is to avoid heat at all costs. Heat causes irreputable damage to the hair, even if the hair *looks* healthy. I also love to use the No-poo method and am finding that shampoo is quite overrated. I even finally convinced my sister about the wonders of No-poo. She is looking the method and has been disuaded from believing that without shampoo that hair is dirty.
loverofnaps71 said:
I think it's a shame that most people think that natural most often means unmanageable. In my view, that's cop-out excuse.

[/ QUOTE ]

Whatever the basis for someone's reasoning, they found a method that works for them and I try not to label that reason. It causes too much stress.

I just go about doing my thing.
Mindymouse said:
I had to look up "manageable" in the dictionary before I could reply..."capable of being controled"

[/ QUOTE ]

Well in that cae anything is "capable", wild horses can be tamed. I thought we were talking about ease and no frustration like Peachtree said.

Now that Tangle Buster routine see to me that is just too much to many steps.

Hey to each his own.

One last thing I wanted to add is while some have mastered "controlling" natuaral hair, it is not a "Myth", that it is difficult people did'nt start straighting thier hair for no reason. My niece is only 6 she has waist lenght hair, thick, and ruff, we would never get her a relaxer, but God, it aint no lie it's a struggle wet means tangled even more and it's a good 2hr job.

We may as well face it yes it can be mangaged, but it is so much simpler straight.

[/ QUOTE ]

My hair is extremely manageable now that I cut it! I have more patience with it probably b/c I don't need as much! I hope it stays manageable as I let it grow.
ever since I've found this board and have been deep-conditioning, my hair been behaving nicely, so I would say extremely manageable.