I'm Crying Out For Help!!!!


New Member
:confused: hello ladies, i need help. i want to get this uneven, unhealthy hair healthy again. i took my braids out last month. my last perm was 11/04. i don't want to get another perm, but my hair is too nappy to comb. does anyone have any ideas on how to make my hair more manageable? last but not least, i need a plan on getting my hair healthy and long again!!!! :perplexed
Hi, Consuila!! It may help if you told everyone what your hair type is since all hair types are different.

I'm mostly 4b and my new growth comes out looking like something akin to steel wool....and just as dry. So, the key for me has been to pile on the moisture, moisture, moisture. Frequent conditioners washes and infrequent manipulation. If I have to, I used the widest tooth comb in the house.

Good luck. I'm sure you are about to get some of the best advice in the world.
Kimberly said:
It may help if you told everyone what your hair type is since all hair types are different.

Welcome. :wave:

I agree with Kimberly. It would help if we know your hair type and also the length of your hair. Someone here may be able to recommend a good protective hairstyle or one that will help you manipulate it less. Are you transitioning to natural?
Hi Consuila, welcome to the forum! :wave:

kimberly just gave you some great advice. If you don't want to go back to relaxing, that's cool. Just start searching for different moisturizers and conditioners that will work with your hair. It's different for everyone, but the key to controling dry hair is moisturizing and conditioning, regularly! A wide tooth comb is every woman's best friend, no matter what the hair type. Look around the forum and look at the profile of some of the members. There are a lot of natural heads here, and they have some really great regimes going for them. :)
I think conditioner washing is a good idea if you are trying to stretch your relaxer...or if you are transitioning? If braids work well for you, though, have you considered trying the crown and glory method or even just getting braids again until you are ready to relax?
Hi Consuila,
I'm not sure what your hair type is, but since you're relaxed, you may want to consider a blow out from a Dominican salon. I just got mine today and I am very pleased. Even though I was charged and extra $10 because the stylist swore I was natural but it was just new growth. I didn't mind because my roots are straight and I have bounce. It's just like I had a relaxer. Hope this helps.

I was once in your place and I know exactly how you feel. Start with finding a good moisturizing shampoo and conditioner. In the beginning, I washed and deep conditioned my hair once a week to get it back to health. I kept it moisturized daily to help combat breakage.

Have you taken a look at the Newcomer's guide at the top of the forum. It's a bunch of helpful info there. I also have pics in my album of some of the things I did to my hair from the beginning of my hair journey until now.